
Round trips Summary stats Alan

In [54]:
import pyfolio as pf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import empyrical  as ep
import pandas as pd
In [55]:
bt = get_backtest('5ec01eebe84b39469916d229')
# bt = get_backtest('5ebc9b0a15ea754670c346ef')
returns = bt.daily_performance['returns']
100% Time:  0:00:05|##########################################################|
In [56]:
In [57]:
#transactions = bt.transactions
transactions = bt.pyfolio_transactions
#transactions['symbol'] = map(lambda x: x.symbol, symbols(transactions.sid))
In [58]:
#positions = bt.positions
positions = bt.pyfolio_positions
In [59]:
returns = bt.daily_performance['returns']
In [60]:
['cumulative_performance', 'daily_performance', 'orders', 'positions', 'pyfolio_positions', 'pyfolio_transactions', 'recorded_vars', 'risk', 'stoppages', 'transactions', 'factor_exposures', 'attributed_factor_returns']
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [61]:
rt_rf = pf.create_round_trip_tear_sheet(returns, positions, transactions,
                                 estimate_intraday=False, return_fig=True)
Summary stats All trades Short trades Long trades
Total number of round_trips 238.00 80.00 158.00
Percent profitable 0.69 0.53 0.77
Winning round_trips 164.00 42.00 122.00
Losing round_trips 74.00 38.00 36.00
Even round_trips 0.00 0.00 0.00
PnL stats All trades Short trades Long trades
Total profit $345354.27 $16304.95 $329049.32
Gross profit $458388.93 $83065.09 $375323.84
Gross loss $-113034.66 $-66760.14 $-46274.52
Profit factor $4.06 $1.24 $8.11
Avg. trade net profit $1451.07 $203.81 $2082.59
Avg. winning trade $2795.05 $1977.74 $3076.42
Avg. losing trade $-1527.50 $-1756.85 $-1285.40
Ratio Avg. Win:Avg. Loss $1.83 $1.13 $2.39
Largest winning trade $50082.11 $50082.11 $26673.92
Largest losing trade $-15486.41 $-15486.41 $-6688.71
Duration stats All trades Short trades Long trades
Avg duration 345 days 01:23:28.500000 352 days 09:13:45.762500 341 days 08:21:33.430379
Median duration 336 days 00:00:00 335 days 23:56:30 336 days 00:00:00
Longest duration 650 days 07:59:01 650 days 07:59:01 610 days 01:00:00
Shortest duration 29 days 00:00:00 56 days 23:41:00 29 days 00:00:00
Return stats All trades Short trades Long trades
Avg returns all round_trips 0.53% 0.41% 0.59%
Avg returns winning 1.09% 1.05% 1.10%
Avg returns losing -0.70% -0.71% -0.69%
Median returns all round_trips 0.17% 0.06% 0.26%
Median returns winning 0.51% 0.35% 0.56%
Median returns losing -0.23% -0.24% -0.22%
Largest winning trade 10.41% 6.08% 10.41%
Largest losing trade -6.67% -6.67% -4.75%
Symbol stats EWI-25098 QQQ-19920 TLT-23921
Avg returns all round_trips 0.41% 0.57% 0.62%
Avg returns winning 1.05% 0.96% 1.25%
Avg returns losing -0.71% -0.43% -0.97%
Median returns all round_trips 0.06% 0.23% 0.27%
Median returns winning 0.35% 0.58% 0.55%
Median returns losing -0.24% -0.20% -0.43%
Largest winning trade 6.08% 3.46% 10.41%
Largest losing trade -6.67% -1.89% -4.75%
Profitability (PnL / PnL total) per name
QQQ-19920 68.22%
TLT-23921 27.06%
EWI-25098 4.72%
In [62]:
#from pf.round_trips import (extract_round_trips)

### round_trips = pf.round_trips(transactions)
#rt_df = pf.round_trips.extract_round_trips(transactions, portfolio_value=None)


###positions = pf.utils.check_intraday(estimate_intraday, returns, positions, transactions)

###transactions_closed = pf.round_trips.add_closing_transactions(positions,transactions)
# extract_round_trips requires BoD portfolio_value
#trades = pf.round_trips.extract_round_trips(
#        transactions_closed,
#        portfolio_value=positions.sum(axis='columns') / (1 + returns)
#    )
In [66]:
# Copyright 2016 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
from math import copysign
import warnings
from collections import deque, OrderedDict

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from .utils import print_table, format_asset

PNL_STATS = OrderedDict(
    [('Total profit', lambda x: x.sum()),
     ('Gross profit', lambda x: x[x > 0].sum()),
     ('Gross loss', lambda x: x[x < 0].sum()),
     ('Profit factor', lambda x: x[x > 0].sum() / x[x < 0].abs().sum()
      if x[x < 0].abs().sum() != 0 else np.nan),
     ('Avg. trade net profit', 'mean'),
     ('Avg. winning trade', lambda x: x[x > 0].mean()),
     ('Avg. losing trade', lambda x: x[x < 0].mean()),
     ('Ratio Avg. Win:Avg. Loss', lambda x: x[x > 0].mean() /
      x[x < 0].abs().mean() if x[x < 0].abs().mean() != 0 else np.nan),
     ('Largest winning trade', 'max'),
     ('Largest losing trade', 'min'),

SUMMARY_STATS = OrderedDict(
    [('Total number of round_trips', 'count'),
     ('Percent profitable', lambda x: len(x[x > 0]) / float(len(x))),
     ('Winning round_trips', lambda x: len(x[x > 0])),
     ('Losing round_trips', lambda x: len(x[x < 0])),
     ('Even round_trips', lambda x: len(x[x == 0])),

RETURN_STATS = OrderedDict(
    [('Avg returns all round_trips', lambda x: x.mean()),
     ('Avg returns winning', lambda x: x[x > 0].mean()),
     ('Avg returns losing', lambda x: x[x < 0].mean()),
     ('Median returns all round_trips', lambda x: x.median()),
     ('Median returns winning', lambda x: x[x > 0].median()),
     ('Median returns losing', lambda x: x[x < 0].median()),
     ('Largest winning trade', 'max'),
     ('Largest losing trade', 'min'),

    [('Avg duration', lambda x: x.mean()),
     ('Median duration', lambda x: x.median()),
     ('Longest duration', lambda x: x.max()),
     ('Shortest duration', lambda x: x.min())
     #  FIXME: Instead of x.max() - x.min() this should be
     #  rts.close_dt.max() - rts.open_dt.min() which is not
     #  available here. As it would require a new approach here
     #  that passes in multiple fields we disable these measures
     #  for now.
     #  ('Avg # round_trips per day', lambda x: float(len(x)) /
     #   (x.max() - x.min()).days),
     #  ('Avg # round_trips per month', lambda x: float(len(x)) /
     #   (((x.max() - x.min()).days) / APPROX_BDAYS_PER_MONTH)),

def agg_all_long_short(round_trips, col, stats_dict):
    stats_all = (round_trips
                 .rename(columns={1.0: 'All trades'}))
    stats_long_short = (round_trips
                        .rename(columns={False: 'Short trades',
                                         True: 'Long trades'}))

    return stats_all.join(stats_long_short)

def _groupby_consecutive(txn, max_delta=pd.Timedelta('8h')):

    def vwap(transaction):
        if transaction.amount.sum() == 0:
            warnings.warn('Zero transacted shares, setting vwap to nan.')
            return np.nan
        return (transaction.amount * transaction.price).sum() / \

    out = []
    for _, t in txn.groupby('symbol'):
        t = t.sort_index() = 'dt'
        t = t.reset_index()

        t['order_sign'] = t.amount > 0
        t['block_dir'] = (t.order_sign.shift(
            1) != t.order_sign).astype(int).cumsum()
        t['block_time'] = ((t.dt.sub(t.dt.shift(1))) >
        grouped_price = (t.groupby(['block_dir',
                          .apply(vwap)) = 'price'
        grouped_rest = t.groupby(['block_dir', 'block_time']).agg({
            'amount': 'sum',
            'symbol': 'first',
            'dt': 'first'})

        grouped = grouped_rest.join(grouped_price)


    out = pd.concat(out)
    out = out.set_index('dt')
    return out

def extract_round_trips(transactions,portfolio_value=None):
    transactions = _groupby_consecutive(transactions)
    roundtrips = []

    for sym, trans_sym in transactions.groupby('symbol'):
        trans_sym = trans_sym.sort_index()
        price_stack = deque()
        dt_stack = deque()
        trans_sym['signed_price'] = trans_sym.price * \
        trans_sym['abs_amount'] = trans_sym.amount.abs().astype(int)
        for dt, t in trans_sym.iterrows():
            if t.price < 0:
                warnings.warn('Negative price detected, ignoring for'

            indiv_prices = [t.signed_price] * t.abs_amount
            if (len(price_stack) == 0) or \
               (copysign(1, price_stack[-1]) == copysign(1, t.amount)):
                dt_stack.extend([dt] * len(indiv_prices))
                # Close round-trip
                pnl = 0
                invested = 0
                cur_open_dts = []

                for price in indiv_prices:
                    if len(price_stack) != 0 and \
                       (copysign(1, price_stack[-1]) != copysign(1, price)):
                        # Retrieve first dt, stock-price pair from
                        # stack
                        prev_price = price_stack.popleft()
                        prev_dt = dt_stack.popleft()

                        pnl += -(price + prev_price)
                        invested += abs(prev_price)

                        # Push additional stock-prices onto stack

                roundtrips.append({'pnl': pnl,
                                   'open_dt': cur_open_dts[0],
                                   'close_dt': dt,
                                   'long': price < 0,
                                   'rt_returns': pnl / invested,
                                   'symbol': sym,

    roundtrips = pd.DataFrame(roundtrips)

    roundtrips['duration'] = roundtrips['close_dt'].sub(roundtrips['open_dt'])

    if portfolio_value is not None:
        # Need to normalize so that we can join
        pv = pd.DataFrame(portfolio_value,

        roundtrips['date'] = roundtrips.close_dt.apply(lambda x:

        tmp = (roundtrips.set_index('date')
                         .join(pv.set_index('date'), lsuffix='_')

        roundtrips['returns'] = tmp.pnl / tmp.portfolio_value
        roundtrips = roundtrips.drop('date', axis='columns')

    return roundtrips

def add_closing_transactions(positions, transactions):

    closed_txns = transactions[['symbol', 'amount', 'price']]

    pos_at_end = positions.drop('cash', axis=1).iloc[-1]
    open_pos = pos_at_end.replace(0, np.nan).dropna()
    # Add closing round_trips one second after the close to be sure
    # they don't conflict with other round_trips executed at that time.
    end_dt = + pd.Timedelta(seconds=1)

    for sym, ending_val in open_pos.iteritems():
        txn_sym = transactions[transactions.symbol == sym]

        ending_amount = txn_sym.amount.sum()

        ending_price = ending_val / ending_amount
        closing_txn = OrderedDict([
            ('amount', -ending_amount),
            ('price', ending_price),
            ('symbol', sym),

        closing_txn = pd.DataFrame(closing_txn, index=[end_dt])
        closed_txns = closed_txns.append(closing_txn)

    closed_txns = closed_txns[closed_txns.amount != 0]

    return closed_txns

def gen_round_trip_stats(round_trips):
    stats = {}
    stats['pnl'] = agg_all_long_short(round_trips, 'pnl', PNL_STATS)
    stats['summary'] = agg_all_long_short(round_trips, 'pnl',SUMMARY_STATS)                                        
    stats['duration'] = agg_all_long_short(round_trips, 'duration',DURATION_STATS)                                           
    stats['returns'] = agg_all_long_short(round_trips, 'returns',RETURN_STATS)
    stats['symbols'] = \

    return stats

def print_round_trip_stats(round_trips, hide_pos=True):
    stats = gen_round_trip_stats(round_trips)
    print_table(stats['summary'], float_format='{:.2f}'.format,
                name='Summary stats')
    print_table(stats['pnl'], float_format='${:.2f}'.format, name='PnL stats')
    print_table(stats['duration'], float_format='{:.2f}'.format,
                name='Duration stats')
    print_table(stats['returns'] * 100, float_format='{:.2f}%'.format,
                name='Return stats')

    if not hide_pos:
        stats['symbols'].columns = stats['symbols']
        print_table(stats['symbols'] * 100,
                    float_format='{:.2f}%'.format, name='Symbol stats')
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In [ ]:
# bt.create_full_tear_sheet(round_trips=True,)  
In [ ]:
Summary stats 	             All trades 	Short trades 	Long trades
Total number of round_trips 	238.00 	       80.00 	      158.00
Percent profitable                0.69 	        0.53 	        0.77
Winning round_trips 	        164.00 	       42.00 	      122.00
Losing round_trips 	             74.00 	       38.00 	       36.00
Even round_trips 	              0.00 	        0.00 	        0.00