here is my dilemma, I've taken a collection of stocks from get_fundamentals and pulled apart the sid and prices, but after I recombine them I have not figured out a way to remove only the sid value to parse into the ordering function. could somebody please provide me with some insight? (also, this is fairly rough code as I haven't tried to streamline it. I welcome any thoughts relating to the code's flow as well. )
def before_trading_start(context, data):
#get a list of securities sorted by market cap
items = get_fundamentals(
.filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap != None)
.filter(fundamentals.company_reference.primary_exchange_id != "OTCPK") # no pink sheets
# .filter(fundamentals.asset_classification.morningstar_sector_code == 309) # Energy sector
.filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.security_type == 'ST00000001') # common stock only
.filter(~fundamentals.share_class_reference.symbol.contains('_WI')) # drop when-issued
.filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.is_primary_share == True) # remove ancillary classes
.filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt == False) # !ADR/GDR
.filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap > 1e8)
# context.stocks = data[context.stocks]
# print 'data'
# print context.stocks
#Pull out the sids from the list of securities returned by get_fundamentals
column_labels = [key for key in dict(items.dtypes) if dict(items.dtypes)[key] in ['float64', 'int64']]
# print 'column_labels'
# print len(column_labels)
#pulling out the sid values.
num = len(column_labels)
sid_hold = []
for n in range(num):
j = column_labels[n].sid; sid_hold.append(j)
#transfer the extracted sid values into context.relations
context.relations = []
context.relations = sid_hold
# Updates the universe to include the securities returned by get_fundamentals
def handle_data(context, data):
# Get historical data for the S&P tracking SPY ETF to stand in for the index
exchanges = history(10, "1d", "price")[context.spy]
# Get historical data for the stocks returned by get_fundamentals
prices = history(10, "1d", "open_price")
# get correlation between securities from prices and indices from exchanges
nop = []
for i in range(prices.shape[1]):
j = prices.icol(i).corr(exchanges); nop.append(j)
# Beginning of set up to make data good to use
numLF = len(context.relations)
numRF = len(nop)
left_frame = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(numLF),
'sid': context.relations})
right_frame = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(numRF),
'cor': nop})
temp = pd.merge(left_frame, right_frame, on='key', how='outer')
neg_corr = []
pos_corr = []
temp_sid_neg = []
temp_sid_pos = []
j = 0
y = 0
for q in range(len(temp)):
if temp.cor[q] < 0:
j = temp.cor[q]; neg_corr.append(j); j = temp.sid[q]; temp_sid_neg.append(j)
elif temp.cor[q] > 0:
y = temp.cor[q]; pos_corr.append(y); y = temp.sid[q]; temp_sid_pos.append(y)
lsn = len(temp_sid_neg)
lcn = len(neg_corr)
lsp = len(temp_sid_pos)
lcp = len(pos_corr)
TempSidNeg = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(lsn),
'sid': temp_sid_neg})
TempCorNeg = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(lcn),
'cor': neg_corr})
TempSidPos = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(lsp),
'sid': temp_sid_pos})
TempCorPos = pd.DataFrame({'key': range(lcp),
'cor': pos_corr})
neg = pd.merge(TempSidNeg, TempCorNeg, on='key', how='outer')
pos = pd.merge(TempSidPos, TempCorPos, on='key', how='outer')
#sort list by the lowest to the higest correlation
context.holdingneg = neg.sort(['cor'], ascending=[True]).head(NumPositions)
context.holdingpos = pos.sort(['cor'], ascending=[False]).head(NumPositions)
#can't get sid values out to parse into order function