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Put Call Ratio Help

Hi guys,

This website has been very helpful for me in learning about trading algorithms. I am attempting to write code that buys SPY when the put call ratio of SPX is < 1 and sells SPY when the ratio is >= 1 but am having some difficulties. Can someone please help to guide me in the right direction?


##Testing algos referencing put/call ratios##  
import numpy as np  
import datetime  
import pandas

def initialize(context):  
    # This is the search query we are using, this is tied to the csv file.  
    # User fetcher to get data. I uploaded this csv file manually, feel free to use.  
    context.query="SPX Put/Call Ratio"  
               date_column = "Date",  
               date_format = "%m/%d/%Y",  
               symbol = context.query)  
    context.security = sid(8554) # S&P5000  

    # If the Put Call is below this value we buy. Otherwise we sell.  
    context.threshold = 1

def handle_data(context, data):  
    #checks if put/call ratio is available for date  
    if context.query in data[context.query]:  
        indicator = (data[context.query][context.query])  

        if indicator < context.threshold:  
            order(context.security, 100)  
            context.invested = True  
            ##this ensures that there is no shorting.  
        elif indicator >= context.threshold:  
        #and context.portfolio.positions[sid(8554)].amount >= 100:  
            order(context.security, -100)  
            context.invested = False  
5 responses

To be specific, the backtest generates no results and when I uncomment record(data[context.query][context.query]) I get an error: Runtime exception: KeyError: 'SPX Put/Call Ratio'

Hey Joe,

I tried cloning your algorithm and got the same results. I think for some reason I can't access the dropbox url. I found (presumably) the same data at CBOE website (http://www.cboe.com/data/PutCallRatio.aspx). I uploaded the data to GitHub (https://gist.github.com/breeko/6210432/raw/)

I made a few other changes. I noticed context.invested is not a constraint so I made it one (if indicator < context.treshold and context.invested==False). To magnify the actual performance, I invested all the cash in your portfolio. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see much movement on the graph.

The result tracks the market very closely. Perhaps you can put in a larger threshold. So, for instance, if the ratio is below .8 buy and sell if above 1.2.

This is great stuff - great idea, and great assist. Thank you both for this thread!


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Yes, thanks for the help Branko I appreciate it!

It looks like the code uses end of day data to trade at the beginning of the day.

Let me know if I'm mistaken.
