Hi Josh -
I continue to be confused by what you say versus what you do. I mean this to be constructive, since I appreciate that you may have difficultly, as is true for any product developer and offer-er, in seeing things from a user perspective. I also appreciate that you have legal constraints on what you can discuss publicly, and your investors/stakeholders may have certain expectations of what and how you communicate. There is also the issue of detracting from the technical side of things on the forum with "business model" topics, but that would be easily addressed by welcoming this type of discussion, and providing a separate area for it.
I will provide several recent forum examples of opportunities lost, in my opinion:
Delaney reached out to the community, and got a tremendous response. He basically took in the information (presumably) and then just let the thread die.
Another one:
Scott did provide good feedback on the specific issue, and offered up the possibility of a tweak, but the more global issues raised, I suspect, will just die on the vine.
Here's an easy one:
I got no response.
And I expressed interest in how one might determine if the risk model style factors are even valid:
No response on what would seem to be an important point.
This goes way back, but you could probably still glean some ideas from it:
I could go on, but I think you get the point.
My impression is that you are explicitly or implicitly discouraging public discourse on the forum by Quantopian employees. I think users could help you answer the question "What is Quantopian?" or even "What could Quantopian become?" if you are interested in engaging in the dialog.
One thing that would really help would be to have a public-facing bug/issue/idea/improvements/roadmap page, where you could document feedback from various sources (not only users, but employees, stakeholders/funders, etc.). Is this something you would entertain?