
Quantpedia Series: Predicting Earnings Following Buyback Announcements

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Whitepaper authors: Shahram Amini, Vijay Singal

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From Quantpedia:

> The paper states that it is generally accepted that managers have more information about the firm than investors. Given this information asymmetry, managers can make informed decisions about corporate actions such as equity offerings or repurchases. The announcement of stock repurchase or secondary equity offering is voluntary and can be easily moved by a few weeks or months. Therefore timing of SEO or repurchase announcement before earnings announcement could be perceived as important information about future performance of stock during earnings announcement period.

While equity issues are not yet available through Quantopian, I find evidence of earnings predictability similar to the authors with positive returns of 1.11% over a 25-day window (-10, +15) for earnings following a buyback announcement. The results hold true for different time windows (0, +15) and sample selection criteria. However, unlike the authors, I find the highest positive returns for earnings that are (5, 15) days after a buyback announcement. Lastly, because the data used in this notebook is up till present day, it may be useful to view this as an "out-of-sample" validation of the authors' original work.


Most financial analysts will agree that managers have informational advantage about their company and this advantage helps them to schedule corporate actions in order to maximize value for shareholders. The authors, Shahram Amini and Vijay Singal, propose that one way managers execute on their informational edge is by timing corporate actions like share buybacks and issues close to the date of an earnings announcement.

>Assuming no predictability, the average market reaction to earnings announcements should not be significantly different from zero.

The authors show that these strategically timed corporate actions result in earnings that still surprise the market. My research finds similar results with a positive raw returns of 1.115% in a (-10, +15) day window for buyback announcements. This earnings predictability is consistent through robustness tests for regulated firms, small cap securities, different return time windows, and from 2010 ~ 2016.

>In contrast to their study, we believe that earnings predictability, if any, must occur in the earnings announcement immediately following equity issues or buyback announcements where the superiority of managerial information is likely to be more evident.

So while share issues weren't analyzed in this study, the authors' research as well as my own suggest positive indicators for earnings predictability following buyback announcements. Using a sample size of 5,900 buybacks from 2007 till 2016, I find an average 1.00% positive return over a (-10, +15) day window with average returns increasing to ~2.00% from 2010 ~ 2016 for earnings reports that have occured 16 ~ 30 days after a buyback announcement. And like the authors, I find this earnings predictability surprising for a number of reasons: First, the positive returns around earnings after a buyback doesn't depend on market reactions to earnings (e.g. earnings surprise, PEAD). Second, if this predictability is significant, it means that the market is not efficiently pricing out the buyback announcement and that effect seems compounded on the earnings announcement.

Table of Contents

You can navigate the rest of this notebook as follows:

  1. Methodology and Sample
  2. Empirical Results and Event Study
  3. Robustness Tests
  4. Strategy Implementation
  5. Conclusion
In [2]:
# Premium Versions
from import buyback_auth
from import earnings_calendar as ev_earnings

# Sample Versions
# from import buyback_auth_free as buyback_auth
# from import earnings_calendar_free as ev_surprise

fundamentals = init_fundamentals()

# Aggregating the data into yearly slices as well as one full aggregate DataFrame
yearly_buyback_data, all_buyback_data, \
yearly_earnings_data, all_earnings_data = get_yearly_and_all_buyback_earnings_data()


Section: Methodology and Sample

The methodology behind the study is based on the idea that (1) if a buyback is announced today, the stock's price is expected to increase and (2) if the stock's price increases on the following earnings announcement, it would provide support for market inefficiency surrounding the corporate action.

The data used in this Research Notebook is sourced from EventVestor's Buyback Authorizations and Earnings Calendar Dataset. The sample version is available from 2007 up till 2014 while the premium version is available up till present day.

Sample Statistics

  • Summary statistics
  • Distributions

Summary stats of buyback announcements by year

In [3]:
for i, year in enumerate(yearly_buyback_data):
    df = yearly_buyback_data[year].dropna()
    data = {year: {'N': df.asof_date.count(), 'Median Buybacks as % of SO': df['Percent of SO'].median(),
                   'Median Total Value (Mill)': df['Total Value (Mill)'].median(),
                   'Median Market Cap (Mill)': df['Market Cap (Mill)'].median()}}
    if i == 0:
        stats_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        total_df = df
        stats_df[year] = pd.DataFrame(data)
        total_df = total_df.append(df)

total_stats = {'total':{'N': total_df.asof_date.count(),
                        'Median Buybacks as % of SO': total_df['Percent of SO'].median(),
                        'Median Total Value (Mill)': total_df['Total Value (Mill)'].median(),
                        'Median Market Cap (Mill)': total_df['Market Cap (Mill)'].median()}}

stats_df = stats_df.T
stats_df.index = stats_df.index.order()
stats_df = stats_df.T
stats_df['total'] = pd.DataFrame(total_stats)
Median Buybacks as % of SO Median Market Cap (Mill) Median Total Value (Mill) N
2007 0.058437 1810.368400 100 465
2008 0.065055 3552.212623 250 464
2009 0.066236 915.327090 75 523
2010 0.061099 995.095274 68 212
2011 0.068235 1974.232460 150 537
2012 0.062207 2059.901700 100 709
2013 0.060919 2260.256510 150 616
2014 0.057979 3456.829800 200 650
2015 0.053581 2536.604400 125 825
2016 0.056468 2471.783318 125 911
total 0.060308 2182.521710 120 5912

Overall, there were 5,900 buybacks studied between 2007 ~ 2016. Firms announced a median buyback of 6.03% during that time as opposed to the 5.34% found in the paper.

Next I look at the distribution of buybacks around earnings announcements.

Distribution of buybacks around earnings announcements

The authors use a window of +/- 30 trading days so to replicate a similar date window, we use a range of 30+/- trading days on each side

In [4]:
bins = range(-30, 35, 5)

days_away = get_days_away(all_buyback_data, all_earnings_data)
days_away = days_away[abs(days_away) <= 30]
ax = days_away.hist(bins=bins, color='r', alpha=.6, label="All Buybacks")

all_buyback_data_filtered = all_buyback_data[all_buyback_data["Percent of SO"] > .05]
days_away = get_days_away(all_buyback_data_filtered, all_earnings_data)
days_away = days_away[abs(days_away) <= 30]
days_away.hist(bins=bins, color='g', alpha=.6, label='Buybacks > 5%')
plt.title("Distribution of Buybacks around Earnings Announcements")
plt.ylabel("Number of Buybacks Announced")
plt.xlabel("Number of Days")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7efd92822550>

A majority of announcements occur after the earnings announcement for all buybacks announcements. As shown in the Returns section, this often happens after the stock's price performs abnormaly poorly after an earnings report.

For the rest of this study, only buybacks > 5% are looked at. This is (1) to only include important corporate actions and (2) use all buybacks as a criteria in the Robustness test section.

This next section is a closer look at buybacks > 5%.

Distribution of buybacks around earnings announcements (Stats)

In [5]:
Filter out for only buybacks that are > 5%
bins = range(-30, 31, 5)
all_buyback_data_filtered = all_buyback_data[all_buyback_data["Percent of SO"] > .05]
days_away = get_days_away(all_buyback_data_filtered, all_earnings_data)
days_away = days_away[abs(days_away) <= 30]
ax = days_away.hist(bins=bins, color='g', alpha=.6, label='Buybacks > 5%')
plt.title("Distribution of Buybacks around Earnings Announcements")
plt.ylabel("Number of Buybacks Announced")
plt.xlabel("Number of Days")

Label each buyback as percentage sample count of whole
rects = ax.patches
labels = ["label%d" % i for i in xrange(len(rects))]
cut_bins = np.linspace(days_away.min(), days_away.max(), len(bins))
groups = days_away.groupby(pd.cut(days_away, bins, right=False))
x = groups.count()/days_away.count()
for i, rect in enumerate(rects):
    height = rect.get_height()
    label = "%0.2f%%" % (100*x.iloc[i])
    ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width()/2, height + 5, label, ha='center', va='bottom')
Print a few summary statistics about the buyback auth dataset
data_freq = pd.DataFrame(groups.mean())
data_freq = data_freq.rename(columns={0: "Mean"})
data_freq['Count'] = groups.count()
data_freq['Week'] = (data_freq['Mean']/7).apply(lambda x: int(x))
data_freq['Percentage'] = data_freq['Count']/data_freq['Count'].sum()*100 = 'Interval'
data_freq['Cumulative %'] = data_freq.Percentage.cumsum()
data_freq = data_freq.drop('Mean', axis=1) = "Buybacks"
print "Buybacks Distribution"
Buybacks Distribution
Count Week Percentage Cumulative %
[-30, -25) 111 -3 4.547317 4.547317
[-25, -20) 93 -3 3.809914 8.357231
[-20, -15) 72 -2 2.949611 11.306841
[-15, -10) 62 -1 2.539943 13.846784
[-10, -5) 79 -1 3.236379 17.083163
[-5, 0) 60 0 2.458009 19.541172
[0, 5) 297 0 12.167145 31.708316
[5, 10) 292 1 11.962311 43.670627
[10, 15) 437 1 17.902499 61.573126
[15, 20) 275 2 11.265875 72.839000
[20, 25) 391 3 16.018025 88.857026
[25, 30) 272 3 11.142974 100.000000

So it seems that the bulk of buybacks tend to occur after an earnings announcement. However, about 22% of announcements are still made in the 30 day window prior to an earnings announcement.


Section: Results

On both a long (-10, +15) and short (-1, 1) time window, I find positive raw returns similar to what the authors have documented (1.15% and .0046%) looking at firms with earnings that have been announced 16 ~ 30 days after a buyback.

Abnormal returns are much lower for this specific time window at ~0%. One explanation for this difference is that this study looks at a much more recent date range than the original study and the time window for alpha following a corporate action may have shortened since the study because when looking at earnings announcements (5, 15) days after an earnings versus (16, 30) days, the abnormal returns improves significantly.

This initial study shows the returns looking at buybacks greater than 5% but as you'll see in the Robustness section, the returns increase when that criteria is expanded to include all buybacks and different time windows. Specifically, the (5, 15) day criteria for earnings had the highest returns.

The figures below show the cumulative and abnormal returns (assuming risk-free = 0) for both buyback and earnings announcements. Although the focus of this research is earnings, buybacks are shown to highlight the evidence for positive abnormal returns around this corporate aciton.

Returns for Repurchasing Firms

In [6]:
# Find different earnings announcement dependent on length away from buybacks
days_to_study = {
    '16 to 31 days after': [16, 31],
    '16 to 31 days before': [-16, -31]
earnings_study_results = {}
buybacks_study_results = {}
data_for_earnings = {}
data_for_buybacks = {}

for name, days in days_to_study.iteritems():
    earnings, buybacks = find_earnings_announcements(all_buyback_data_filtered,
    data_for_earnings[name] = earnings
    data_for_buybacks[name] = buybacks
for name, earnings in data_for_earnings.iteritems():
    print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results
for name, buybacks in data_for_buybacks.iteritems():
    print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Day 0: Buybacks with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(buybacks, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    buybacks_study_results[name] = results
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the the caveats in the documentation:
  self[name] = value
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Buybacks with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Buybacks with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study

The Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings event study plots show a significant upwards movement in stock price from before the earnings announcement up till 14 days after.

It's interesting to note that when buybacks happened to 16 to 31 days after the earnings announcement, there seems to be a reversal in the stock price which suggests that buybacks are likely announced after a poor market reaction to earnings.

The table below highlights the abnormal and raw returns for earnings announcements 16 ~ 31 days before/after buyback announcements.

Returns around earnings announcement dates

In [7]:
return_intervals = [(0, 1), (-1, 1), (0, 5), (0, 15), (-5, 5), (-10, 15)]

print "Day 0: Earnings Announcement Date"
print "----------------------------------------------------------"
print "Returns of Repurchasing Firms assuming risk-free rate is 0"
print "----------------------------------------------------------"
get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)
Day 0: Earnings Announcement Date
Returns of Repurchasing Firms assuming risk-free rate is 0
Abnormal (CAPM) Raw
(-10, 15) (-5, 5) (-1, 1) (0, 1) (0, 5) (0, 15) (-10, 15) (-5, 5) (-1, 1) (0, 1) (0, 5) (0, 15)
16 to 31 days after N=894 -0.0190 -0.0126 -0.0047 -0.0011 -0.0034 -0.0053 -0.0189 -0.0114 -0.0038 -0.0002 -0.0034 -0.0028
16 to 31 days before N=277 -0.0005 -0.0004 0.0032 0.0001 -0.0005 0.0006 0.0115 0.0029 0.0046 0.0008 0.0008 0.0099

So you can see that for buybacks that happened after an earnings announcement, the market's reaction tended to be negative leading up to the buyback and vice versa for buybacks that happened prior.

Section: Robustness Tests

Up till now, my research supports that there is evidence of earnings predictability following stock buyback announcements. This section is dedicated to running my methodology through a series of robustness tests by altering the sample slices of data passed in as inputs.

The first three tests are taken from the original paper, the last two have been included for this notebook:

>1. Regulated firms account for a significant fraction of our sample and were not excluded from the sample used to estimate the main results. Financial firms (SIC codes 6000–6999) may issue equity or repurchase their own stock to meet capital requirements and regulations.

  1. Prior empirical evidence of long-term abnormal performance has found that under- performance of issuing firms is concentrated among the smallest firms (Fama, 1998). In addition, mean returns may be driven by small firms because those firms may experience large negative or positive returns in response to a corporate action.
  2. The above analyses have considered only firms that announced a buyback or SEO pricing 16 to 30 days before or after an earnings announcement. In this robustness test, we consider firms where the announcement of buybacks or SEO pricings occurs 5 to 15 days before or after earnings.

4 . 2007 ~ 2009 were extremely volatile years for the financial markets. In this robustness test, I consider years 2010 ~ 2016 exclusively.<br> 5 . The main study was conducted on buybacks > 5%. This test expands that to include all levels of buybacks.<br> 6 . This final test looks at buybacks from a window range of 1 ~ 30 days before an earnings announcement. I include this in order to maximize the sample size of buyback announcements to increase the frequency of trades (as event-based strategies tend to be on the lower end of turnovers).

Each of these tests will be presented as individual plots documenting before/after earnings announcements similar to the Results section and a summary table is presented towards the end.

In [8]:
robustness_tests = {}
In [9]:
Exclude Financial Firms with SIC codes 6000 - 6999
test_type = "Excluding firms with SIC codes 6000 - 6999"

print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

earnings_study_results = {}
data_for_rb_tests = data_for_earnings.copy()

for name, earnings in data_for_rb_tests.iteritems():
    earnings_sic = earnings.apply(lambda row: insert_sic_code(row), axis=1)
    earnings_sic = earnings_sic[(earnings_sic['sic'] < 6000) | (earnings_sic['sic'] > 6999)]

    print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings_sic, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)

Excluding small cap or illiquid securities
test_type = "Excluding small cap and illiquid securities"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

earnings_study_results = {}
data_for_rb_tests = data_for_earnings.copy()

for name, earnings in data_for_rb_tests.iteritems():
    print "--------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=True,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15, top_liquid=1000)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)

Look at buybacks 5 ~ 15 versus 16 ~ 30

days_to_study_two = {
    '5 to 15 days after': [5, 15],
    '5 to 15 days before': [-5, -15]
data_for_earnings_two = {}
earnings_study_results = {}

for name, days in days_to_study_two.iteritems():
    earnings, buybacks = find_earnings_announcements(all_buyback_data_filtered,
    data_for_earnings_two[name] = earnings
test_type = "Looking at a 5 ~ 15 day time window"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

earnings_study_results[name] = results

for name, earnings in data_for_earnings_two.iteritems():
    print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)

Excluding 2007 ~ 2009
test_type = "Excluding 2007 ~ 2009"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

earnings_study_results = {}
data_for_rb_tests = data_for_earnings.copy()

for name, earnings in data_for_rb_tests.iteritems():
    print "--------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', start_date='2010-01-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)

Including all buybacks, not just buybacks > 5%
test_type = "All buyback announcements"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

data_for_earnings_three = {}

for name, days in days_to_study.iteritems():
    earnings, buybacks = find_earnings_announcements(all_buyback_data,
    data_for_earnings_three[name] = earnings

earnings_study_results = {}
data_for_rb_tests = data_for_earnings_three

for name, earnings in data_for_rb_tests.iteritems():
    print "--------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', start_date='2010-01-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)

Look at buybacks 1 ~ 30

days_to_study_four = {
    '1 to 30 days after': [1, 31],
    '1 to 30 days before': [-1, -31]
data_for_earnings_four = {}
earnings_study_results = {}

for name, days in days_to_study_four.iteritems():
    earnings, buybacks = find_earnings_announcements(all_buyback_data_filtered,
    data_for_earnings_four[name] = earnings
test_type = "Looking at buybacks 1 ~ 30 days before/after"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
print test_type

earnings_study_results[name] = results

for name, earnings in data_for_earnings_four.iteritems():
    print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    print "Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements %s earnings" % name 
    results = custom_event_study(earnings, end_date='2016-06-01', use_liquid_stocks=False,
                                 days_before=10, days_after=15)
    earnings_study_results[name] = results

robustness_tests[test_type] = get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals)
Excluding firms with SIC codes 6000 - 6999
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Excluding small cap and illiquid securities
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Looking at a 5 ~ 15 day time window
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 5 to 15 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 5 to 15 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Excluding 2007 ~ 2009
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
All buyback announcements
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 16 to 31 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Looking at buybacks 1 ~ 30 days before/after
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 1 to 30 days after earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study
Day 0: Earnings with buyback announcements 1 to 30 days before earnings
Formatting Data
Getting Plots
Running Event Study

Robustness Tests Results Table

In [10]:
pd.concat(dict([(key, df.T) for key, df in robustness_tests.iteritems()]), axis=1)
All buyback announcements Excluding 2007 ~ 2009 Excluding firms with SIC codes 6000 - 6999 Excluding small cap and illiquid securities Looking at a 5 ~ 15 day time window Looking at buybacks 1 ~ 30 days before/after
16 to 31 days after N=1225 16 to 31 days before N=347 16 to 31 days after N=706 16 to 31 days before N=221 16 to 31 days after N=754 16 to 31 days before N=217 16 to 31 days after N=349 16 to 31 days before N=126 5 to 15 days after N=723 5 to 15 days before N=139 1 to 30 days after N=1803 1 to 30 days before N=476
Abnormal (CAPM) (-10, 15) -0.0118 0.0095 -0.0140 0.0061 -0.0179 0.0042 -0.0133 0.0076 0.0183 0.0389 -0.0016 0.0130
(-5, 5) -0.0086 0.0032 -0.0116 0.0034 -0.0126 0.0021 -0.0051 0.0059 -0.0023 0.0061 -0.0068 0.0055
(-1, 1) -0.0015 0.0027 -0.0035 0.0016 -0.0052 0.0038 -0.0022 0.0026 -0.0036 -0.0019 -0.0036 0.0017
(0, 1) 0.0001 0.0011 -0.0002 0.0007 -0.0012 -0.0004 -0.0011 -0.0007 -0.0019 -0.0005 -0.0010 -0.0002
(0, 5) -0.0034 0.0017 -0.0029 0.0036 -0.0027 -0.0004 0.0003 0.0011 0.0018 -0.0000 -0.0002 0.0002
(0, 15) -0.0041 0.0079 -0.0023 0.0074 -0.0036 0.0039 -0.0035 0.0049 0.0267 0.0113 0.0095 0.0039
Raw (-10, 15) -0.0053 0.0253 -0.0080 0.0220 -0.0172 0.0200 -0.0149 0.0174 0.0220 0.0436 -0.0005 0.0233
(-5, 5) -0.0054 0.0093 -0.0076 0.0096 -0.0111 0.0071 -0.0035 0.0101 -0.0021 0.0074 -0.0061 0.0087
(-1, 1) -0.0002 0.0045 -0.0021 0.0037 -0.0041 0.0049 -0.0012 0.0045 -0.0036 -0.0020 -0.0031 0.0029
(0, 1) 0.0008 0.0018 0.0005 0.0011 -0.0000 -0.0003 -0.0005 -0.0001 -0.0025 0.0015 -0.0006 0.0011
(0, 5) -0.0024 0.0063 -0.0019 0.0069 -0.0021 0.0019 -0.0001 0.0010 0.0016 0.0035 -0.0000 0.0027
(0, 15) 0.0012 0.0197 0.0024 0.0199 -0.0010 0.0150 -0.0048 0.0118 0.0297 0.0182 0.0123 0.0131

The robustness tests show positive evidence for earnings predictabillity, especially when looking at returns over a longer time window (-10, +15).

  • Surprisingly, the 5 to 15 days test appears to have the most abnormal returns with 2.67% (-10, +15), however that sample size is also the smallest (N=138).
  • The main study was focused on buybacks greater than 5%. However, the robustness test that included all buybacks appears to outperform the main study by about .2% in abnormal returns.
  • The test looking at buybacks 1 ~ 30 days before an earnings announcement also performed better than the 16 ~ 31 days criteria with a greater sample size.


Section: Strategy Implementation

The core framework of the strategy is provided by Quantpedia and vetted by the study:

>The investment univese consists of stocks from NYSE/AMEX/Nasdaq (no ADRs, CEFs or REITs), bottom 25% of firms by market cap are dropped. Each quarter, investor looks for companies which announce stock repurchase program (with announced buyback for at least 5% of outstanding stocks) during days -30 to -15 before earnings announcement date for each company. Investor goes long stocks with announced buybacks during days -10 to +15 around earnings announcement. Portfolio is equally weighted and rebalanced daily.

Using the core idea above and experience from prior research and my robustness tests, these are a few ways to start building the strategy:

Base Universe based off Nathan Wolfe's framework:

  1. The security is common stock 2 & 3. It is not limited partnership - name and database check
  2. The database has fundamental data on this stock
  3. Not over the counter
  4. Not when issued
  5. Not depository receipts
  6. Is Primary share
  7. Has high dollar volume and is a top 1000 liquid security

Strategy Ideas:

  • Strategy 1: When there is a buyback announcement with a known future earnings date at least 15 days ahead, go long on the security for [-10, +15) days around the earnings announcement.
    • Iteration A: Purchase longs when they are t-15 from the earnings announcement and hold for 25 days
  • Strategy 2: When there is a buyback announcement with a known future earnings date at least 1 day ahead, go long on the security starting on the buyback announcement date up till 15 days after the earnings announcement.
  • Strategy 3: Long side will be strategy 1 or 2. Short side: When there is a negative earnings surprise (with accompanying negative news sentiment), go short on security.
  • Strategy 4: Same as strategy 4 but if a buyback announcement is announced after a negative news announcement, go long on security
  • Strategy 5: Strategy 1 or 2 but include checks for buyback announcement after an earnings announcement. If a buyback is announced after an earnings announcement and current price is lower than price of earnings date, go long of security expecting a stock price reversal.

The best performing strategy will be posted along with the notebook, but if you'd like to see the other strategies, please email me at SLEE @


Section: Conclusion and Further Research

>Assuming no predictability, the average market reaction to earnings announcements should not be significantly different from zero.

The results in the authors' study raise interesting questions about market efficiency surrounding corporate actions. Earnings are a highly studied event with much of the alpha in traditional earnings strategies squeezed out. However, the research here suggests that there is some level of predictability surrounding earnings and corporate actions: the (-10, 15) day abnormal returns for earnings after buybacks > 5% are ~0% which increases to ~2% when looking at earnings with buybacks at any point in a (-15, -5) window.

>From the difference in market reactions, we can conclude that the market adjustment to corporate actions is incomplete, and can result in predictability of earnings announcements.

That being said there are lots of ways to expand this research including the authors' suggestions (found in the paper). I have plans to include equity issues (like the original paper), 13D Filings, and other corporate actions to study the more general effects of market efficiency surrounding corporate actions.

Finally and as always, thanks for reading. I'd love to hear your feedback about this research and ways you think we can improve it. Feel free to reach out to me at slee @


  • Source of strategy and whitepaper: Quantpedia
  • Datasets used: EventVestor's Buyback Announcements and Earnings Announcements
In [11]:
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from datetime import timedelta
from odo import odo
import scipy
import math

from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline
from quantopian.research import run_pipeline
from quantopian.pipeline.classifiers.morningstar import Sector
from import morningstar as mstar
from import USEquityPricing
from quantopian.pipeline.factors import CustomFactor, AverageDollarVolume, SimpleMovingAverage
from quantopian.pipeline.filters.morningstar import IsPrimaryShare

def filter_universe(min_price = 0., min_volume = 0.):  
    Computes a security universe based on nine different filters:

    1. The security is common stock
    2 & 3. It is not limited partnership - name and database check
    4. The database has fundamental data on this stock
    5. Not over the counter
    6. Not when issued
    7. Not depository receipts
    8. Is Primary share
    9. Has high dollar volume
    high_volume_tradable - zipline.pipeline.factor.Rank
        A ranked AverageDollarVolume factor that's filtered on the nine criteria
    common_stock = mstar.share_class_reference.security_type.latest.eq('ST00000001')
    not_lp_name = ~mstar.company_reference.standard_name.latest.matches('.* L[\\. ]?P\.?$')
    not_lp_balance_sheet = mstar.balance_sheet.limited_partnership.latest.isnull()
    have_data = mstar.valuation.market_cap.latest.notnull()
    not_otc = ~mstar.share_class_reference.exchange_id.latest.startswith('OTC')
    not_wi = ~mstar.share_class_reference.symbol.latest.endswith('.WI')
    not_depository = ~mstar.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt.latest
    primary_share = IsPrimaryShare()
    # Combine the above filters.
    tradable_filter = (common_stock & not_lp_name & not_lp_balance_sheet &
                       have_data & not_otc & not_wi & not_depository & primary_share)

    price = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close],
                                window_length=252, mask=tradable_filter)
    volume = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.volume],
                                 window_length=252, mask=tradable_filter)
    full_filter = tradable_filter & (price >= min_price) & (volume >= min_volume)
    high_volume_tradable = AverageDollarVolume(
    return high_volume_tradable

class SidFactor(CustomFactor):
    Workaround to screen by sids in pipeline
    Credit: Luca
    inputs = []  
    window_length = 1  
    sids = []

    def compute(self, today, assets, out):
        out[:] = np.in1d(assets, self.sids)

def get_liquid_universe_of_stocks(start_date, end_date, top_liquid=500):    
    Gets the top X number of securities based on the criteria defined in
    start_date : string or pd.datetime
        Starting date for universe computation.
    end_date : string or pd.datetime
        End date for universe computation.
    top_liquid : int, optional
        Limit universe to the top N most liquid names in time period.
        Based on 21 day AverageDollarVolume
    security_universe : list
        List of securities that match the universe criteria
    pipe = Pipeline()
    pipe.add(AverageDollarVolume(window_length=1), 'liquidity')
    pipe.set_screen((filter_universe() < top_liquid))
    data = run_pipeline(pipe, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)

    security_universe = data.index.levels[1].unique().tolist()
    return security_universe

def get_cum_returns(prices, sid, date, days_before, days_after, benchmark_sid):
    Calculates cumulative and abnormal returns for the sid & benchmark
    prices : pd.DataFrame
        Pricing history DataFrame obtained from `get_pricing`. Index should
        be the datetime index and sids should be columns.
    sid : int or zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
        Security that returns are being calculated for.
    date : datetime object
        Date that will be used as t=0 for cumulative return calcuations. All
        returns will be calculated around this date.
    days_before, days_after : int
        Days before/after to be used to calculate returns for.
    benchmark :  int or zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
    sid_returns : pd.Series
        Cumulative returns time series from days_before ~ days_after from date
        for sid
    benchmark_returns : pd.Series
        Cumulative returns time series for benchmark sid
    abnormal_returns : pd.Series
        Abnomral cumulative returns time series for sid compared against benchmark

    day_zero_index = prices.index.searchsorted(date)
    starting_index = max(day_zero_index - days_before, 0)
    ending_index   = min(day_zero_index + days_after + 1, len(prices.index) - 1)

    if starting_index < 0 or ending_index >= len(prices.index):
        return None
    if sid == benchmark_sid:
        temp_price = prices.iloc[starting_index:ending_index,:].loc[:,[sid]]
        temp_price = prices.iloc[starting_index:ending_index,:].loc[:,[sid, benchmark_sid]]
    beta = calc_beta(sid, benchmark_sid, temp_price)
    if beta is None:
    daily_ret = temp_price.pct_change().fillna(0)
    daily_ret['abnormal_returns'] = daily_ret[sid] - beta*daily_ret[benchmark_sid]
    cum_returns = (daily_ret + 1).cumprod() - 1
        # If there's not enough data for event study,
        # return None
        cum_returns.index = range(starting_index - day_zero_index,
                                  ending_index - day_zero_index)
        return None
    sid_returns      = cum_returns[sid] - cum_returns[sid].ix[0]
    bench_returns    = cum_returns[benchmark_sid] - cum_returns[benchmark_sid].ix[0]
    abnormal_returns = cum_returns['abnormal_returns'] - cum_returns['abnormal_returns'].ix[0]
    return sid_returns, bench_returns, abnormal_returns

def calc_beta(sid, benchmark, price_history):
    Calculate beta amounts for each security
    sid : int or zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
        Security that beta is being calculated for.
    benchmark : int or zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
        Benchmark that will be used to determine beta against
    price_history: pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame that contains pricing history for benchmark and
        sid. Index is a datetimeindex and columns are sids. Should 
        already be truncated for date_window used to calculate beta.
    beta : float
        Beta of security against benchmark calculated over the time
        window contained in price_history
    if sid == benchmark:
        return 1.0
    stock_prices = price_history[sid].pct_change().dropna()
    bench_prices = price_history[benchmark].pct_change().dropna()
    aligned_prices = bench_prices.align(stock_prices,join='inner')
    bench_prices = aligned_prices[0]
    stock_prices = aligned_prices[1]
    bench_prices = np.array( bench_prices.values )
    stock_prices = np.array( stock_prices.values )
    bench_prices = np.reshape(bench_prices,len(bench_prices))
    stock_prices = np.reshape(stock_prices,len(stock_prices))
    if len(stock_prices) == 0:
        return None
    regr_results = scipy.stats.linregress(y=stock_prices, x=bench_prices)  
    beta = regr_results[0]  
    p_value = regr_results[3]
    if p_value > 0.05:
        beta = 0.
    return beta  

def define_xticks(days_before, days_after):
    Defines a neat xtick label axis on multipes of 2 using X days before
    and X days after.
    days_before : int
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before event date
    days_after : int
        Postiive integer detailing the number of days after an event date
    list : List of integers on multiples of 2 from [-days_before ~ days_after)
    day_numbers = [i for i in range(-days_before+1, days_after)]
    xticks = [d for d in day_numbers if d%2 == 0]
    return xticks

def plot_distribution_of_events(event_data, date_column, start_date, end_date):
    Plots the distribution of events
    event_data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame that contains the events data with date and sid columns as
        a minimum. See interactive tutorials on
    date_column : String
        String that labels the date column to be used for the event. e.g. `asof_date`
    start_date, end_date : Datetime
        Start and end date to be used for the cutoff for the distribution plots
    event_data = event_data[(event_data[date_column] > start_date) &
                            (event_data[date_column] < end_date)]
    s = pd.Series(event_data[date_column])
    distribution = s.groupby([s.dt.year, s.dt.month]).count()
    distribution.plot(kind="bar", grid=False,
    plt.title("Distribution of events in time")
    plt.ylabel("Number of event")
    return distribution
def plot_cumulative_returns(cumulative_returns, days_before, days_after):
    Plots a cumulative return chart
    cumulative_returns : pd.series
        Series that contains the cumulative returns time series from
        days_before ~ days_after from date for sid. See `get_cum_returns
    days_before, days_after : Datetime
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before/after event date
    xticks = define_xticks(days_before, days_after)
    plt.grid(b=None, which=u'major', axis=u'y')
    plt.title("Cumulative Return before and after event")
    plt.xlabel("Window Length (t)")
    plt.ylabel("Cumulative Return (r)")
    plt.legend(["N=%s" %], loc='best')

def plot_cumulative_returns_with_error_bars(cumulative_returns, returns_with_error,
                                            days_before, days_after, abnormal=False):
    Plots a cumulative return chart with error bars. Can choose between abnormal returns
    and simple returns
    cumulative_returns : pd.Series
        Series that contains the cumulative returns time series from
        days_before ~ days_after from date for sid. See `get_cum_returns
    returns_with_error: pd.Series
        Series that contains the standard deviation of returns passed in through
        `cumulative_returns`. See `get_returns`
    days_before, days_after : Datetime
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before/after event date
    abnormal : Boolean, optional
        If True, will plot labels indicating an abnormal returns chart
    xticks = define_xticks(days_before, days_after)
    returns_with_error.ix[:-1] = 0
    plt.errorbar(cumulative_returns.index, cumulative_returns, xerr=0, yerr=returns_with_error)
    plt.grid(b=None, which=u'major', axis=u'y')
    if abnormal:
        plt.title("Cumulative Abnormal Return before and after event with error")
        plt.title("Cumulative Return before and after event with error")
    plt.xlabel("Window Length (t)")
    plt.ylabel("Cumulative Return (r)")
def plot_cumulative_returns_against_benchmark(cumulative_returns,
                                              days_before, days_after):
    Plots a cumulative return chart against the benchmark returns
    cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns : pd.series
        Series that contains the cumulative returns time series from
        days_before ~ days_after from date for sid/benchmark. See `get_cum_returns`
    days_before, days_after : Datetime
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before/after event date
    xticks = define_xticks(days_before, days_after)
    cumulative_returns.plot(xticks=xticks, label="Event")
    benchmark_returns.plot(xticks=xticks, label='Benchmark')
    plt.title("Benchmark cum returns versus Event")
    plt.ylabel("% Cumulative Return")
    plt.xlabel("Time Window")
    plt.legend(["Event", 'Benchmark'], loc='best')
    plt.grid(b=None, which=u'major', axis=u'y')
def plot_cumulative_abnormal_returns(cumulative_returns,
                                     days_before, days_after):
    Plots a cumulative return chart against the abnormal returns
    cumulative_returns, abnormal_returns : pd.series
        Series that contains the cumulative returns time series against abnormal returns
        from days_before ~ days_after from date for sid. See `get_cum_returns`
    days_before, days_after : Datetime
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before/after event date
    xticks = define_xticks(days_before, days_after)
    abnormal_returns.plot(xticks=xticks, label="Abnormal Average Cumulative")
    cumulative_returns.plot(xticks=xticks, label="Simple Average Cumulative")
    plt.axhline(y=abnormal_returns.ix[0], linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=.3)
    plt.axhline(y=abnormal_returns.max(), linestyle='--', color='black', alpha=.3)
    plt.title("Cumulative Abnormal Returns versus Cumulative Returns")
    plt.ylabel("% Cumulative Return")
    plt.xlabel("Time Window")
    plt.grid(b=None, which=u'major', axis=u'y')
    plt.legend(["Abnormal Average Cumulative","Simple Average Cumulative"], loc='best')
def get_returns(event_data, benchmark, date_column, days_before, days_after,
                use_liquid_stocks=False, top_liquid=1000):
    Calculates cumulative returns, benchmark returns, abnormal returns, and
    volatility for cumulative and abnomral returns
    event_data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame that contains the events data with date and sid columns as
        a minimum. See interactive tutorials on
    benchmark : string, int, zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
        Security to be used as benchmark for returns calculations. See `get_returns`
    date_column : String
        String that labels the date column to be used for the event. e.g. `asof_date`
    days_before, days_after : Datetime
        Positive integer detailing the numbers of days before/after event date
    use_liquid_stocks : Boolean
        If set to True, it will filter out any securities found in `event_data`
        according to the filters found in `filter_universe`
    top_liquid : Int
        If use_liquid_stocks is True, top_liquid determines the top X amount of stocks
        to return ranked on liquidity
    cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns, abnormal_returns
    returns_volatiliy, abnormal_returns_volatility : pd.Series
    valid_sids: list
        Used to graph distribution of events (in case of use_liquid_stocks flag)
    cumulative_returns = []
    benchmark_returns = []
    abnormal_returns = []
    valid_sids = []
    liquid_stocks = None
    print "Running Event Study"
    for i, row in event_data[['sid', date_column]].iterrows():
        sid, date = row
        # Getting 10 extra days of data just to be sure
        extra_days_before = math.ceil(days_before * 365.0/252.0) + 10
        start_date = date - timedelta(days=extra_days_before)
        extra_days_after = math.ceil(days_after * 365.0/252.0) + 10
        end_date   = date + timedelta(days=extra_days_after)

        if use_liquid_stocks:
            if liquid_stocks is None:
                liquid_stocks = get_liquid_universe_of_stocks(date, date, top_liquid=top_liquid)
            if sid not in liquid_stocks:

        # duplicated columns would break get_cum_returns
        pr_sids = set([sid, benchmark])
        prices = get_pricing(pr_sids, start_date=start_date,
                             end_date=end_date, fields='open_price')
        prices = prices.shift(-1)
        if date in prices.index:
            results = get_cum_returns(prices, sid, date, days_before, days_after, benchmark)
            if results is None:
                print "Discarding event for %s on %s" % (symbols(sid),date)
            sid_returns, b_returns, ab_returns = results
    sample_size = len(cumulative_returns)
    returns_volatility          = pd.concat(cumulative_returns, axis=1).std(axis=1)
    abnormal_returns_volatility = pd.concat(abnormal_returns,   axis=1).std(axis=1)
    benchmark_returns           = pd.concat(benchmark_returns,  axis=1).mean(axis=1)
    abnormal_returns            = pd.concat(abnormal_returns,   axis=1).mean(axis=1)
    cumulative_returns          = pd.concat(cumulative_returns, axis=1).mean(axis=1) = sample_size
    return (cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns, abnormal_returns,
            returns_volatility, abnormal_returns_volatility, valid_sids)
def custom_event_study(event_data, date_column='asof_date',
                       start_date='2007-01-01', end_date='2014-01-01',
                       benchmark=None, days_before=10, days_after=10, top_liquid=500,
                       use_liquid_stocks=True, plot_error=False):
    Calculates simple & cumulative returns for events and plots stock price movement
    before and after the event date.
    event_data : pd.DataFrame
        DataFrame that contains the events data with date and sid columns as
        a minimum. See interactive tutorials on
    date_column : String
        String that labels the date column to be used for the event. e.g. `asof_date`
    start_date, end_date : Datetime
        Start and end date to be used for the cutoff for the evenet study
    benchmark : int or zipline.assets._assets.Equity object
        Security to be used as benchmark for returns calculations. See `get_returns`
    days_before, days_after : int
        Days before/after to be used to calculate returns for.
    top_liquid : Int
        If use_liquid_stocks is True, top_liquid determines the top X amount of stocks
        to return ranked on liquidity
    use_liquid_stocks : Boolean
        If set to True, it will filter out any securities found in `event_data`
        according to the filters found in `filter_universe`
    if date_column not in event_data or not isinstance(event_data, pd.DataFrame) or 'sid' not in event_data:
        raise KeyError("event_data not properly formatted for event study. Please make sure " \
                       "date_column and 'sid' are both present in the DataFrame")

    if isinstance(benchmark, str):
        raise TypeError("Benchmark must be an equity object. Please use symbols('ticker') to" \
                        "set your benchmark")
    if benchmark is None:
        benchmark = symbols('SPY')
    print "Formatting Data"
    start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
    end_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date)
    event_data = event_data[(event_data[date_column] > start_date) &
                            (event_data[date_column] < end_date)]
    event_data.sid = event_data.sid.apply(lambda x: int(x))
    print "Getting Plots"
    cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns, abnormal_returns, returns_volatility, \
        abnormal_returns_volatility, valid_sids = get_returns(event_data, benchmark, date_column,
                                                              days_before, days_after,
    event_data = event_data[event_data.sid.isin(valid_sids)]

    plt.subplot(5, 2, 1)
    distribution = plot_distribution_of_events(event_data, date_column, start_date, end_date)

    plt.subplot(5, 2, 2)
    plot_cumulative_returns(cumulative_returns, days_before, days_after)
    plt.subplot(5, 2, 5)
    plot_cumulative_returns_against_benchmark(cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns,
                                              days_before, days_after)
    plt.subplot(5, 2, 6)
    plot_cumulative_abnormal_returns(cumulative_returns, abnormal_returns,
                                     days_before, days_after)
    if plot_error:
        plt.subplot(5, 2, 9)
        plot_cumulative_returns_with_error_bars(cumulative_returns, returns_volatility,
                                                days_before, days_after)

        plt.subplot(5, 2, 10)
        plot_cumulative_returns_with_error_bars(cumulative_returns, abnormal_returns_volatility,
                                                days_before, days_after, abnormal=True)

    return cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns, abnormal_returns, returns_volatility, \
        abnormal_returns_volatility, valid_sids, distribution
def get_shares_outstanding(symbol, date):
    qry = query(
        ).filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.symbol == symbol)

    return get_fundamentals(qry, date - timedelta(days=1)).iloc[0]

def convert_units(row):
    symbol = row['symbol']
    date = row['asof_date']
    buyback_unit = row['buyback_units']

        shares_outstanding = get_shares_outstanding(symbol, date)
        open_price = get_pricing(symbol, date, date, fields='open_price').iloc[0]
        market_cap = open_price * shares_outstanding
        row['Market Cap'] = row['Total Value (Mill)'] = row['Percent of SO'] = None

    if buyback_unit == '$M':
        total_bought = row['buyback_amount'] * 1000000.0
        percent_bought = (total_bought)/market_cap
    if buyback_unit == "Mshares":
        percent_bought = row['buyback_amount']/shares_outstanding
        total_bought = row['buyback_amount'] * open_price
    if buyback_unit == '%':
        percent_bought = row['buyback_amount']/100.0
        total_bought = percent_bought * market_cap

    row['Market Cap (Mill)'] = market_cap/1000000.0
    row['Total Value (Mill)'] = total_bought/1000000.0

        row['Percent of SO'] = percent_bought.iloc[0]
        row['Percent of SO'] = None
    return row

def get_yearly_and_all_buyback_earnings_data():
    # Here, I do two things
    # 1. Get data for each year to graph yearly trends
    # 2. Aggregate that data above into one full DataFrame
    yearly_buyback_data = {}
    yearly_earnings_data = {}
    all_earnings_data = pd.DataFrame()
    all_buyback_data = pd.DataFrame()

    start_year = buyback_auth.asof_date.min().year
    end_year = buyback_auth.asof_date.max().year

    # Separate out each year into separate DataFrames
    for year in range(start_year, end_year+1):
        buyback_year = buyback_auth[(buyback_auth.asof_date >= pd.to_datetime("%s-01-01" % year)) &
                                    (buyback_auth.asof_date <= pd.to_datetime("%s-12-31" % year))]
        df = odo(buyback_year, pd.DataFrame)
        df = df[df['buyback_units'].isin(['%', '%Mshares', '$M'])].apply(
            lambda row: convert_units(row), axis=1)
        yearly_buyback_data[year] = df[df['Percent of SO'] < 1]

        earnings_year = ev_earnings[(ev_earnings.asof_date >= pd.to_datetime("%s-01-01" % year)) &
                                    (ev_earnings.asof_date <= pd.to_datetime("%s-12-31" % year)) &
        yearly_earnings_data[year] = odo(earnings_year, pd.DataFrame)

    # Take data from above and aggregate it all into a single DataFrame
    for year, df in yearly_earnings_data.iteritems():
        all_earnings_data = all_earnings_data.append(df)
        all_buyback_data = all_buyback_data.append(yearly_buyback_data[year])

    all_earnings_data = all_earnings_data.sort(columns=['asof_date'])
    all_buyback_data = all_buyback_data.sort(columns=['asof_date']).dropna(subset=['sid'])
    return yearly_buyback_data, all_buyback_data, yearly_earnings_data, all_earnings_data

def get_earnings_date(buyback_row, all_earnings_data):
    buyback_date = buyback_row['asof_date']
    sid = buyback_row['sid']

    earnings_for_sid = all_earnings_data[all_earnings_data['sid'] == sid]
    if len(earnings_for_sid.index) == 0:
        return None, None, None
        idx = earnings_for_sid['asof_date'].searchsorted(buyback_date)[0]
        earnings_date = earnings_for_sid.iloc[idx]['asof_date']

        # To get the min
        if idx != 0:
            earnings_date_2 = earnings_for_sid.iloc[idx - 1]['asof_date']
            if abs(earnings_date_2 - buyback_date) < abs(earnings_date - buyback_date):
                earnings_date = earnings_date_2
        idx = earnings_for_sid['asof_date'].searchsorted(buyback_date)[0]
        earnings_date = earnings_for_sid.iloc[-1]['asof_date']
    return buyback_date, earnings_date, earnings_for_sid

def get_days_away(all_buyback_data, all_earnings_data):
    days_away = pd.Series()
    for i, buyback_row in all_buyback_data.iterrows():
        buyback_date, earnings_date, earnings_for_sid = get_earnings_date(buyback_row, all_earnings_data)
        if buyback_date is None:

        days_away = days_away.append(
            pd.Series({buyback_row['sid']: (buyback_date - earnings_date).days}))
    return days_away

def find_earnings_announcements(all_buyback_data, all_earnings_data, days=[16, 31]):
    earnings_announcements = pd.DataFrame()
    buyback_announcements = pd.DataFrame()

    day_range = range(days[0], days[-1])
    for i, buyback_row in all_buyback_data.iterrows():
        buyback_date, earnings_date, earnings_for_sid = get_earnings_date(buyback_row, all_earnings_data)
        if buyback_date is None:

        days_away = (buyback_date - earnings_date).days
        # If days away in day range, save the event
        if days_away in day_range:
            earnings_for_sid = earnings_for_sid[earnings_for_sid.asof_date == earnings_date]
            earnings_announcements = earnings_announcements.append(earnings_for_sid)
            buyback_announcements = buyback_announcements.append(buyback_row)
    return earnings_announcements, buyback_announcements

def insert_sic_code(row):
    qry = query(
        ).filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.symbol == row['symbol'])

        row['sic'] = get_fundamentals(qry, row['asof_date']).iloc[0][0]
        row['sic'] = None
    return row

def get_returns_table(earnings_study_results, return_intervals):
    return_table = {}
    for event_study in earnings_study_results:

        cumulative_returns, benchmark_returns, abnormal_returns, returns_volatility, \
            abnormal_returns_volatility, valid_sids, distribution = earnings_study_results[event_study]

        for i, interval in enumerate(return_intervals):
            start, end = interval

            raw_temp = cumulative_returns + 1
            raw_returns = "%.04f" % ((raw_temp.ix[end] - raw_temp.ix[start])/raw_temp.ix[start])
            ab_temp = abnormal_returns + 1
            ab_returns = "%0.4f" % ((ab_temp.ix[end] - ab_temp.ix[start])/ab_temp.ix[start])

            temp_table = {'Raw': raw_returns, 'Abnormal (CAPM)': ab_returns}

            N = distribution.sum()
            return_table[("%s N=%s" % (event_study, N), interval)] = temp_table
    return pd.DataFrame(return_table).T.unstack()
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