Here is my sell logic, i want to sell at a 3 percent gain or at a 3 percent loss, or thirty day high im wondering if it is actually doing what im telling it to... (code also in backtest)
open_orders = get_open_orders()
if data.can_trade(stock) & (stock not in open_orders):
#Since parent if-statement will be inside for loop (as stated above)
if context.account.leverage > 2.7:
if stock in context.portfolio.positions:
buy = currentcash > .05 * context.portfolio.portfolio_value
if (stock not in context.portfolio.positions):
if (buy and last_close < min_close):
currentcash -= context.portfolio.portfolio_value * .05
order_target_percent(stock, 0.05)
orders += 1
elif (last_close >= max_close or (buyprice!=0 and (buyprice-curprice)/buyprice<=-.05) or buyprice!=0 and (buyprice-curprice)/buyprice>=.5):
order_target_percent(stock, 0)
orders += 1
if orders > 200 : break