
Pipeline Example: Piotrosky Score

A stock's Piotrosky Score is a simple measure of its "financial strength". It was introduced by Joseph Piotrosky in the paper:

Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers

The score identifies nine criteria as indicators of financial health and awards one point for each criterion that a stock meets, for a total of up to 9 points.

Factor definitions were sourced from Mark Segal's helpful post, from Investopedia's Article on Piotroski Score, and from The Graham Investor's Article on Piotroski Score.

In [16]:
from quantopian.research import run_pipeline
from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline, CustomFactor
from import morningstar as m
from import USEquityPricing


# Most definitions sourced from:
In [2]:
class NetIncomePositive(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if net_income is currently positive.
    Otherwise returns 0.
    'Net Income: Bottom line. 
     Score 1 if last year net income is positive.'
    inputs = [m.income_statement.net_income]
    window_length = 1
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, net_income):
        # NOTE:
        # This is actually more complicated than it looks.
        # (net_income > 0) will return a numpy array of dtype `bool`,
        # but `out` is an array of dtype `float64`.
        # Numpy allows casts from bool to float though, with the result 
        # being that True values are cast to 1.0, and False values are cast to 0.0
        out[:] = (net_income[NEWEST] > 0)
In [3]:
class OperatingCashFlowPositive(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if operating cash flow is currently positive.
    Otherwise returns 0.
    'Operating Cash Flow: A better earnings gauge. 
     Score 1 if last year cash flow is positive.'
    inputs = [m.cash_flow_statement.operating_cash_flow]
    window_length = 1
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, ocf):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (ocf[NEWEST] > 0)
In [4]:
class ReturnOnAssetsIncreased(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if this year's ROA exceeds last year's ROA.
    Otherwise returns 0.
    'Return On Assets: Measures Profitability.
     Score 1 if last year ROA exceeds prior-year ROA.'
    inputs = [m.operation_ratios.roa]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, roa):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (roa[NEWEST] > roa[OLDEST])
In [5]:
class EarningsQuality(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if operating cash flow exceeds net income.
    Otherwise returns 0.
    'Quality of Earnings: Warns of Accounting Tricks. 
     Score 1 if last year operating cash flow exceeds net income.'
    inputs = [m.cash_flow_statement.operating_cash_flow,
    window_length = 1
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, ocf, net_income):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (ocf[NEWEST] > net_income[NEWEST])
In [6]:
class LongTermDebtDecreased(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio decreased year over year.
    Otherwise returns 0.
    'Long-Term Debt vs. Assets: Is Debt Decreasing? 
     Score 1 if the ratio of long-term debt to assets is down from the year-ago value. 
     (If LTD is zero but assets are increasing, score 1 anyway.)'
    inputs = [m.operation_ratios.long_term_debt_equity_ratio]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, debt_to_equity):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (debt_to_equity[NEWEST] < debt_to_equity[OLDEST])
In [7]:
class CurrentRatioIncreased(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if Current Ratio increased year over year.
    'Current Ratio:  Measures increasing working capital. 
     Score 1 if CR has increased from the prior year.'
    inputs = [m.operation_ratios.current_ratio]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, current_ratio):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (current_ratio[NEWEST] > current_ratio[OLDEST])
In [8]:
class SharesOutstandingNotIncreased(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if shares outstanding decreased or stayed constant.
    'Shares Outstanding: A Measure of potential dilution. 
     Score 1 if the number of shares outstanding is no greater than the year-ago figure.'
    inputs = [m.valuation.shares_outstanding]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, shares_outstanding):
        # See note in NetPositiveIncome.compute for an explanation of why 
        # this assignment is allowed.
        out[:] = (shares_outstanding[NEWEST] <= shares_outstanding[OLDEST])
In [9]:
class GrossMarginIncreased(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 if gross margin increased year over year.
    'Gross Margin: A measure of improving competitive position. 
     Score 1 if full-year GM exceeds the prior-year GM.'
    inputs = [m.operation_ratios.gross_margin]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, gross_margin):
        out[:] = (gross_margin[NEWEST] > gross_margin[OLDEST])
In [10]:
class AssetTurnover(CustomFactor):
    Factor returning 1.0 asset turnover ratio increased year over year.
    'Asset Turnover: Measures productivity. 
     Score 1 if the percentage increase in sales exceeds the percentage increase in total assets.'
    inputs = [m.operation_ratios.assets_turnover]
    window_length = TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR
    def compute(self, today, assets, out, turnover):
        out[:] = (turnover[NEWEST] > turnover[OLDEST])
In [11]:
p_score = (
    NetIncomePositive() + 
    OperatingCashFlowPositive() + 
    ReturnOnAssetsIncreased() + 
    EarningsQuality() +
    LongTermDebtDecreased() +
    CurrentRatioIncreased() +
    SharesOutstandingNotIncreased() +
    GrossMarginIncreased() +
In [17]:
pipe = Pipeline(columns={'p_score': p_score, 
                         'close': USEquityPricing.close.latest}, 
                screen=p_score > 5)
In [18]:
In [19]:
# Run a 1-year pipeline computeing the Piotrosky score.
# This takes a few minutes.
results = run_pipeline(pipe, '2014', '2015')
In [20]:
close p_score
2014-01-02 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(24 [AAPL]) 561.160 7
Equity(52 [ABM]) 28.590 7
Equity(53 [ABMD]) 26.720 6
Equity(64 [ABX]) 17.620 9
Equity(67 [ADSK]) 50.320 6
Equity(69 [ACAT]) 56.970 6
Equity(88 [ACI]) 4.440 7
Equity(99 [ACO]) 33.970 6
Equity(110 [ACXM]) 36.980 6
Equity(112 [ACY]) 17.180 6
Equity(114 [ADBE]) 59.870 8
Equity(122 [ADI]) 50.940 6
Equity(153 [AE]) 68.540 6
Equity(154 [AEM]) 26.390 7
Equity(162 [AEPI]) 52.900 6
Equity(166 [AES]) 14.500 6
Equity(168 [AET]) 68.580 7
Equity(185 [AFL]) 66.800 6
Equity(192 [ATAX]) 6.290 6
Equity(247 [AIN]) 35.920 7
Equity(266 [AJG]) 46.940 6
Equity(270 [AKRX]) 24.610 7
Equity(289 [MATX]) 26.080 6
Equity(301 [ALKS]) 40.660 6
Equity(311 [ALOG]) 88.542 6
Equity(312 [ALOT]) 13.670 6
Equity(328 [ALTR]) 32.520 8
Equity(338 [BEAM]) 68.060 8
Equity(371 [HWAY]) 15.340 8
Equity(392 [AMS]) 2.770 7
... ... ... ...
2015-01-02 00:00:00+00:00 Equity(45252 [WPT]) 20.120 6
Equity(45253 [STCK]) 15.320 6
Equity(45428 [BNFT]) 32.840 7
Equity(45432 [SPCB]) 10.210 6
Equity(45452 [FUEL]) 16.120 7
Equity(45506 [PINC]) 33.530 7
Equity(45538 [CNHI]) 8.065 7
Equity(45557 [RMAX]) 34.210 6
Equity(45559 [ESRT]) 17.600 6
Equity(45577 [OCIP]) 16.010 8
Equity(45617 [QTS]) 33.880 8
Equity(45618 [AR]) 40.600 8
Equity(45656 [GLPI]) 29.340 6
Equity(45667 [VEEV]) 26.410 7
Equity(45769 [WUBA]) 41.590 6
Equity(45770 [ESNT]) 25.730 6
Equity(45771 [MMI]) 33.210 7
Equity(45780 [TCS]) 19.120 6
Equity(45785 [CCI_PRA]) 102.580 6
Equity(45798 [AVH]) 11.730 6
Equity(45802 [ARCX]) 17.050 6
Equity(45818 [LGIH]) 14.900 6
Equity(45848 [STAY]) 19.320 7
Equity(45849 [DLNG]) 16.350 7
Equity(45861 [HMHC]) 20.740 6
Equity(45957 [KFX]) 7.030 7
Equity(46027 [AMC]) 26.180 7
Equity(46045 [FITB_I]) 27.320 6
Equity(46058 [WFC_PRR]) 27.670 6
Equity(46070 [RLGT_PRA]) 27.150 7

422915 rows × 2 columns

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