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Pairs Trading - Cointegration & stationarity?

1) Are two time series cointegrated (and hence candidates for pairs trading) only if they are non-stationary AND the difference between the two are non-stationary?

2) If #1 is correct, how often do you check to see that the cointegration relationship has (or has not) broken (and thus stop the position on the two)?

4 responses

Hey TaeWoo,

Good question.

1) No, the point of cointegration is that the non-stationarity in one 'explains' the non-stationarity in the other. You can think of it as the residuals being stationary when you use a linear model with one as the independent and one as the dependent variable.

2) You still want to regularly check to make sure the cointegration relationship hasn't broken on a regular basis. The problem of course is multiple comparisons bias. If you run a test 10 times per day that has a 5% false positive rate, over 10 days you should expect 10 false positives. In general I think a good way is to re-run the test either on a regular (maybe once a month) frequency manually in research, or to run it each time before you place a trade. You can use the cointegration test we defined in the notebook, or use something like the hurst exponent.


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Hey Delaney.
Thanks for that answer. I ran a ton more tests since your reply. I watched the talk on coint and non-stationarity 3x more times. Now im beginning to understand.

1) Does the time duration of two time series being co-integrated almost always disintegrate?

2) If I mitigate noise (say applying kalman filter or using statsmodels.tsa.seasonal.seasonal_decompose to extract the resid) and applying coint check, is there something fundamentally wrong with that? I feel like im running into multiple comparison bias, but I wanted to check

(BTW, kalman / coint seems to fail if the price series / coin fails)

Kalman filters in Quantopian Lectures for reference, 45 has the backtest. Lectures navigation seems to have changed recently, here's the current link: https://www.quantopian.com/lectures/example-kalman-filter-pairs-trade. 23 and 24 are a couple of others with pairs trading backtest examples and there's also even a Futures example for pairs now, lecture 50.

Sorry about the late response, I was out of the office on vacation.

1) Cointegration almost always disintegrates over sufficiently long timeframes. The longer the timeframe, the greater the chance that the anomaly will be discovered by others, and the greater the chance that an event will cause the relationship to break down.

2) The more complex your model, the greater the risk of it breaking at some point. However denoising and demeaning techniques are very common, so what you're doing sounds fairly safe.