
TTM Custom Factor Test

Check out the speed and results from two separate custom factors each calculating TTM values. The first is a numpy implementation by Doug Baldwin ( The second is a pandas implementation.

In [23]:
# First, we need to import the basic pipeline methods
from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline, CustomFactor
from quantopian.research import run_pipeline

# Also get the built-in filters and/or factors to use
from quantopian.pipeline.filters import QTradableStocksUS, Q500US, StaticAssets

# Finally get any data we want to use
from import Fundamentals as ms
from quantopian.pipeline.domain import US_EQUITIES

# Import numpy and pandas because they rock
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
In [28]:
# First the numpy version
class TrailingTwelveMonths(CustomFactor):  
    window_safe = True  
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, values, dates): 
        out[:] = [  
            (v[d + np.timedelta64(52, 'W') > d[-1]])[  
                    d[d + np.timedelta64(52, 'W') > d[-1]],  
            for v, d in zip(values.T, dates.T)  
In [49]:
# Next a version which uses pandas methods
# A little easier to understand but probably less efficient
class TrailingTwelveMonths_Pandas(CustomFactor):
    Gets the sum of the last 4 reported values using pandas
    Uses a window length of ~5 quarters (252/4 x 5) to ensure we have at least 4 quarters
    Requires 2 inputs: the datset values and the associated asof_dates

    window_length = 315
    outputs = ['value', 'unique_values']  

    def compute(self, today, assets, out, values, asof_date):
        # Make a single multi-index dataframe with asof_date and values as columns
        # The days are the index level=0 and securities are level=1
        date_df = pd.DataFrame(asof_date).stack().rename('date')
        value_df = pd.DataFrame(values).stack().rename('value')
        df = pd.concat([date_df, value_df], axis=1)
        # Add a column with the asset to make drop_duplicates easier
        df['asset'] = df.index.get_level_values(level=1)

        # Drop duplicate dates, keep only the latest value for each date
        df_dropped = df.drop_duplicates(['date', 'asset'], keep='last')
        # Take only the latest 4 dates. Then, filter out any groups with less than 4 qtrs of data
        df_top_4 = df_dropped.groupby(level=1).tail(4)
        df_exactly_4 = df_top_4.groupby(level=1).filter(lambda group: == 4)

        # Sum the values where there are exactly 4 unique asof_dates to get TTM. Get counts.
        value_sum = df_exactly_4.groupby(level=1).value.sum()
        counts = df_top_4.groupby(level=1).date.count()
        # Make a series of nans to hold our output values (will defualt to nan if no TTM value)
        output_sum = pd.Series(np.nan, index=range(len(assets)))
        output_counts = pd.Series(np.nan, index=range(len(assets)))
        # Put our TTM values into the series
        output_sum.loc[value_sum.index] = value_sum 
        output_counts.loc[counts.index] = counts
        out.value[:] = output_sum
        out.unique_values[:] = output_counts

Let's first run a pipeline using the numpy version and check the time it takes to complete. Use the dividend field to get the TTM dividends.

In [50]:
etrn_filter = StaticAssets(symbols(['ETRN']))
In [51]:
dividends_ttm_np = TrailingTwelveMonths(inputs=[
pipeline_numpy = Pipeline(
    columns={'dividends_ttm_np': dividends_ttm_np},
    screen = QTradableStocksUS()

start = '2019-10-28'
end = '2019-10-28'
results = run_pipeline(pipeline_numpy, start, end)


Pipeline Execution Time: 0.50 Seconds
2019-10-28 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(2 [HWM]) 0.200
Equity(24 [AAPL]) 2.960
Equity(41 [ARCB]) 0.320
Equity(52 [ABM]) 0.715
Equity(53 [ABMD]) 0.000

Second, run a pipeline using the pandas version and check the time it takes to complete. Use the same dividend field to get the TTM dividends.

In [52]:
dividends_ttm_pd = TrailingTwelveMonths_Pandas(inputs=[
pipeline_numpy = Pipeline(
    columns={'dividends_ttm_pd': dividends_ttm_pd.value,
             'count': dividends_ttm_pd.unique_values},
    screen = QTradableStocksUS()

start = '2019-10-28'
end = '2019-10-28'
results = run_pipeline(pipeline_numpy, start, end)


Pipeline Execution Time: 0.80 Seconds
count dividends_ttm_pd
2019-10-28 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(2 [HWM]) 4.0 0.200
Equity(24 [AAPL]) 4.0 2.960
Equity(41 [ARCB]) 4.0 0.320
Equity(52 [ABM]) 4.0 0.715
Equity(53 [ABMD]) NaN NaN

Rather what was expected. The pandas version takes over 50% more time. However, it's still fast. Let's run them in the same dataframe and compare the results.

In [53]:
dividends_ttm_np = TrailingTwelveMonths(inputs=[
dividends_ttm_pd = TrailingTwelveMonths_Pandas(inputs=[
pipeline_numpy = Pipeline(
    columns={'dividends_ttm_np': dividends_ttm_np, 
             'dividends_ttm_pd': dividends_ttm_pd.value,
             'count': dividends_ttm_pd.unique_values,
    screen = QTradableStocksUS()

start = '2019-10-28'
end = '2019-10-28'
results = run_pipeline(pipeline_numpy, start, end)


Pipeline Execution Time: 1.03 Seconds
count dividends_ttm_np dividends_ttm_pd
2019-10-28 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(2 [HWM]) 4.0 0.200 0.200
Equity(24 [AAPL]) 4.0 2.960 2.960
Equity(41 [ARCB]) 4.0 0.320 0.320
Equity(52 [ABM]) 4.0 0.715 0.715
Equity(53 [ABMD]) NaN 0.000 NaN
In [55]:
# Let's see if there are any differences
diffs = results.query('(dividends_ttm_np != dividends_ttm_pd)')
count dividends_ttm_np dividends_ttm_pd
2019-10-28 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(53 [ABMD]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(301 [ALKS]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(351 [AMD]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(371 [TVTY]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(410 [AN]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(557 [ASGN]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(659 [AMAG]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(693 [AZO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(766 [BCE]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(879 [BIO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(935 [CNR]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1010 [BNS]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1131 [BSX]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1216 [CACC]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1218 [CACI]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1332 [CCEP]) 1.0 0.30 NaN
Equity(1385 [CDNS]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1406 [CELG]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1419 [CERN]) 1.0 0.18 NaN
Equity(1597 [CLH]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1751 [COHR]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1792 [CP]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1882 [CRUS]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(1884 [CRVL]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(2185 [DIOD]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(2385 [DY]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(2602 [EA]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(2853 [FISV]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(3084 [GAB]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(3131 [GCO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
... ... ... ...
Equity(52291 [SONO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52407 [FTDR]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52408 [GTX]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52424 [ELAN]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52425 [FTCH]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52427 [EB]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52446 [UPWK]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52450 [SVMK]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52491 [GH]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52494 [ESTC]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52508 [ALLO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52511 [LTHM]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52517 [PLAN]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52525 [REZI]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52529 [ACA]) 2.0 0.10 NaN
Equity(52537 [STNE]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52548 [TWST]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52553 [SWI]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52567 [AXNX]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52571 [YETI]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52586 [CCC]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52594 [ETRN]) 2.0 0.86 NaN
Equity(52603 [APHA]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52629 [CTRA]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52747 [DELL]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52751 [MRNA]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52812 [HEXO]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52838 [CVET]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52856 [ALEC]) NaN 0.00 NaN
Equity(52864 [GOSS]) NaN 0.00 NaN

845 rows × 3 columns

In [58]:
# Looks like there are places where there are no dividends reported and those with less than 4 qtrs
# Use trick that nan != nan
diffs = results.query('(count != 4) and (count == count)')
count dividends_ttm_np dividends_ttm_pd
2019-10-28 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(1332 [CCEP]) 1.0 0.300000 NaN
Equity(1419 [CERN]) 1.0 0.180000 NaN
Equity(4265 [KEM]) 3.0 0.150000 NaN
Equity(5626 [OI]) 2.0 0.100000 NaN
Equity(6258 [PVAC]) 1.0 0.000000 NaN
Equity(6269 [PWR]) 3.0 0.120000 NaN
Equity(10533 [SU]) 1.0 0.216886 NaN
Equity(13612 [BAP]) 1.0 0.000000 NaN
Equity(14014 [CTXS]) 3.0 1.050000 NaN
Equity(23966 [PPBI]) 2.0 0.440000 NaN
Equity(24819 [EBAY]) 2.0 0.280000 NaN
Equity(25467 [TCBI]) 1.0 0.406250 NaN
Equity(26660 [KYN]) 2.0 0.360000 NaN
Equity(27027 [PBH]) 1.0 0.000000 NaN
Equity(32690 [AWI]) 3.0 0.525000 NaN
Equity(33698 [TMUS]) 1.0 0.687500 NaN
Equity(34440 [CXO]) 2.0 0.250000 NaN
Equity(38817 [VRSK]) 2.0 0.500000 NaN
Equity(41416 [KOS]) 2.0 0.090400 NaN
Equity(45670 [OMF]) 2.0 0.500000 NaN
Equity(47875 [VBTX]) 2.0 0.250000 NaN
Equity(50112 [FG]) 2.0 0.020000 NaN
Equity(50860 [VST]) 2.0 0.250000 NaN
Equity(50870 [SOI]) 3.0 0.300000 NaN
Equity(52529 [ACA]) 2.0 0.100000 NaN
Equity(52594 [ETRN]) 2.0 0.860000 NaN
In [59]:
# Check if there are any places where there is a difference and not nan and not less than 4 qtrs
diffs = results.query('(count == 4) and (count != count) and (dividends_ttm_np != dividends_ttm_pd)')
count dividends_ttm_np dividends_ttm_pd

It appears the two versions give the same results if there are 4 or more qtrs of data. The numpy version outputs 0 for securities without any quarters of data while the pandas version outputs nan.

However, there is an issue with the numpy version. It returns a value even if there are less than 4 qtrs of data. It will just sum what it has. This probably could be fixed.

So, the numpy version is concise and fast (and has a little bug) while the pandas version is a little more verbose and slower. The pandas version may be optimized a bit but will probably still be slower than numpy.

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