
Algo Performance Analysis "Tearsheet"

Analyze and visualize your backtest’s performance across a variety of dimensions.

The notebook contains all of the functions to compute all performance statistics, so it is very self contained, and thus also means a tearsheet can be computed for any timeseries you pass to it. So, you can upload a CSV of the daily returns of your favorite mutual fund and see how it looks, or simply pass in the timeseries of a few stocks. An example of how to accomplish this using a single stock is also included at the end of this notebook.

A lot can be learned simply from digging into the daily returns streams of your algorithm.

This notebook generates all of its many charts and tables of data solely from

an algorithms' daily return profit/loss timeseries.


(Easiest thing to do, is select "Run All" from the Run dropdown menu in the upper-right)

Or to go through the notebook manually top-down, you can do the following:

1) Run each of the code cells (quite a few of them).

2) Past all of the code cells is a section titled: "Load a backtest ID of one of your algos"

3) Just enter a backtest ID string to the function 'analyze_single_algo()' and run the cell

4) At the very bottom of the notebook shows how to easily create a tearsheet of any single stock/ETF since the 'analyze_single_algo()' function will work on any timeseries of percent daily returns


Scroll to end of notebook for descriptions of the various plots and calculations used in the tearsheet

In [ ]:
In [1]:
from __future__ import division

import pandas as pd

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import itertools
import sklearn.covariance
from sklearn import preprocessing

import scipy as sp
import scipy.stats as stats

import time
import datetime

import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as ts
In [2]:
# load SPY and IEF to use as benchmarks in some plots.  SPY will also be used to compute portfolio beta
# also load some stock data to show how to generate single-stock performance tearsheets at the end of notebook

symbol_list = ['SPY', 'IEF', 'AAPL', 'EFA', 'EEM']

securities_panel = get_pricing(symbol_list, fields=['price']
                               , start_date='2000-01-01', end_date='2015-06-11')
securities_panel.minor_axis = map(lambda x: x.symbol, securities_panel.minor_axis)
In [3]:
benchmark = securities_panel.loc['price']['SPY'].dropna()
benchmark_rets = benchmark.pct_change().dropna()

benchmark2 = securities_panel.loc['price']['IEF'].dropna()
benchmark2_rets = benchmark2.pct_change().dropna()
In [4]:
def extract_date(timestamp):
    return str.split(str(timestamp))[0]
In [5]:
def var_cov_var_normal(P, c, mu=0, sigma=1, **kwargs):
    Variance-Covariance calculation of daily Value-at-Risk
    using confidence level c, with mean of returns mu
    and standard deviation of returns sigma, on a portfolio
    of value P.
    alpha = sp.stats.norm.ppf(1-c, mu, sigma)
    return P - P*(alpha + 1)

def cum_returns(df, withStartingValue=None):
    if withStartingValue is None:
        return np.exp(np.log(1 + df).cumsum()) - 1
        return np.exp(np.log(1 + df).cumsum()) * withStartingValue

def aggregate_returns(df_daily_rets, convert_to):
    cumulate_returns = lambda x: cum_returns(x)[-1]
    if convert_to == 'daily':
        return df_daily_rets
    elif convert_to == 'weekly':
        return df_daily_rets.groupby([lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month, lambda x: x.isocalendar()[1]]).apply(cumulate_returns)
    elif convert_to == 'monthly':
        return df_daily_rets.groupby([lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month]).apply(cumulate_returns)
    elif convert_to == 'yearly':
        return df_daily_rets.groupby([lambda x: x.year]).apply(cumulate_returns)
        ValueError('convert_to must be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly')
def max_drawdown(ts, inputIsNAV=True):
    if ts.size < 1:
        return np.nan

    if inputIsNAV:
        temp_ts = ts
        temp_ts = cum_returns(ts, withStartingValue=100)

    MDD = 0
    DD = 0
    peak = -99999
    for value in temp_ts:
        if (value > peak):
            peak = value
            DD = (peak - value) / peak
        if (DD > MDD):
            MDD = DD
    return -1 * MDD

def annual_return(ts, inputIsNAV=True, style='calendar'):
    # if style == 'compound' then return will be calculated in geometric terms: (1+mean(all_daily_returns))^252 - 1
    # if style == 'calendar' then return will be calculated as ((last_value - start_value)/start_value)/num_of_years
    # if style == 'arithmetic' then return is simply
    # mean(all_daily_returns)*252
    if ts.size < 1:
        return np.nan

    if inputIsNAV:
        tempReturns = ts.pct_change().dropna()
        if style == 'calendar':
            num_years = len(tempReturns) / 252
            start_value = ts[0]
            end_value = ts[-1]
            return ((end_value - start_value) / start_value) / num_years
        if style == 'compound':
            return pow((1 + tempReturns.mean()), 252) - 1
            return tempReturns.mean() * 252
        if style == 'calendar':
            num_years = len(ts) / 252
            temp_NAV = cum_returns(ts, withStartingValue=100)
            start_value = temp_NAV[0]
            end_value = temp_NAV[-1]
            return ((end_value - start_value) / start_value) / num_years
        if style == 'compound':
            return pow((1 + ts.mean()), 252) - 1
            return ts.mean() * 252

def annual_volatility(ts, inputIsNAV=True):
    if ts.size < 2:
        return np.nan
    if inputIsNAV:
        tempReturns = ts.pct_change().dropna()
        return tempReturns.std() * np.sqrt(252)
        return ts.std() * np.sqrt(252)

def calmar_ratio(ts, inputIsNAV=True, returns_style='calendar'):
    temp_max_dd = max_drawdown(ts=ts, inputIsNAV=inputIsNAV)
    # print(temp_max_dd)
    if temp_max_dd < 0:
        if inputIsNAV:
            temp = annual_return(ts=ts,
                                 style=returns_style) / abs(max_drawdown(ts=ts,
            tempNAV = cum_returns(ts, withStartingValue=100)
            temp = annual_return(ts=tempNAV,
                                 style=returns_style) / abs(max_drawdown(ts=tempNAV,
        return np.nan

    if np.isinf(temp):
        return np.nan
        return temp

def sharpe_ratio(ts, inputIsNAV=True, returns_style='calendar'):
    return annual_return(ts,
                         style=returns_style) / annual_volatility(ts,

def stability_of_timeseries(ts, logValue=True, inputIsNAV=True):
    if ts.size < 2:
        return np.nan

    if logValue:
        if inputIsNAV:
            tempValues = np.log10(ts.values)
            tsLen = ts.size
            temp_ts = cum_returns(ts, withStartingValue=100)
            tempValues = np.log10(temp_ts.values)
            tsLen = temp_ts.size
        if inputIsNAV:
            tempValues = ts.values
            tsLen = ts.size
            temp_ts = cum_returns(ts, withStartingValue=100)
            tempValues = temp_ts.values
            tsLen = temp_ts.size

    X = range(0, tsLen)
    X = sm.add_constant(X)

    model = sm.OLS(tempValues, X).fit()

    return model.rsquared

def calc_multifactor(df_rets, factors):
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    factors = factors.loc[df_rets.index]
    factors = sm.add_constant(factors)
    factors = factors.dropna(axis=0)
    results = sm.OLS(df_rets[factors.index], factors).fit()
    return results.params

def rolling_multifactor_beta(ser, multi_factor_df, rolling_window=63):
    results = [ calc_multifactor( ser[beg:end], multi_factor_df)
               for beg,end in zip(ser.index[0:-rolling_window],ser.index[rolling_window:]) ]
    return pd.DataFrame(index=ser.index[rolling_window:], data=results)  
def multi_factor_alpha( factors_ts_list, single_ts, factor_names_list, input_is_returns=False
                        , annualized=False, annualize_factor=252, show_output=False):
    factors_ts = [ i.asfreq(freq='D',normalize=True) for i in factors_ts_list ]
    dep_var = single_ts.asfreq(freq='D',normalize=True)
    if not input_is_returns:
        factors_ts = [ i.pct_change().dropna() for i in factors_ts ]
        dep_var = dep_var.pct_change().dropna()
    factors_align = pd.DataFrame( factors_ts ).T.dropna()   
    factors_align.columns = factor_names_list
    if show_output:
        print factors_align.head(5)
        print dep_var.head(5)
    if dep_var.shape[0] < 2:
        return np.nan
    if factors_align.shape[0] < 2:
        return np.nan
    factor_regress = pd.ols(y=dep_var, x=factors_align, intercept=True)
    factor_alpha = factor_regress.summary_as_matrix.intercept.beta
    if show_output:
        print factor_regress.resid
        print factor_regress.summary_as_matrix
    if annualized:
        return factor_alpha * annualize_factor
        return factor_alpha

def calc_alpha_beta(df_rets, 
                    startDate=None, endDate=None, 
                    normalize=False, remove_zeros=False):
    if not inputs_are_returns:
        df_rets = df_rets.pct_change().dropna()
        benchmark_rets = benchmark_rets.pct_change().dropna()
    if startDate != None:
        df_rets = df_rets[startDate:]
    if endDate != None:
        df_rets = df_rets[:endDate]
    if df_rets.ndim == 1:
        if remove_zeros:
            df_rets = df_rets[df_rets != 0]
        if normalize:
            ret_index = df_rets.index.normalize()
            ret_index = df_rets.index
        beta, alpha = sp.stats.linregress(benchmark_rets.loc[ret_index].values,

    if df_rets.ndim == 2:
        beta = pd.Series(index=df_rets.columns)
        alpha = pd.Series(index=df_rets.columns)
        for algo_id in df_rets:
            df = df_rets[algo_id]
            if remove_zeros:
                df = df[df != 0]
            if normalize:
                ret_index = df.index.normalize()
                ret_index = df.index
            beta[algo_id], alpha[algo_id] = sp.stats.linregress(benchmark_rets.loc[ret_index].values,
                                                                df.values)[:2] = 'alpha' = 'beta'
    if return_beta_only:
        return beta
        return alpha * 252, beta
def rolling_beta(ser, benchmark_rets, rolling_window=63):
    results = [ calc_alpha_beta( ser[beg:end], benchmark_rets, return_beta_only=True, normalize=True)
               for beg,end in zip(ser.index[0:-rolling_window],ser.index[rolling_window:]) ]
    return pd.Series(index=ser.index[rolling_window:], data=results) 

def out_of_sample_vs_in_sample_returns_kde(bt_ts, oos_ts, 
    bt_ts_pct = bt_ts.pct_change().dropna()
    oos_ts_pct = oos_ts.pct_change().dropna()
    bt_ts_r = bt_ts_pct.reshape(len(bt_ts_pct),1)
    oos_ts_r = oos_ts_pct.reshape(len(oos_ts_pct),1)
    if transform_style == 'raw':
        bt_scaled = bt_ts_r
        oos_scaled = oos_ts_r
    if transform_style == 'scale':
        bt_scaled = preprocessing.scale(bt_ts_r, axis=0)
        oos_scaled = preprocessing.scale(oos_ts_r, axis=0)
    if transform_style == 'normalize_L2':
        bt_scaled = preprocessing.normalize(bt_ts_r, axis=1)
        oos_scaled = preprocessing.normalize(oos_ts_r, axis=1)
    if transform_style == 'normalize_L1':
        bt_scaled = preprocessing.normalize(bt_ts_r, axis=1, norm='l1')
        oos_scaled = preprocessing.normalize(oos_ts_r, axis=1, norm='l1')

    X_train = bt_scaled
    X_test = oos_scaled

    X_train = X_train.reshape(len(X_train))
    X_test = X_test.reshape(len(X_test))

    x_axis_dim = np.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
    kernal_method = 'scott'
        scipy_kde_train = stats.gaussian_kde(X_train, bw_method=kernal_method)(x_axis_dim)
        scipy_kde_test = stats.gaussian_kde(X_test, bw_method=kernal_method)(x_axis_dim)
        if return_zero_if_exception:
            return 0.0
            return np.nan
    kde_diff = sum(abs(scipy_kde_test - scipy_kde_train)) / (sum(scipy_kde_train) + sum(scipy_kde_test))

    return kde_diff

def perf_stats(
    all_stats = {}
    all_stats['annual_return'] = annual_return(
    all_stats['annual_volatility'] = annual_volatility(
    all_stats['sharpe_ratio'] = sharpe_ratio(
    all_stats['calmar_ratio'] = calmar_ratio(
    all_stats['stability'] = stability_of_timeseries(ts, inputIsNAV=inputIsNAV)
    all_stats['max_drawdown'] = max_drawdown(ts, inputIsNAV=inputIsNAV)

    if return_as_dict:
        return all_stats
        all_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(
        all_stats_df.columns = ['perf_stats']
        return all_stats_df
In [6]:

def get_max_draw_down_underwater(underwater):
    valley = np.argmax(underwater)  # end of the period
    # Find first 0
    peak = underwater[:valley][underwater[:valley] == 0].index[-1]
    # Find last 0
        recovery = underwater[valley:][underwater[valley:] == 0].index[0]
    except IndexError:
        recovery = np.nan # drawdown not recovered
    return peak, valley, recovery

def get_max_draw_down(df_rets):
    df_rets = df_rets.copy()
    df_cum = cum_returns(df_rets, 1.0)
    running_max = np.maximum.accumulate(df_cum)
    underwater = (running_max - df_cum) / running_max
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    return get_max_draw_down_underwater(underwater)

def get_top_draw_downs(df_rets, top=10):
    df_rets = df_rets.copy()
    df_cum = cum_returns(df_rets, 1.0)
    running_max = np.maximum.accumulate(df_cum)
    underwater = running_max - df_cum

    drawdowns = []
    for t in range(top):
        peak, valley, recovery = get_max_draw_down_underwater(underwater)
        # Slice out draw-down period
        if not pd.isnull(recovery):
            underwater = pd.concat(
                [underwater.loc[:peak].iloc[:-1], underwater.loc[recovery:].iloc[1:]])
            # drawdown has not ended yet
            underwater = underwater.loc[:peak]

        drawdowns.append((peak, valley, recovery))
        if len(df_rets) == 0:

    return drawdowns

def gen_drawdown_table(df_rets, top=10):
    df_cum = cum_returns(df_rets, 1.0)
    drawdown_periods = get_top_draw_downs(df_rets, top=top)
    df_drawdowns = pd.DataFrame(index=range(top), columns=['net drawdown in %',
                                                           'peak date',
                                                           'valley date',
                                                           'recovery date',

    for i, (peak, valley, recovery) in enumerate(drawdown_periods):
        if pd.isnull(recovery):
            df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'duration'] = np.nan
            df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'duration'] = len(pd.date_range(peak,
        df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'peak date'] = peak
        df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'valley date'] = valley
        df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'recovery date'] = recovery
        df_drawdowns.loc[i, 'net drawdown in %'] = np.round( (
            (df_cum.loc[peak] - df_cum.loc[valley]) / df_cum.loc[peak]) * 100, 2 )

    df_drawdowns['peak date'] = pd.to_datetime(
        df_drawdowns['peak date'],
    df_drawdowns['valley date'] = pd.to_datetime(
        df_drawdowns['valley date'],
    df_drawdowns['recovery date'] = pd.to_datetime(
        df_drawdowns['recovery date'],

    return df_drawdowns

def rolling_sharpe(df_rets, rolling_sharpe_window):
    return pd.rolling_mean(df_rets, rolling_sharpe_window) / pd.rolling_std(df_rets, rolling_sharpe_window) * np.sqrt(252)

def cone_rolling(input_rets, num_stdev=1.0, warm_up_days_pct=0.5, std_scale_factor=252, 
                 update_std_oos_rolling=False, cone_fit_end_date=None, extend_fit_trend=True, create_future_cone=True):

    # if specifying 'cone_fit_end_date' please use a pandas compatible format, e.g. '2015-8-4', 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    warm_up_days = int(warm_up_days_pct*input_rets.size)

    # create initial linear fit from beginning of timeseries thru warm_up_days or the specified 'cone_fit_end_date'
    if cone_fit_end_date is None:
        df_rets = input_rets[:warm_up_days]
        df_rets = input_rets[ input_rets.index < cone_fit_end_date]
    perf_ts = cum_returns(df_rets, 1)
    X = range(0, perf_ts.size)
    X = sm.add_constant(X)
    sm.OLS(perf_ts , range(0,len(perf_ts)))
    line_ols = sm.OLS(perf_ts.values , X).fit()
    fit_line_ols_coef = line_ols.params[1]
    fit_line_ols_inter = line_ols.params[0]

    x_points = range(0, perf_ts.size)
    x_points = np.array(x_points) * fit_line_ols_coef + fit_line_ols_inter
    perf_ts_r = pd.DataFrame(perf_ts)
    perf_ts_r.columns = ['perf']
    warm_up_std_pct = np.std(perf_ts.pct_change().dropna())
    std_pct = warm_up_std_pct * np.sqrt(std_scale_factor) 

    perf_ts_r['line'] = x_points
    perf_ts_r['sd_up'] = perf_ts_r['line'] * ( 1 + num_stdev * std_pct )
    perf_ts_r['sd_down'] = perf_ts_r['line'] * ( 1 - num_stdev * std_pct )
    std_pct = warm_up_std_pct * np.sqrt(std_scale_factor) 
    last_backtest_day_index = df_rets.index[-1]
    cone_end_rets = input_rets[ input_rets.index > last_backtest_day_index ]
    new_cone_day_scale_factor = int(1)
    oos_intercept_shift = perf_ts_r.perf[-1] - perf_ts_r.line[-1]

    # make the cone for the out-of-sample/live papertrading period
    for i in cone_end_rets.index:
        df_rets = input_rets[:i]
        perf_ts = cum_returns(df_rets, 1)
        if extend_fit_trend:
            line_ols_coef = fit_line_ols_coef
            line_ols_inter = fit_line_ols_inter
            X = range(0, perf_ts.size)
            X = sm.add_constant(X)
            sm.OLS(perf_ts , range(0,len(perf_ts)))
            line_ols = sm.OLS(perf_ts.values , X).fit()
            line_ols_coef = line_ols.params[1]
            line_ols_inter = line_ols.params[0]
        x_points = range(0, perf_ts.size)
        x_points = np.array(x_points) * line_ols_coef + line_ols_inter + oos_intercept_shift
        temp_line = x_points   
        if update_std_oos_rolling:
            #std_pct = np.sqrt(std_scale_factor) * np.std(perf_ts.pct_change().dropna())
            std_pct = np.sqrt(new_cone_day_scale_factor) * np.std(perf_ts.pct_change().dropna())
            std_pct = np.sqrt(new_cone_day_scale_factor) * warm_up_std_pct
        temp_sd_up = temp_line * ( 1 + num_stdev * std_pct )
        temp_sd_down = temp_line * ( 1 - num_stdev * std_pct )
        new_daily_cone = pd.DataFrame(index=[i], data={'perf':perf_ts[i], 
                                                       'sd_down':temp_sd_down[-1] } )
        perf_ts_r = perf_ts_r.append(new_daily_cone)

    if create_future_cone:
        extend_ahead_days = 252
        future_cone_dates = pd.date_range(cone_end_rets.index[-1], periods=extend_ahead_days, freq='B')
        future_cone_intercept_shift = perf_ts_r.perf[-1] - perf_ts_r.line[-1]
        future_days_scale_factor = np.linspace(1,extend_ahead_days,extend_ahead_days)
        std_pct = np.sqrt(future_days_scale_factor) * warm_up_std_pct
        x_points = range(perf_ts.size, perf_ts.size + extend_ahead_days)
        x_points = np.array(x_points) * line_ols_coef + line_ols_inter + oos_intercept_shift + future_cone_intercept_shift
        temp_line = x_points   
        temp_sd_up = temp_line * ( 1 + num_stdev * std_pct )
        temp_sd_down = temp_line * ( 1 - num_stdev * std_pct )

        future_cone = pd.DataFrame(index=map( np.datetime64, future_cone_dates ), data={'perf':temp_line, 
                                                                                        'sd_down':temp_sd_down } )
        perf_ts_r = perf_ts_r.append(future_cone)

    return perf_ts_r
In [7]:

def plot_cone_chart(cone_df, warm_up_days_pct, lines_to_plot=['line'], in_sample_color='grey', oos_color='coral', plot_cone_lines=True ):
    if plot_cone_lines:
        cone_df[lines_to_plot].plot(alpha=0.3, color='k', ls='-', lw=2, label='')
    warm_up_x_end = int(len(cone_df)*warm_up_days_pct)

    plt.fill_between(cone_df.index[:warm_up_x_end], cone_df.sd_down[:warm_up_x_end], cone_df.sd_up[:warm_up_x_end], color=in_sample_color, alpha=0.15)
    plt.fill_between(cone_df.index[warm_up_x_end:], cone_df.sd_down[warm_up_x_end:], cone_df.sd_up[warm_up_x_end:], color=oos_color, alpha=0.15)

def plot_calendar_returns_info_graphic(daily_rets_ts, x_dim=15, y_dim=6): 
    ann_ret_df = pd.DataFrame( aggregate_returns(daily_rets_ts, 'yearly') )

    monthly_ret_table = aggregate_returns(daily_rets_ts, 'monthly')
    monthly_ret_table = monthly_ret_table.unstack()
    monthly_ret_table = np.round(monthly_ret_table, 3)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21,6))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1)
    sns.heatmap(monthly_ret_table.fillna(0)*100.0, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 12}, alpha=1.0, center=0.0, cbar=False, cmap='RdYlGn')
    ax1.set_ylabel(' ')
    ax1.set_xlabel("Monthly Returns (%)")

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2)
    # sns.barplot(ann_ret_df.index, ann_ret_df[0], ci=None)
    ax2.axvline(100*ann_ret_df.values.mean(), color='steelblue',linestyle='--', lw=4, alpha=0.7)
    (100*ann_ret_df.sort_index(ascending=False)).plot(ax=ax2, kind='barh', alpha=0.70)
    ax2.axvline(0.0, color='black',linestyle='-', lw=3)
    # sns.heatmap(ann_ret_df*100.0, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 14, "weight":'bold'}, center=0.0, cbar=False,
    ax2.set_ylabel(' ')
    ax2.set_xlabel("Annual Returns (%)")

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3)
    ax3.hist(100*monthly_ret_table.dropna().values.flatten(), color='orangered', alpha=0.80, bins=20)
    #sns.distplot(100*monthly_ret_table.values.flatten(), bins=20, ax=ax3, color='orangered', kde=True)
    ax3.axvline(100*monthly_ret_table.dropna().values.flatten().mean(), color='gold',linestyle='--', lw=4, alpha=1.0)
    ax3.axvline(0.0, color='black',linestyle='-', lw=3, alpha=0.75)
    ax3.set_xlabel("Distribution of Monthly Returns (%)")

def plot_drawdowns(df_rets, top=10):
    df_drawdowns = gen_drawdown_table(df_rets)
    df_cum = cum_returns(df_rets, 1.0)
    running_max = np.maximum.accumulate(df_cum)
    underwater = -100 * ( (running_max - df_cum) / running_max )
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(13, 6))
    (underwater).plot(ax=ax2, kind='area', color='coral', alpha=0.7)
    lim = ax1.get_ylim()
    colors = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(df_drawdowns))[::-1]
    for i, (peak, recovery) in df_drawdowns[
            ['peak date', 'recovery date']].iterrows():
        if pd.isnull(recovery):
            recovery = df_rets.index[-1]
        ax1.fill_between((peak, recovery),

    plt.suptitle('Top %i draw down periods' % top)
    ax1.set_ylabel('returns in %')
    ax2.set_ylabel('drawdown in %')
    ax2.set_title('Underwater plot')
In [8]:
def gen_date_ranges_interesting():
    from collections import OrderedDict
    periods = OrderedDict()
    # Dotcom bubble
    periods['Dotcom'] = (pd.Timestamp('20000310'), pd.Timestamp('20000910'))
    # Lehmann Brothers
    periods['Lehmann'] = (pd.Timestamp('20080801'), pd.Timestamp('20081001'))

    # 9/11
    periods['9/11'] = (pd.Timestamp('20010911'), pd.Timestamp('20011011'))

    # 05/08/11	US down grade and European Debt Crisis 2011
    periods['US downgrade/European Debt Crisis'] = (pd.Timestamp('20110805'), pd.Timestamp('20110905'))

    # 16/03/11	Fukushima melt down 2011
    periods['Fukushima'] = (pd.Timestamp('20110316'), pd.Timestamp('20110416'))

    # 01/08/03	US Housing Bubble 2003
    periods['US Housing'] = (pd.Timestamp('20030108'), pd.Timestamp('20030208'))

    # 06/09/12	EZB IR Event 2012
    periods['EZB IR Event'] = (pd.Timestamp('20120910'), pd.Timestamp('20121010'))
    #August 2007, March and September of 2008, Q1 & Q2 2009, 
    periods['Aug07'] = (pd.Timestamp('20070801'), pd.Timestamp('20070901'))
    periods['Mar08'] = (pd.Timestamp('20080301'), pd.Timestamp('20070401'))
    periods['Sept08'] = (pd.Timestamp('20080901'), pd.Timestamp('20081001'))
    periods['2009Q1'] = (pd.Timestamp('20090101'), pd.Timestamp('20090301'))
    periods['2009Q2'] = (pd.Timestamp('20090301'), pd.Timestamp('20090601'))
    #Flash Crash (May 6, 2010 + 1 week post), 
    periods['Flash Crash'] = (pd.Timestamp('20100505'), pd.Timestamp('20100510'))
    # April and October 2014).
    periods['Apr14'] = (pd.Timestamp('20140401'), pd.Timestamp('20140501'))
    periods['Oct14'] = (pd.Timestamp('20141001'), pd.Timestamp('20141101'))
    return periods

def extract_interesting_date_ranges(df):
    from collections import OrderedDict
    periods = gen_date_ranges_interesting()
    df_ts = df.copy()
    df_ts.index =
    ranges = OrderedDict()
    for name, (start, end) in periods.iteritems():
        period = df_ts.loc[start:end]
        if len(period) == 0:
        ranges[name] = period
    return ranges
In [9]:
def analyze_single_algo( df_rets, algo_live_date=None, cone_std=1.0 ):
    future_cone_stdev = cone_std
    algo_ts = (df_rets + 1).cumprod()    
    print "Entire data start date: " + str(algo_ts.index[0])
    print "Entire data end date: " + str(algo_ts.index[-1])  
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    cum_returns(benchmark_rets[algo_ts.index], 1.0).plot(ax=ax, lw=2, color='gray', label='', alpha=0.65)
    cum_returns(benchmark2_rets[algo_ts.index], 1.0).plot(ax=ax, lw=2, color='gray', label='', alpha=0.45)
    # just 'pretend' that the 'live' algo out-of-sample returns starts at X% of the whole history
    # where X% is specified by the variable 'warm_up_days_pct'
    if algo_live_date is None:
        warm_up_days_pct = 0.5
        algo_create_date = df_rets.index[ int(len(df_rets)*warm_up_days_pct) ] 
        algo_create_date = algo_live_date

    df_rets_backtest = df_rets[ df_rets.index < algo_create_date]
    df_rets_live = df_rets[ df_rets.index > algo_create_date]

    print 'Out-of-Sample Months: ' + str( int( len(df_rets_live) / 21) )
    print 'Backtest Months: ' + str( int( len(df_rets_backtest) / 21) )

    perf_stats_backtest = np.round(perf_stats(df_rets_backtest, inputIsNAV=False, returns_style='arithmetic'), 2)
    perf_stats_backtest_ab = np.round(calc_alpha_beta(df_rets_backtest, benchmark_rets), 2)
    perf_stats_backtest.loc['alpha'] = perf_stats_backtest_ab[0]
    perf_stats_backtest.loc['beta'] = perf_stats_backtest_ab[1]
    perf_stats_backtest.columns = ['Backtest']

    perf_stats_live = np.round(perf_stats(df_rets_live, inputIsNAV=False, returns_style='arithmetic'), 2)
    perf_stats_live_ab = np.round(calc_alpha_beta(df_rets_live, benchmark_rets), 2)
    perf_stats_live.loc['alpha'] = perf_stats_live_ab[0]
    perf_stats_live.loc['beta'] = perf_stats_live_ab[1]
    perf_stats_live.columns = ['Out_of_Sample']

    perf_stats_all = np.round(perf_stats(df_rets, inputIsNAV=False, returns_style='arithmetic'), 2)
    perf_stats_all_ab = np.round(calc_alpha_beta(df_rets, benchmark_rets), 2)
    perf_stats_all.loc['alpha'] = perf_stats_all_ab[0]
    perf_stats_all.loc['beta'] = perf_stats_all_ab[1]
    perf_stats_all.columns = ['All_History']

    perf_stats_both = perf_stats_backtest.join(perf_stats_live, how='inner')
    perf_stats_both = perf_stats_both.join(perf_stats_all, how='inner')

    print( perf_stats_both )

    algo_ts[:algo_create_date].plot(lw=3, color='forestgreen', label='', alpha=0.6)
    algo_ts[algo_create_date:].plot(lw=4, color='red', label='', alpha=0.6)

    cone_df = cone_rolling(df_rets, num_stdev=future_cone_stdev, cone_fit_end_date=algo_create_date)

    cone_df_fit = cone_df[ cone_df.index < algo_create_date]
    cone_df_live = cone_df[ cone_df.index > algo_create_date]
    cone_df_live = cone_df_live[ cone_df_live.index < df_rets.index[-1] ]
    cone_df_future = cone_df[ cone_df.index > df_rets.index[-1] ]

    cone_df_fit['line'].plot(ax=ax, ls='--', lw=2, color='forestgreen', alpha=0.7)
    cone_df_live['line'].plot(ax=ax, ls='--', lw=2, color='red', alpha=0.7)
    cone_df_future['line'].plot(ax=ax, ls='--', lw=2, color='navy', alpha=0.7)

                    color='red', alpha=0.30)

                    color='navy', alpha=0.25)

    ax.legend(['S&P500', '7-10yr Bond', 'Algo Backtest', 'Algo LIVE' ], loc='upper left')
    plt.axhline(1.0 , linestyle='-', color='black', lw=2)
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative returns', fontsize=14)
    plt.xlim( (algo_ts.index[0], cone_df.index[-1]) )

    # Now plot the rolling beta of the portfolios
    rolling_beta_window = 63
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,3))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    plt.title("Rolling Portfolio Beta to SP500",fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('beta', fontsize=14)
    rb_1 = rolling_beta(df_rets, benchmark_rets, rolling_window=rolling_beta_window*2)
    rb_1.plot(color='steelblue', lw=3, alpha=0.6, ax=ax)
    rb_2 = rolling_beta(df_rets, benchmark_rets, rolling_window=rolling_beta_window*3)
    rb_2.plot(color='grey', lw=3, alpha=0.4, ax=ax)
    plt.xlim( (algo_ts.index[0], cone_df.index[-1]) )
    plt.ylim( (-2.5, 2.5) )
    plt.axhline(rb_1.mean(), color='steelblue', linestyle='--', lw=3)
    plt.axhline(0.0, color='black', linestyle='-', lw=2)
                    rb_1.mean() + future_cone_stdev*np.std(rb_1), 
                    rb_1.mean() - future_cone_stdev*np.std(rb_1), 
                    color='steelblue', alpha=0.2)
    plt.legend(['6-mo', '12-mo'], 'lower left')
    # Rolling sharpe
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 3))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    rolling_sharpe_window = 63*2
    rolling_sharpe_ts = rolling_sharpe(df_rets, rolling_sharpe_window)
    rolling_sharpe_ts.plot(alpha=.7, lw=3, color='orangered')
    plt.title('Rolling Sharpe ratio (6-month)', fontsize=16)
    plt.axhline(rolling_sharpe_ts.mean(), color='orangered', linestyle='--', lw=3)
    plt.axhline(0.0, color='black', linestyle='-', lw=3)
                    rolling_sharpe_ts.mean() + future_cone_stdev*np.std(rolling_sharpe_ts), 
                    rolling_sharpe_ts.mean() - future_cone_stdev*np.std(rolling_sharpe_ts), 
                    color='orangered', alpha=0.15)
    plt.xlim( (algo_ts.index[0], cone_df.index[-1]) )
    plt.ylim( (-3.0, 6.0) )
    plt.ylabel('Sharpe ratio', fontsize=14)
    diff_pct = out_of_sample_vs_in_sample_returns_kde(cum_returns(df_rets_backtest , 1.0), 
                                                             cum_returns(df_rets_live, 1.0) )
    consistency_pct = int( 100*(1.0 - diff_pct) )
    print "\n" + str(consistency_pct) + "%" + " :Similarity between Backtest vs. Out-of-Sample (daily returns distribution)\n"
    sns.kdeplot(preprocessing.scale(df_rets_backtest) , bw='scott', shade=True, label='backtest', color='forestgreen')
    sns.kdeplot(preprocessing.scale(df_rets_live) ,  bw='scott', shade=True, label='out-of-sample', color='red')
    plt.title("Daily Returns Similarity = " + str(consistency_pct) + "%" )
    dd_table = gen_drawdown_table(df_rets,top=10)

    dd_table['peak date'] = map( extract_date, dd_table['peak date'])
    dd_table['valley date'] = map( extract_date, dd_table['valley date'])
    dd_table['recovery date'] = map( extract_date, dd_table['recovery date'])
    dd_table = dd_table.sort('net drawdown in %', ascending=False)
    print "\nTop 10 Worst Drawdowns"
    print dd_table
    plot_drawdowns(df_rets, top=10)
    df_weekly = aggregate_returns(df_rets, 'weekly')
    df_monthly = aggregate_returns(df_rets, 'monthly')
    plt.figure(figsize=(13, 6))
    sns.boxplot([df_rets, df_weekly, df_monthly], names=['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'])
    plt.title('Return quantiles')
    var_daily = var_cov_var_normal(1e7, .05, df_rets.mean(), df_rets.std())
    var_weekly = var_cov_var_normal(1e7, .05, df_weekly.mean(), df_weekly.std())
    two_sigma_daily = df_rets.mean() - 2*df_rets.std()
    two_sigma_weekly = df_weekly.mean() - 2*df_weekly.std()
    var_sigma = pd.Series([two_sigma_daily, two_sigma_weekly],
                          index=['2-sigma returns daily', '2-sigma returns weekly'])
    print np.round(var_sigma, 3)
    # Get interesting time periods
    rets_interesting = extract_interesting_date_ranges(df_rets)
    print '\nStress Events'
    print np.round(pd.DataFrame(rets_interesting).describe().transpose().loc[:,['mean','min','max']], 3)
    bmark_interesting = extract_interesting_date_ranges(benchmark_rets)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(28,61))
    for i, (name, rets_period) in enumerate(rets_interesting.iteritems()):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(6, 3, i+1)
        cum_returns(rets_period).plot(ax=ax, color='forestgreen', label='algo', alpha=0.7, lw=2)
        cum_returns(bmark_interesting[name]).plot(ax=ax, color='gray', label='SPY', alpha=0.6)
        plt.legend(['algo', 'SPY'], loc='lower left')
        ax.set_title(name, size=14)
        ax.set_ylabel('', size=12)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

Load a backtest ID of one of your algos

In [10]:
algo_bt = get_backtest('557f7e7ed2c0610ddf158ca9')
algo_rets = algo_bt.daily_performance.returns
100% Time: 0:00:07|###########################################################|

Call the function to create a simple performance tearsheet for your algo returns

In [11]:
analyze_single_algo( df_rets=algo_rets, algo_live_date='2014-1-1', cone_std=1.0 )
Entire data start date: 2006-07-03 00:00:00+00:00
Entire data end date: 2015-06-11 00:00:00+00:00
Out-of-Sample Months: 17
Backtest Months: 89
                   Backtest  Out_of_Sample  All_History
max_drawdown          -0.29          -0.27        -0.29
calmar_ratio           0.50          -0.24         0.39
annual_return          0.15          -0.05         0.11
stability              0.93           0.50         0.90
sharpe_ratio           0.84          -0.31         0.67
annual_volatility      0.17           0.16         0.17
alpha                  0.15          -0.07         0.12
beta                  -0.03           0.15        -0.02

93% :Similarity between Backtest vs. Out-of-Sample (daily returns distribution)

Top 10 Worst Drawdowns
  net drawdown in %   peak date valley date recovery date duration
1              29.4  2008-12-05  2009-05-15    2009-12-22      273
0             26.87  2014-12-18  2015-04-07           NaT      NaN
6             16.63  2007-01-04  2007-04-27    2008-02-06      285
2             14.96  2011-08-18  2011-10-04    2012-07-03      229
3             14.14  2011-01-31  2011-02-23    2011-08-04      134
9             10.48  2008-05-01  2008-07-21    2008-09-05       92
4             10.17  2012-07-19  2013-01-23    2013-05-31      227
5              8.88  2014-03-17  2014-09-29    2014-12-11      194
8              8.61  2010-01-04  2010-05-03    2010-05-07       90
7              5.56  2012-07-18  2013-08-16    2013-10-30      336
2-sigma returns daily    -0.021
2-sigma returns weekly   -0.041
dtype: float64

Stress Events
                                    mean    min    max
Lehmann                            0.001 -0.051  0.087
US downgrade/European Debt Crisis  0.001 -0.031  0.052
Fukushima                          0.001 -0.008  0.012
EZB IR Event                       0.002 -0.019  0.025
Aug07                              0.003 -0.009  0.019
Sept08                             0.001 -0.051  0.087
2009Q1                            -0.002 -0.049  0.050
2009Q2                            -0.002 -0.048  0.069
Flash Crash                        0.012 -0.016  0.033
Apr14                             -0.001 -0.016  0.011
Oct14                              0.002 -0.019  0.016
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The "loc" positional argument to legend is deprecated. Please use the "loc" keyword instead.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f0377946390>
In [ ]:

You can also easily run a tearsheet on a single stock's or ETF's daily returns timeseries

In [12]:
stock = securities_panel.loc['price']['EFA'].dropna()
stock_rets = stock.pct_change().dropna()
In [13]:
analyze_single_algo( df_rets=stock_rets, algo_live_date='2014-1-1', cone_std=1.0 )
Entire data start date: 2002-01-03 00:00:00+00:00
Entire data end date: 2015-06-11 00:00:00+00:00
Out-of-Sample Months: 17
Backtest Months: 143
                   Backtest  Out_of_Sample  All_History
max_drawdown          -0.63          -0.17        -0.63
calmar_ratio           0.11           0.10         0.10
annual_return          0.07           0.01         0.07
stability              0.20           0.13         0.26
sharpe_ratio           0.30           0.04         0.28
annual_volatility      0.24           0.13         0.23
alpha                  0.01          -0.09        -0.00
beta                   1.05           0.92         1.05

88% :Similarity between Backtest vs. Out-of-Sample (daily returns distribution)

Top 10 Worst Drawdowns
  net drawdown in %   peak date valley date recovery date duration
0             63.24  2007-10-31  2009-03-09           NaT      NaN
1             31.21  2002-05-17  2003-03-12    2003-10-14      368
2             15.59  2006-05-09  2006-06-13    2006-10-26      123
3             12.07  2007-07-12  2007-08-16    2007-10-05       62
6             10.65  2002-01-04  2002-02-06    2002-03-07       45
5              9.79  2004-02-17  2004-05-17    2004-10-11      170
4              7.68  2007-02-26  2007-03-05    2007-04-03       27
7              7.12  2005-03-04  2005-05-13    2005-08-03      109
8              6.37  2005-09-29  2005-10-20    2005-12-01       46
9              3.81  2007-06-04  2007-06-12    2007-07-02       21
2-sigma returns daily    -0.029
2-sigma returns weekly   -0.051
dtype: float64

Stress Events
                                    mean    min    max
Lehmann                           -0.004 -0.104  0.069
US downgrade/European Debt Crisis -0.000 -0.075  0.067
Fukushima                          0.003 -0.032  0.033
US Housing                        -0.004 -0.027  0.014
EZB IR Event                      -0.000 -0.020  0.016
Aug07                             -0.000 -0.028  0.027
Sept08                            -0.005 -0.104  0.069
2009Q1                            -0.006 -0.072  0.047
2009Q2                             0.006 -0.057  0.071
Flash Crash                       -0.000 -0.045  0.065
Apr14                              0.001 -0.018  0.013
Oct14                             -0.000 -0.027  0.018
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f0377946750>
In [14]:
def get_top_draw_downs(df_rets, top=10):
    df_rets = df_rets.copy()
    df_cum = cum_returns(df_rets)
    running_max = np.maximum.accumulate(df_cum)
    underwater = running_max - df_cum

    drawdowns = []
    for t in range(top):
        peak, valley, recovery = get_max_draw_down_underwater(underwater)
        # Slice out draw-down period
        #if not np.isnan(recovery):
        underwater = pd.concat(
                [underwater.loc[:peak].iloc[:-1], underwater.loc[recovery:].iloc[1:]])
            # drawdown has not ended yet
        underwater = underwater.loc[:peak]

        drawdowns.append((peak, valley, recovery))
        if len(df_rets) == 0:

    return drawdowns
In [ ]:
In [ ]:


Performance Statistics

Similar to what is reported in the Quantopian Backtester but computes a few others.

  • Ability to specify an “out-of-sample” or “live trading” date. So, say you’ve started to live papertrade an algo, or started trading it with real money and you’d like to easily perform a side-by-side comparison of the algo’s performance -- this is now as simple as specifying the date which will slice your backtest into 2 pieces, generating performance stats for each.
  • If you don’t specify an out-of-sample date, just by default the function will split your backtest into 2 equally sized time periods allowing you to see how consistently the 2nd timeframe matched the 1st timeframe
  • Similarity between the distributions of your backtest vs. live trading daily returns. E.g. How closely does the out-of-sample trading of your algo match the expectations set from the backtest.

VaR (Value-At-Risk) Table

  • Simple VaR calculation of 1 day and 1 week 2-stdev VaR, meaning that if your algo experienced a -2stdev loss in 1 day or 1 week, this is the expected % loss endured by the algo
  • We are working on more extensive building out of VaR metrics

Stress Events Table

  • How your algo performed during specific macroeconomic periods of “stress”
  • The columns mean/min/max refer to the average daily return of the algo (min), the worst daily return of your algo (min), and best daily return of your algo (max)

Cumulative Returns Plot

Your algo

  • Green: Backtest performance
  • Red: Live, out-of-sample, performance

A couple of broad indexes for comparison purposes.

  • S&P500
  • Intermediate Term Bonds
  • These should not necessarily be used as benchmarks for performance so much as they should be used to see when large market/macro shock events occurred and how your algo fared.

“Cone Charts”

  • The cone is meant to serve as a guide post for how we might expect an algorithm to perform in the future based solely upon its backtest.
  • RED cone: The live papertrading period (e.g. out-of-sample period). The cone drawn around this live period was based solely on the daily returns data from the backtest period.
  • BLUE cone : A blue cone is drawn going out one-year into the future showing the 1.0 stdev expected range of the algo's performance if we were to start trading it today. As well, this blue cone is computed solely on the backtest (GREEN) daily returns/volatility data.

Math Behind the Cone

1) Compute Algo Volatility Expectation from the Backtest.

    a) Uses *only* the *backtest* data to compute the daily volatility of the algo. 

2) Compute Algo Profit Expectation from the Backtest

    a) From the backtest data only, calculate the linear trend of the algo's profit (e.g. the slope of how it goes up-and-to-the-right as it generates profits)

    b) Use this linear trend established from the backtest daily returns and if the algo performs similarly in live trading, we should expect the live performance to fall within the cone drawn around this linear trend +/- the volatility computed in #1.  (The linear trends are shown as *dashed* lines in the above plot)

3) Compute the Cone based on Backtest Returns & Volatility

    a) The midpoint line of the cone (e.g. average profit expectation) is the linear trend established in #2 above.

    b) Then draw the cone using the daily volatility computed in #1 above by scaling the daily value based on the number of days that the algo has been live, using the conventional standard rule of volatility scaling. E.g. If I was to scale a daily volatility to an annual volatility I take the daily value and multiply it by the sqrt(252) to annualize it.  

    c)  So, for example, an algo with a 1% daily volatility, means it has a ~16% annual volatility: 1% * sqrt(252).  This will result in a cone that has a width of +/-16% at a point in time 1-year from the start of the cone. Similarly, the cone width at month 6 would be +/-11 %, since 1% * sqrt(126)=11%.  This calculation is simply done every N days from the start of the cone to create the width of the cone at each N-day period from the start of the cone and shapes the cone as time progresses forward.

  • This is another area where we are spending more time researching advanced methods for modeling the future returns and variance expectations of an algo based solely on its backtest data. The more accurately we model this will allow us to have greater confidence understanding when an algorithm has stopped working after investing in it, and trigger a warning that the algorithm may have to be turned off.

Rolling Beta Plot

  • Your algo’s beta computed over a rolling 6-month window of time
  • See how your algo’s exposure to the SP500 market fluctuates over time or if it is steadily market-neutral.
  • The shaded region at the right side of this plot is a 1.0 stdev range based on the historical values of the algo's rolling beta timeseries

Rolling Sharpe Ratio

  • Allows you to see how your algo’s Sharpe Ratio fluctuates over time or if it is very steady and earns profit consistently over time.
  • The shaded region at the right side of this plot is a 1.0 stdev range based on the historical values of the algo's rolling sharpe timeseries

Heatmap of Monthly Returns

  • Each month’s returns of your algo, heatmapped so you can see the months you made the most or lost the most money.

Annual Returns Bar Chart

  • Allows easy visualization of how steadily your algo performs on a yearly basis

Distribution of Monthly Returns

  • Easy inspection of whether your algo has a consistent mean profit each month and whether the algo experienced any large “fat-tailed” events

Daily Returns Similarity

  • The distribution of your live, out-of-sample, daily returns overlaid upon the distribution of daily returns from your backtest. If they perfectly alighn the result would be 100% similarity.
  • This allows you to quickly see if your live out-of-sample performance is aligned with the expectations of your backtest.
  • These distributions are determined after scaling the observations underlying each distribution and using a Gaussian kernel density estimator to estimate the probability density function.
  • The reason behind scaling the returns observations is to account for the fact that there are most likely many more observations in your backtest than in your live out-of-sample period.
  • To see how the scaling was done check out the function in the notebook.
    • We are doing much more work in this area since it is a very important aspect of choosing algorithms for the hedge fund.
    • We would love to hear others’ thoughts about ways to improve or revise this current methodology – if you have ideas leave them in the comments in the forums!

Box and Whisker Plots

  • Show the average, 25th, 75th percentile returns + outliers across three different timeframes: daily, weekly, monthly

“Stress Event” (Grid of Small Plots)

  • How well did your algo perform during large stress events.
    • Green: Your algo
    • Gray: SP500
In [ ]: