But the problem is that I place market orders one minute after market opens in the morning, and I am only limiting myself to Q500US equities, with a capital of 1,000,000, how come I still see a lot of partially filled orders by the end of day if I run full backtest and look at "Log Output"? With such a moderate among of capital split evenly among 20 stocks, I won't be able to fill market orders for the whole day even if I am only limiting myself to Q500US? And many stocks were completely unfilled for the whole day, not even one share. Does this make sense? I just hope the Q500US is a dynamic set of US equities that changes with time and represents the most liquid 500 stocks at the prevailing time. If that is the case, how come I can't even fill one share of some of its constituent stocks during the whole day? I already change the set_slippage function from 2.5% to 10%. This totally baffles me and frustrates me. I hope somebody can enlighten me here.
Here is a glimpse of the output from "Log Output":
2009-08-10 16:00 WARN Your order for -4420 shares of SGN has been partially filled. 200 shares were successfully sold. 4220 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-10 16:00 WARN Your order for 504 shares of DWMT failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-10 16:00 WARN Your order for -3540 shares of SPO failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for 1106 shares of ELU failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for -4294 shares of SBA failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for -4245 shares of SGN has been partially filled. 1000 shares were successfully sold. 3245 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for 473 shares of DWMT failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for -60 shares of MAO failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for 20 shares of MKF failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for -3569 shares of SPO has been partially filled. 238 shares were successfully sold. 3331 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-11 16:00 WARN Your order for -8189 shares of CMFO has been partially filled. 6039 shares were successfully sold. 2150 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for 1106 shares of ELU failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for -4300 shares of SBA has been partially filled. 240 shares were successfully sold. 4060 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for -3270 shares of SGN failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for 465 shares of DWMT has been partially filled. 100 shares were successfully purchased. 365 shares were not filled by the end of day and were canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for -3391 shares of SPO failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-12 16:00 WARN Your order for -70 shares of MAO failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-13 16:00 WARN Your order for 1106 shares of ELU failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-13 16:00 WARN Your order for 240 shares of SBA failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-13 16:00 WARN Your order for 1200 shares of SGN failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-13 16:00 WARN Your order for 291 shares of DWMT failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.
2009-08-13 16:00 WARN Your order for -3510 shares of SPO failed to fill by the end of day and was canceled.