Dear Quants,
We are proud to announce the launch of Alpha One, a hedge fund data solution for the retail market. Since the dawn of time the financial markets have been ruled by institutional traders. Retail traders could not keep up with the steady progression of technologies that institutions were using. The most advanced and cutting-edge technologies that institutions are using comes at a steep price, which retailers could not afford.
We are now in the age of big data; the age of continuous innovation by startups around the world making the lives of others better. It's time for retail traders to get back into the game, but this time better equipped to compete with the big guys.
Accern has developed actionable trading analytics for some of the world's largest quantitative trading firms over the past 2 years using the industry's most state-of-the-art algorithms and models such as machine learning, deep learning and artificial neural network. We are now bringing this technology to the retail market to give retail traders the fighting chance they deserve.
Alpha One gives retailers access to the following coverage:
- 20,000,000+ News and Blog Source Coverage
- 6,000+ US Public Equities
- 1000+ Event Coverage
Alpha One gives retailers access to the following analytic metrics:
- Sentiment: Identify the daily attitude towards a specific company. This can be used as a directional long/short signal.
- Impact: Identify the probability a company's price may get affected on the same day. This can be used to select critical signals to trade.
Alpha One Resources and Links:
Alpha One Intraday Long-Only S&P 500 News/Blog Backtest [No Leverage]
We backtest a Long-Only strategy using daily holding periods with no leverage. The backtest below was conducted on the S&P 500 components. Weights were added based on how strong the sentiment and impact signals were. We would identify stocks that matches the criteria for our “bull” basket and enter those “bull” stocks into long positions. A stock will match our “bull” criteria if positively-toned stories with high probability of impacting its price were released.
Buy if: Article Sentiment > 0.70 and Impact Score > 90
Sell if: Article Sentiment < -0.70 and Impact Score > 90
Visit our website to get access to Alpha One Live Feed now:
Kumesh Aroomoogan
Co-Founder and CEO, Accern
[email protected]