Mark -
You might try expressing your definitions and conditions in some flavor of pseudocode; once you get everything laid out, translating to Python and the Quantopian API will be straightforward.
Some considerations:
place the trade - Submit an order?
price action vs. price - The same, or different?
VWAP - Of what? A single stock? Or are you looking to scan over multiple stocks? How would you like to calculate VWAP?
comes up to the VWAP and touches or within '$0.05' - What does this mean? It implies that first, the 'price action' needs to be below the VWAP, but it need to be increasing? And first it has to 'touch' (equal?) the VWAP value? But then maybe not, since you say 'or within '$0.05''?
close the trade - This presumably means submit an order to go to cash. Would you be scanning across multiple stocks, or a single one?
if the price continues over the VWAP by ‘$0.10’ - Will you continue to calculate VWAP? Or is this the VWAP computed when you decided to 'place the trade'? Also, when you say 'price continues' is the condition simply that the price exceeds the VWAP by $0.10? Or are you wanting to use slope/trend information ('continues' language)?