With Quantopian it seems possible to do a trailing stop loss. Here's the code I use...it's a cut-paste from another algorithm, so you might need to adapt it a tiny bit.
I assume it works with Robinhood but I've never used Robinhood so I can't really say.
If someone has a more elegant trailing stop loss implementation, I'd love to see it...good luck.
def initialize(context):
context.mystock = sid(24) # mystock = AAPL
context.trailing_stop_sell_pct = 0.9 # Sell if stock drops to this % of recent peak, e.g. 0.9 means 10% drop
context.trailing_stop_sell_price = 0 # initialize the trailing stop sell price for use in calculations below
def handle_data(context, data):
price = data.current(context.mystock, 'price') # get current price of mystock this minute
# Set a trailing stop percent sell order
if context.mystock in context.portfolio.positions:
context.trailing_stop_sell_price = max(context.trailing_stop_sell_price, context.portfolio.positions[context.mystock].cost_basis * context.trailing_stop_sell_pct, price * context.trailing_stop_sell_pct)
if price < context.trailing_stop_sell_price:
order_target_percent(context.mystock, 0)
log.info('Trailing Stop Sell Order Triggered @ %s' % context.trailing_stop_sell_price)
context.trailing_stop_sell_price = 0 # reset value