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Trading Strategy Using Markov Chains

This is my first Quantopian algo, so be easy on me :).

The idea is to bin consecutive stock movements based on the price differences and to mark those frequencies in a probability transition matrix, where the Pij entry denotes the movement from state i to state j. The matrix is then divided by the total number of transitions to obtain a probability of moving states. If the rowsum, for j>i, is a decently large probability (aka the probability of it transitioning upwards, or stock price increasing), then buy shares, and vice versa.

Perceived errors:
I believe the main issue with this algorithm is the binning method that I chose in line 34. Instead of binning the stock movements based on the average, perhaps it would be better to bin it by dividing by the closing price or current stock price. The rowsums of the probability transition matrix don't appear to sum of 1. I also did not compute any μ values because I did not know how to utilize them, as used in some identity like Pij * μ = μ. Would implement a bigger matrix if the run time wasn't so slow as is.

Any feedback or helpful insight would be greatly appreciated.

2 responses

Hi Daniel,

Welcome to Quantopian and thanks for sharing -- intriguing algorithm. At the core it seems to be a pattern detection algorithm. A couple of suggestions:

  • Implementing Markov Chains by hand is tricky business because of the normalization, as you note.
  • It seems you are just looking at each stock individually. It would be cool to infer one state for all stocks.
  • Here is an example of using a Hidden Markov Model to infer latent states. The problem with that algo is that it's not clear what the states actually mean. I like that your algorithm directly associates meaning to each state which allows you to advise a trading strategy on top of it.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Would be curious to learn if you had any other ideas to improve the strategy?



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Hmm, I would have to do some research on that hidden markov model after I bang out my financial math midterm, seems interesting. I wasn't quite sure exactly how to normalize it/what it does, or how to even code it for that matter, so i sort of decided to go off on my own tangent and try a strategy that bought some shares if the probability of increasing states was reasonable based on the matrix.

I'm still thinking about how to improve the algorithm aside from fixing the binning/buying shares part. There may be an error somewhere because -100% returns seems a little farfetched lol. I would say my main intention of the algorithm was more of getting the hang of Quantopian though rather than having a beastly strategy, although positive returns wouldn't hurt :P