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Storing Daily Results

Dear fellows,

I would like to export the performance data of my algorithms to study them locally. Since I couldn't find a simple way to get this data I am doing the following sequence of steps. They work but I would like to know if you have a better way to do it:

  1. On the leaderboard I select the algorithm that I want to get the data;
  2. In the Developer Tools of my browser, I select the "Elements" Tab, find the div element with the class "contest-user-view", right click and copy it;
  3. Paste it in a text editor and save the file with the name "YYYYMMDD_algo.html" (e.g. 20150601_algo.html);
  4. Run the following python script in my local computer:
# sudo pip install beautifulsoup4  
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup,NavigableString  
import glob  
import csv

folder = "/Users/myuser/folder_results/"  
files = glob.glob(folder + "*.html")

#Parse the HTML  
def get_results(trading,test):  
    result = {}  
    l_score = trading.find_all("div",{'class':'pane big top'})[0].get_text().split("\n")  
    result[l_score[2].replace(" ","_") + "_position"] = l_score[1]  
    result[l_score[2].replace(" ","_") + "_value"] = l_score[3]  
    score = trading.find_all("div",{'class':'pane big top'})[0]  
    for metric in trading.find_all("div",{'class':'col-xs-7 pane small'}):  
        l_metric = metric.get_text().split("\n")  
        result[l_metric[2].replace(" ","_") + "_position"] = l_metric[1]  
        result[l_metric[2].replace(" ","_") + "_value"] = l_metric[3]  
    return result

#Iterate thru all the algo results  
dates = []  
all_results = []  
for f in files:  
    result = {}  
    result["date"] = f.split("/")[-1].split("_")[0]  
    result["algorithm"] = f.split("/")[-1].split("_")[1].split(".html")[0]  
    if result["date"] not in dates:  
    html = BeautifulSoup(open(f))  
    paper_trading =  html.findAll("div",{'class':'pane-group pane-group-left'})[0]  
    result["paper_results"] = get_results(paper_trading,"paper")  
    backtest_trading = html.findAll("div",{'class':'pane-group pane-group-right'})[0]  
    result["backtest_results"] = get_results(backtest_trading,"backtest")  
    l_consitency = html.findAll("div",{'class':'consistency'})[0].get_text().split("\n")  
    result["consistency"] = l_consitency[2]  
#Save it as a csv file

last_date = max(dates)

i = 0  
with open(folder + str(last_date) + "_results.csv", 'wb') as csvfile:  
    results_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)  
    header = []  
    for result in all_results:  
        row = []  
        for key in result:  
            if "results" in key:  
                for k in result[key]:  
                    if i == 0:  
                        header.append(key + "_" + k)  
            elif "date" in key:  
                if i == 0:  
            elif "consistency" in key:  
                if i == 0:  
            elif "algo" in key:  
                if i == 0:  
        if i == 0:  
        print row  
        i += 1  

After this I have a nice CSV file with the daily results per algorithm.

Hopefully we can find a nicer/simpler way to do this :P I am a bit lazy to do this every day...



3 responses

How is this different from downloading the leaderboard CSV?

I didn't know about that button for downloading the leaderboard :) Thanks Paul!

If you're looking for deeper study of your results, make sure you check out get_backtest() in the research platform. Obviously, you can only look at yours, not everyone else's.


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