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Why do I not see all the symbols in the pipeline in the log ?

Why do I not see all the symbols in the pipeline in the log ? I only see symbols with A word

from quantopian.algorithm import attach_pipeline, pipeline_output  
from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline  
from quantopian.pipeline.data.builtin import USEquityPricing  
from quantopian.pipeline.factors import SimpleMovingAverage  
from quantopian.pipeline.data.eventvestor import EarningsCalendar  
#from  quantopian.pipeline.factors.eventvestor import BusinessDaysUntilNextEarnings

import pandas as pd  
import numpy as np

def initialize(context):

    # Create and attach an empty Pipeline.  
    pipe = Pipeline()  
    pipe = attach_pipeline(pipe, name='my_pipeline')

    # Construct Factors.  
    #sma_10 = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=10)  
    previous_announcement = EarningsCalendar.previous_announcement.latest

    # Construct a Filter.  
    #prices_under_5 = (sma_10 > 10)  
    m50 = (close >= 50)  
    l150 = (close <= 150 )

    # Register outputs.  
    pipe.add(previous_announcement, 'previous_announcement')  
    pipe.add(close, 'close')

    # Remove rows for which the Filter returns False.  
    pipe.set_screen(m50 & l150)

def before_trading_start(context, data):  
    # Access results using the name passed to `attach_pipeline`.  
    results = pipeline_output('my_pipeline')  
    #print results.head(5)  
    print results

    # Store pipeline results for use by the rest of the algorithm.  
    context.pipeline_results = results  
2010-01-04 08:45  PRINT                           close previous_announcement  
Equity(62 [ABT])         53.950            2009-10-14  
Equity(154 [AEM])        54.010            2009-10-28  
Equity(205 [AGN])        63.020                   NaT  
Equity(216 [HES])        60.460            2009-10-28  
Equity(251 [AIP])        67.240                   NaT  
Equity(368 [AMGN])       56.570            2009-10-21  
Equity(377 [AMN])        63.500            2009-09-24  
Equity(412 [ANAT])      119.440            2009-10-26  
Equity(448 [APA])       103.180            2009-10-29  
Equity(455 [APC])        62.440            2009-11-02  
Equity(460 [APD])        81.000            2009-10-21  
Equity(504 [ARDN_A])     95.470            2009-11-11  
Equity(542 [ASA])        77.120                   NaT  
Equity(553 [ASEI])       75.840            2009-11-05  
Equity(576 [ASR])        51.600                   NaT  
Equity(600 [OA])         88.200                   NaT  
Equity(610 [ATNI])       55.010            2009-10-29  
Equity(698 [BA])         54.090            2009-10-2...  
2010-01-05 08:45  PRINT                           close previous_announcement  
Equity(25 [ARNC_PR])     61.313                   NaT  
Equity(62 [ABT])         54.490            2009-10-14  
Equity(154 [AEM])        56.220            2009-10-28  
Equity(205 [AGN])        63.370                   NaT  
Equity(216 [HES])        63.180            2009-10-28  
Equity(251 [AIP])        70.000                   NaT  
Equity(368 [AMGN])       57.720            2009-10-21  
Equity(377 [AMN])        65.010            2009-09-24  
Equity(412 [ANAT])      120.440            2009-10-26  
Equity(448 [APA])       105.980            2009-10-29  
Equity(455 [APC])        64.750            2009-11-02  
Equity(460 [APD])        83.120            2009-10-21  
Equity(504 [ARDN_A])     95.980            2009-11-11  
Equity(542 [ASA])        79.560                   NaT  
Equity(553 [ASEI])       79.840            2009-11-05  
Equity(576 [ASR])        55.170                   NaT  
Equity(600 [OA])         89.760                   NaT  
Equity(610 [ATNI])       56.290            2009-10-2...  
This backtest didn't generate any logs.  
1 response

How much and how often data can be logged is limited by the platform for performance reasons. Generally it's 20 lines/day. What you are seeing is the first 20 lines with the rest getting truncated. See https://www.quantopian.com/help#ide-logging for the specifics.