In [56]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from pytz import timezone
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import datetime
import math
from pykalman import KalmanFilter
from pandas.stats.api import ols
from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA, PCA
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import jarque_bera
import functools
# why on earth isn't this allowed??

today = pd.Timestamp("2015-08-01")
start = pd.Timestamp(today) - pd.Timedelta(days=250)
end = pd.Timestamp(today) + pd.Timedelta(days=7)

# the same number of buckets as
EquivalentMinutesPerBucket = 15
BucketsPerDay = 390/EquivalentMinutesPerBucket
In [57]:
# get data
syms = ["SPY","DIA","QQQ"]
opens = get_pricing(symbols(syms), frequency='minute',
                    start_date=start, end_date=end, fields='open_price').dropna()
highs = get_pricing(symbols(syms), frequency='minute',
                    start_date=start, end_date=end, fields='high').dropna()
lows = get_pricing(symbols(syms), frequency='minute',
                   start_date=start, end_date=end, fields='low').dropna()
closes = get_pricing(symbols(syms), frequency='minute',
                     start_date=start, end_date=end, fields='close_price').dropna()
volumes = get_pricing(symbols(syms), frequency='minute',
                     start_date=start, end_date=end, fields='volume').dropna()

opens.index = x: x.tz_convert("US/Eastern"))
highs.index = x: x.tz_convert("US/Eastern"))
lows.index = x: x.tz_convert("US/Eastern"))
closes.index = x: x.tz_convert("US/Eastern"))
volumes.index = x: x.tz_convert("US/Eastern"))
In [58]:
# motivation - resampled series in time still have a tricky distribution due to heteroskedasticity
# use close-open returns to avoid overnights, a whole other problem

# resampling to N minutes since we ultimately will be making equivolume buckets per day
freq = str(EquivalentMinutesPerBucket)+"T"
o_resamp = opens.resample(freq, how="first").dropna()
c_resamp = closes.resample(freq, how="last").dropna()
rets = (np.log(c_resamp) - np.log(o_resamp)).fillna(0)
rets.apply(lambda x: sns.distplot(x,kde=False,fit=stats.norm))

def test_rets_jarque_bera(rets):
    name = ['Jarque-Bera', 'Chi^2 two-tail prob.', 'Skew', 'Kurtosis']
    test_results = jarque_bera(rets)
    for i in range(0,len(rets.columns)):
        sym = rets.columns[i].symbol
        for j in range(0,len(name)):    
            print("Sym: %s Test: %s, Value: %f" % (sym,name[j],test_results[j][i]))
Sym: SPY Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 8523.883280
Sym: SPY Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: SPY Test: Skew, Value: 0.218735
Sym: SPY Test: Kurtosis, Value: 9.544568
Sym: DIA Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 13003.469924
Sym: DIA Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: DIA Test: Skew, Value: 0.239798
Sym: DIA Test: Kurtosis, Value: 11.087190
Sym: QQQ Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 4679.357564
Sym: QQQ Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: QQQ Test: Skew, Value: -0.020067
Sym: QQQ Test: Kurtosis, Value: 7.859691
In [59]:
# calculate cross-sectional volume profile
def vol_profile(vdf):
    return (vdf / vdf.groupby(lambda x: x: x.time).mean()
In [60]:
# we use only volumes from start->today, to see how the bucketing works out-of-sample
vp = vol_profile(volumes[start:today])
vp.plot(title="Volume profiles")

# show how the default time-wise aggregation of bars leads to bars with wildly different activity
# (contributing to the the leptokurtotic distribution above)
def resample_barcount(df,agg):
    work = df
    work['bar'] = work.groupby(lambda x: x: x / EquivalentMinutesPerBucket)
    avg_timebucket_vols = work.groupby(lambda x: day: day.groupby('bar').apply(agg))
    avg_timebucket_vols = avg_timebucket_vols.drop('bar', axis=1)
    return avg_timebucket_vols

resample_barcount(volumes,sum).groupby(lambda x: x[1]).mean().plot(title="Unadjusted" + str(EquivalentMinutesPerBucket)+"-minute buckets")
# here we aggregate all the volume profiles into one.  theoretically, we could bucket each stock
# separately, but it would make for different bucket edges, which means that the resulting bucketed
# time series would no longer be homogenous (across stocks) in time.
vp = vp.mean(axis=1)
In [61]:
bucket_count = BucketsPerDay
bucket_quantiles = np.arange(0,1.0,1.0/bucket_count)
# calculate our intraday buckets
buckets = pd.Series(np.digitize(vp.cumsum(),bucket_quantiles), index=vp.index)

buckets.groupby(buckets).count().plot(title="Minutes per bucket")

# calculate the bucket edges, might be helpful when converting to algo - stop in handle_data
# at these times to do stuff
bucket_edges = buckets.diff().fillna(0)

# this is a function to resample the dataframe given some intraday bucketing
def resample_buckets(df, buckets, agg):
    # don't know a cleaner way of doing this
    df['time'] = x: x.time)
    df = pd.merge(left=df,left_on='time',right=pd.DataFrame({'bucket':buckets}),right_index=True)
    df = df.drop('time',axis=1)
    result = df.groupby(lambda x: df: df.groupby('bucket').apply(agg))
    result = result.drop('bucket', axis=1)
    return result
In [62]:
bucketed_volume = resample_buckets(volumes, buckets, lambda x: x.sum())
bucketed_open = resample_buckets(opens, buckets, lambda x: x.iloc[0])
bucketed_high = resample_buckets(highs, buckets, lambda x: x.max())
bucketed_low = resample_buckets(lows, buckets, lambda x: x.min())
bucketed_close = resample_buckets(closes, buckets, lambda x: x.iloc[-1])
In [63]:
# we seem to have generally gotten the intraday trend out of there
bucketed_volume[].groupby(lambda x: x[1]).mean().plot(title="In-sample Mean volume per bucket")
bucketed_volume[].groupby(lambda x: x[1]).mean().plot(title="Out-of-sample Mean volume per bucket")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1018e77a50>
In [64]:
# finally, lets calculate our equivolume bucket open->close returns to check for better normality
bucket_rets = (np.log(bucketed_close) - np.log(bucketed_open)).fillna(0)
#print bucket_rets
bucket_rets.apply(lambda x: sns.distplot(x,kde=False,fit=stats.norm))
Sym: SPY Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 8175.146483
Sym: SPY Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: SPY Test: Skew, Value: 0.291477
Sym: SPY Test: Kurtosis, Value: 9.519153
Sym: DIA Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 12345.046171
Sym: DIA Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: DIA Test: Skew, Value: 0.381534
Sym: DIA Test: Kurtosis, Value: 11.006743
Sym: QQQ Test: Jarque-Bera, Value: 2905.942571
Sym: QQQ Test: Chi^2 two-tail prob., Value: 0.000000
Sym: QQQ Test: Skew, Value: 0.041789
Sym: QQQ Test: Kurtosis, Value: 6.901367
In [65]:
def my_hurst(ts):
    ts = pd.Series(ts).dropna()
    lags = range(2, max_hurst_lag) 
    # Calculate the array of the variances of the lagged differences
    tau = [np.sqrt((ts - ts.shift(-lag)).dropna().std()) for lag in lags]
    # Use a linear fit to estimate the Hurst Exponent
    x = pd.Series(np.log(lags))
    y = pd.Series(np.log(tau))
    # need intercept=False due to
    # however, the results really are very poor, at least for intraday data.  Assistance welcome.
    return pd.ols(x=x,y=y,intercept=True).beta['x']*2
In [66]:
classic_closes = resample_barcount(closes,lambda x: x.iloc[-1])[symbols('SPY')]
equivolume_closes = bucketed_close[symbols('SPY')]
In [67]:
# this is much too slow!  look at later

#classic_hursts = pd.rolling_apply(classic_closes, max_hurst_lag, my_hurst, min_periods=max_hurst_lag)
#equivolume_hursts = pd.rolling_apply(equivolume_closes, max_hurst_lag, my_hurst, min_periods=max_hurst_lag)
#cs = pd.Series(classic_hursts)
#es = pd.Series(equivolume_hursts)
#hursts = pd.DataFrame({'classic': cs, 'equivolume': es})
In [68]:
print my_hurst(classic_closes)
print my_hurst(equivolume_closes)
In [69]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1018e5b110>
In [70]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f10185eaf50>
In [71]:
# ideally we'd like to plot a candlestick chart of our new time series, to see if it looks a bit better
# behaved than the usual, but that's not allowed, so sorry!