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Problems with Datetime

Hello all,

I've been writing an algorithm involving dividends and I'm attempting to configure the algo to purchase the stock on the ex-day. To do this I am currently using

present = datetime.now()  
date_tx = datetime.strptime("5/6/16", "%m/%d/%y")  
if present == date_tx:  
      order_percent(symbol('TX'), 0.2)  

However, while the program backtests, datetime.now returns the actual date not the one the simulation is currently on. Clearly, this is a problem for backtesting with dividends so any advice on how to fix it would be appreciated.

1 response

Check out the get_datetime method ( https://www.quantopian.com/help#api-get-datetime ). Use that in place of 'datetime.now' and it returns the backtest datetime when backtesting or, if trading live, the current datetime.

present = get_datetime('US/Eastern')