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Why is my algo taking a trade every minute?

Total noob, so be kind.

Why is my algo taking a trade every minute, even when I told it to only take a trade if position == 0?

import talib  
import numpy as np  
import pandas as pd

# Setup our variables  
def initialize(context):  
    context.stock = sid(--masked--)  
    for minute in range(0, 390, 1):  
        schedule_function(trade, date_rules.every_day())  
    #close out positions end of day  
    schedule_function(close_orders, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_close(hours=0, minutes=5))  
def trade(context, data):  
    current_position = context.portfolio.positions[context.stock].amount  
    price = data.current(context.stock, 'price')  
    # Load historical data for the stocks  
    #looking for 4 days worth of data  
    prices = data.history(context.stock, 'price', 1440, '1m')  
    upper, middle, lower = talib.BBANDS(  
        # number of non-biased standard deviations from the mean  
        # Moving average type: simple moving average here  
    # If price is below the recent lower band and we have  
    # no long positions then go long  
    if price <= lower[-1] and current_position == 0 and data.can_trade(context.stock):  
        order_target(context.stock, 1000)  
        log.info('long trade taken at' + str(price))  

    # If price is above the recent upper band and we have  
    # no short positions then go short  
    elif price >= upper[-1] and current_position == 0 and data.can_trade(context.stock):  
        order_target(context.stock, -1000)  
        log.info('short trade taken at' + str(price))  
3 responses

Probably has something to do with the fact that you scheduled your order function within the for loop on the 2nd line of your initialze() function.

Hope that helps,


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Yeah but it should only take a trade if current_position = 0... thats the problem. Once a trade is taken, it shouldnt take another one unless that is met. Thoughts?

Hi Casey,

Without seeing the backtest + log output, it's a little bit difficult to help debug, but I think the problem is that the algorithm is over-ordering. The for loop around the schedule_function call is essentially calling trade at market open 390 times. I get the sense that you were looking to run the function once per minute, in which case you could specify a minute offset equal to the minute variable in your for loop. Of course, if you're running the function every minute, you're probably better off just running it in handle_data.

To help debug, you might want to log the value of current_position before placing an order. I'd also recommend reading the lesson on order management from the Getting Started Tutorial.

Let me know if this helps.


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