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Position weights significantly different from target weights.

To compare the target weights of the algo with the real weights of the positions in the portfolio,
I used my old "All-weather trio", switched it to daily trading 5 minutes before close,
added record_vars on market close, and wrote a simple code similar to the one that Thomas Wiecki used
in recent challenges to find EOD portfolio positions.

def record_vars(context, data):  
    pos_wt = pd.Series()  
    for sec in context.portfolio.positions.values():  
        pos_wt.loc[sec.sid] = sec.amount  
    pos_wt /= pos_wt.abs().sum()  
    print("------- pos_wt --------")  

You can see the results are significantly different.

2007-06-01 12:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-01 12:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-01 12:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-01 12:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}

2007-06-01 12:59 PRINT ------- pos_wt --------
2007-06-01 12:59 PRINT
Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.641291
Equity(23921 [TLT]) 0.284409
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.074300

dtype: float64
2007-06-04 12:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-04 12:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-04 12:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-04 12:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}

2007-06-04 12:59 PRINT ------- pos_wt --------
2007-06-04 12:59 PRINT
Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.641291
Equity(23921 [TLT]) 0.284409
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.074300

Please correct me if I am wrong, otherwise correct the error.

BTW I have not published this post yet and Algo has already been cloned 124 times, how can this be?

7 responses

It appears that 'amount' is the number of shares. If you multiply it by the price you get weights very close to the ones you ordered.
I added a limit to the order to make sure to get the current price which in turn can lead to orders not being (completely) filled.

2007-06-01 21:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-01 21:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-01 21:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-01 21:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}
2007-06-01 21:59 PRINT ------- real_wt --------
2007-06-01 21:59 PRINT Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.834126
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.165874
dtype: float64
2007-06-01 22:00 WARN Your order for 467 shares of TLT failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2007-06-04 21:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-04 21:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-04 21:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-04 21:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}
2007-06-04 21:59 PRINT ------- real_wt --------
2007-06-04 21:59 PRINT Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.500586
Equity(23921 [TLT]) 0.399751
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.099663
dtype: float64
2007-06-05 21:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-05 21:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-05 21:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-05 21:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}
2007-06-05 21:59 PRINT ------- real_wt --------
2007-06-05 21:59 PRINT Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.500664
Equity(23921 [TLT]) 0.399865
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.099471
dtype: float64
2007-06-06 21:55 PRINT ------- target_wt --------
2007-06-06 21:55 PRINT {'QQQ': 0.5}
2007-06-06 21:55 PRINT {'TLT': 0.4}
2007-06-06 21:55 PRINT {'EFA': -0.1}
2007-06-06 21:59 PRINT ------- real_wt --------
2007-06-06 21:59 PRINT Equity(19920 [QQQ]) 0.500182
Equity(23921 [TLT]) 0.400562
Equity(22972 [EFA]) -0.099257
dtype: float64

@Tentor Testivis,

Thanks a lot. You're right.

So the error came from the "Algorithm template" published March 16, 2020.

def record_positions(context, data):  
    pos = pd.Series()  
    for position in context.portfolio.positions.values():  
        pos.loc[position.sid] = position.amount  
    pos /= pos.abs().sum()  
    record(max_conc_perc=np.max(np.abs(pos)) * 100)  
    record(pos_count_div_100=len(pos) / 100)

Trust but verify.


Can you comment on this:

I have not published this post yet and Algo has already been cloned 124 times, how can this be?

@ Vladimir. Regarding the algo having already been cloned 124 times. That count is a little misleading. It's based on the algo ID and not the backtest ID. So, if that algo was already shared in another post, even though it was a different backtest, it will have the same count info. The count is the total clones, from all backtests having a common algo ID, shared in the forums.

I didn't check if that algo had been previously shared, but does that seem to be the case?


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Thank you for your prompt reply and explanation.
This algorithm has already been published in another post.

Please respond to this my request.

@Tentor Testivis,

Here is my solution of the problem:

    real_pos_wt = pd.Series()  
    for sec in context.portfolio.positions.values():  
        real_pos_wt.loc[sec.sid] = sec.amount*sec.last_sale_price  
    real_pos_wt /= real_pos_wt.abs().sum()  

Now you can print or record on daily basis real positions weights of the securities you rebalance monthly or quarterly.
Thanks a lot.
Problem solved.

There is actually a (not well documented) method of the portfolio object current_portfolio_weights which one can also use. See https://github.com/quantopian/zipline/blob/bf2be9afc1e536bd75afb4b0c6d11e797b52b834/zipline/protocol.py#L228

    portfolio_weights = context.portfolio.current_portfolio_weights():  

You're welcome.

Thanks, this can be very useful. One question though:
What purpose has the asset.price_multiplier in that function? For the positions I checked it's always 1, under what circumstances would it have a different value?
Edit: I think I found it - that's for future contracts, right?