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Stuck with Strange Error

Hello all! I am new to the community and developing my first python program to help me analyze stocks.

I am seeking to use TA-Lab and the very first thing I am using I am getting a strange error. Here's some background:

The dataframe (df) has the High, Low, Close, Open price data. I convert each pandas.series to a numpy.ndarray and store the data in the variables h, l, c, o as shown below:

h = df['HIGH'].to_numpy()  
l = df['LOW'].to_numpy()  
c = df['CLOSE'].to_numpy()  
o = df['OPEN'].to_numpy()  

I calculate the RANGE (which works great):

df['RANGE'] = df['HIGH'] - df['LOW']  

And I attempt to use the TA Lib TRANGE function:

from talib.abstract import *  
df['TRUE_RANGE'] = TRANGE(high=h, low=l, close=c)  

The output error says:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)  
<ipython-input-8-8cab3f3750b9> in <module>  
--> 126 df['TRUE_RANGE'] = TRANGE(high=h, low=l, close=c)  
talib/_abstract.pxi in talib._ta_lib.Function.__call__()  
talib/_abstract.pxi in talib._ta_lib.Function.__call_function()

TypeError: Argument 'high' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got NoneType)  

I do verify that h is a numpy.ndarray:


So what am I doing wrong? Please help!

1 response

It seems like you aren't working on the Quantopian platform because the following import wouldn't be valid. Also the pandas series to_numpy method is new as of version 0.24. (Quantopian uses version 0.18)

from talib.abstract import *  

However, assuming you are starting out with pricing in a pandas dataframe, you don't need to convert the data to numpy arrays before using them as arguments in the talib functions. The following should work just fine.

from talib import TRANGE 

# Get some pricing data in a pandas dataframe  
prices = get_pricing('AAPL')  

# Add a column to our prices df for 'range' and talib 'true range'  
prices['range'] = prices['high'] - prices['low']  
prices['true_range'] = TRANGE(high=prices.high, low=prices.low, close=prices.close_price)  

Check if that works for you. See attached notebook.


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