Hi guys,
I am wondering if someone can help.
I have very little coding experience. The only "coding" I have done basically involved copying and editing some javascript code for an old browser based game I used to play (not exactly a Google Go AI programmer). Anyway, I was hoping to create an algorithm that would assign a weight to a stock depending on some basic fundamentals then buy the required number of shares each week. Then as time progresses the algo would recalculate the weights for each stock and redistribute the funds accordingly.
I currently download the FTSE250 data from the London Stock Exchange website and then format it using excel and then place buy orders manually on IB. This is obviously time consuming (luckily I am a student so time isn't too much of an issue) and wouldn't be practical in a real world situation.
Anyone have some sort algorithm that could form a base from which I can build my ideal algorithm?
Thanks in advance.