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Pipeline Preview: Overview of pipeline content easy to add to your backtest (log preview any series or dataframe)

It's good to know what values you're working with. Try this to keep an eye on them.

Provides an overview of pipeline output (or any series or dataframe) one time at the beginning of a backtest (or anywhere).
Or set to run every day or conditionally.
It is simpler than it looks, just set its main argument to match your pipeline output (or any series or dataframe), instead of context.out currently.

To limit logging to only selected columns, set their names in the 'fields' list arguement like the line currently commented out.
If you have long column names, for vertical alignment, you might find it useful to simply shorten them.

Also this shows starting capital and start/stop dates like this:

2014-10-29 06:31 log_data:117 INFO $10,000,000 2014-10-29 to 2018-03-28


Updated 2019-10-24

def log_data(context, z, num, fields=None):  
    ''' Log info about pipeline output or, z can be any DataFrame or Series  
    if not len(z):  
        log.info('Empty pipe')  

    try: context.log_data_done  
        context.log_data_done = 1

    # Options  
    log_nan_only = 0          # Only log if nans are present.  
    show_sectors = 0          # If sectors, see them or not.  
    show_sorted_details = 1   # [num] high & low securities sorted, each column.  
    padmax = 6                # num characters for each field, starting point.

    def out(lines):  # log data lines of output efficiently  
        buffer_len = 1024   # each group  
        chunk = ':'  
        for line in lines:  
            if line is None or not len(line):  
                continue    # skip if empty string for example  
            if len(chunk) + len(line) < buffer_len:  
                # Add to chunk if will still be under buffer_len  
                chunk += '\n{}'.format(line)  
            else:  # Or log chunk and start over with new line.  
                chunk = ':\n{}'.format(line)  
        if len(chunk) > 2:       # if anything remaining  

    if 'dict' in str(type(z)):  
        log.info('Not set up to handle a dictionary, only dataframe & series, bailing out of log_data()')  
    elif 'MultiIndex' in str(type(z.index)):  
        log.info('Found MultiIndex, not set up to handle it, bailing out of log_data()')  
    # Change index to just symbols for readability, meanwhile, right-aligned  
    z = z.rename(index=dict(zip(z.index.tolist(), [i.symbol.rjust(6) for i in z.index.tolist()])))

    # Series ......  
    if 'Series' in str(type(z)):    # is Series, not DataFrame  
        nan_count = len(z[z != z])  
        nan_count = 'NaNs {}/{}'.format(nan_count, len(z)) if nan_count else ''  
        if (log_nan_only and nan_count) or not log_nan_only:  
            pad = max( padmax, len('%.5f' % z.max()) )  
            log.info('{}{}{}   Series  len {}'.format('min'.rjust(pad+5),  
                'mean'.rjust(pad+5), 'max'.rjust(pad+5), len(z)))  
            log.info('{}{}{} {}'.format(  
                ('%.5f' % z.round(6). min()).rjust(pad+5),  
                ('%.5f' % z.round(6).mean()).rjust(pad+5),  
                ('%.5f' % z.round(6). max()).rjust(pad+5),  
            log.info('Low\n{}' .format(z.sort_values(ascending=False).tail(num)))  

    # DataFrame ......  
    content_min_max = [ ['','min','mean','max',''] ] ; content = []  
    for col in z.columns:  
        try: z[col].max()  
        except: continue   # skip non-numeric  
        if col == 'sector' and not show_sectors: continue  
        nan_count = len(z[col][z[col] != z[col]])  
        nan_count = 'NaNs {}/{}'.format(nan_count, len(z)) if nan_count else ''  
        padmax    = max( padmax, len(str(z[col].max())) ) ; mean_ = ''  
        if len(str(z[col].max())) > 8 and 'float' in str(z[col].dtype):  
            z[col] = z[col].round(6)   # Reduce number of decimal places for floating point values  
        if 'float' in str(z[col].dtype): mean_ = str(round(z[col].mean(), 6))  
        elif 'int' in str(z[col].dtype): mean_ = str(round(z[col].mean(), 1))  
        content_min_max.append([col, str(z[col] .min()), mean_, str(z[col] .max()), nan_count])  
    if log_nan_only and nan_count or not log_nan_only:  
        log.info('Rows: {}  Columns: {}'.format(z.shape[0], z.shape[1]))  
        if len(z.columns) == 1: content.append('Rows: {}'.format(z.shape[0]))

        paddings = [6 for i in range(4)]  
        for lst in content_min_max:    # set max lengths  
            i = 0  
            for val in lst[:4]:    # value in each sub-list  
                paddings[i] = max(paddings[i], len(str(val)))  
                i += 1  
        headr = content_min_max[0]  
             headr[0] .rjust(paddings[0]),  
        for lst in content_min_max[1:]:    # populate content using max lengths  
            content.append(('{}{}{}{}     {}'.format(  

    if not show_sorted_details: return  
    if len(z.columns) == 1:     return     # skip detail if only 1 column  
    if fields == None: details = z.columns  
    content = []  
    for detail in details:  
        if detail == 'sector' and not show_sectors: continue  
        hi = z[details].sort_values(by=detail, ascending=False).head(num)  
        lo = z[details].sort_values(by=detail, ascending=False).tail(num)  
        content.append(('_ _ _   {}   _ _ _'  .format(detail)))  
        content.append(('{} highs ...\n{}'.format(detail, str(hi))))  
        content.append(('{} lows  ...\n{}'.format(detail, str(lo))))  
        if log_nan_only and not len(lo[lo[detail] != lo[detail]]):  
            continue  # skip if no nans  


(partial output just for illustration, here, everything was being ranked)

2016-03-24 05:45 log_pipe:306 INFO Rows: 400  Columns: 7  
              min           mean        max  
 alpha      358.5     1364.53625     2376.0  
   bbr        2.0         419.02      838.0  
   dir        1.0        210.855      419.0  
   fcf        2.0       209.8625      419.0  
   rev        1.0       209.5075      419.0  
   rsi        0.5      105.06375      209.5  
   yld        1.0       210.2275      419.0  
2016-03-24 05:45 log_pipe:321 INFO _ _ _   alpha   _ _ _  
    ... alpha highs  
        alpha    bbr    dir    fcf    rev    rsi    yld  
  AMBC 2376.0  804.0  266.0  371.0  360.0  156.0  419.0  
  SALE 2268.5  738.0  332.0  373.0  365.0  181.5  279.0  
   BPT 2265.5  724.0  415.0  350.0  166.0  194.5  416.0  
  RTRX 2261.0  802.0  377.0  149.0  340.0  181.0  412.0  
    ... alpha lows  
        alpha    bbr    dir   fcf    rev   rsi   yld  
  ARNA  472.5  102.0   14.0  32.0  243.0  39.5  42.0  
   HES  395.0  128.0  137.0  48.0    3.0  29.0  50.0  
   AMD  359.0   16.0   36.0  49.0  162.0  60.0  36.0  
   DVN  358.5   90.0  145.0  78.0   14.0  29.5   2.0  
4 responses

Updated the code above. Improved output.

As always...super useful...I'm going to try it out!

Thank you!

Thanks for the kind words, a reason to keep caring.

Updated 2/2019 for easier reading, symbols instead of security id's in the first column and with right align. Limited number of decimal points for floats

While this would usually be called in before_trading_start (bts), and just once on start, there can be times when it might be useful anywhere else in an algo, conditionally. For example maybe the portfolio just had a jump or dip. Can reset context.log_data_done = 0and make the same call as the one above in bts and diff them in case of any clues.