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zipline running custom algorithm with custom data

I'm new to the zipline. I was trying to run this custom algorithm of Paris-trading using my own data from a local csv. Here's the data format:


import pandas as pd  
import pytz  
from collections import OrderedDict  
data = OrderedDict()  
data['A'] = pd.read_csv('ohlcfetch.csv', index_col=1, parse_dates=['date'])  
data['A'].fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True)  
print data['A'].head()  


    date    symbol  open   high    low   close   volume

2017-09-01      A  64.90  65.180  64.21  64.38  1224667  
2017-09-05      A  64.02  64.480  63.81  64.29   910613  
2017-09-06      A  64.56  64.810  64.05  64.71   974511  
2017-09-07      A  64.85  65.245  64.49  65.14  1075757  
2017-09-08      A  65.15  65.680  64.83  65.02  1588439  

Link to the algoritm: https://github.com/bartchr808/Quantopian_Pairs_Trader/blob/master/algo.py

I was trying something like this but couldn't figure it out after importing the data:

perf = zipline.run_algorithm(start=pd.to_datetime('2017-09-01').tz_localize(pytz.utc),  

Can someone please help me how I should run it now?