Hi All,
Currently I am working on a strategy for a stock with a correlation of 0.93 and is highly cointergrated (Indian stocks) , The strategy is profitable , but there are losses .
Anyways , The issue here is . There are trades where the Standard Deviation from the mean reduces , i.e the spread of the 2 stocks get much closer to the mean , but doesn't cross it and despite that it produces a loss .
Below is one such trade which occurred . It would be awesome if someone could help me out with WHY this happens , as statistically it makes sense that when the St.Dev reduces and the spread gets closer to the mean , I should profit , but sadly I seem to only profit when the -St.Dev become +ST.Dev in one days time . Below an excel file has been attached with a sample of the results .
The pattern seems to be constant . throughout , I make a loss if the I enter a trade where ST.DEV is + and by the next day if it doesnt turn into a -ST.DEV i dont make a profit .
X Y LN(X) LN(Y) LN(X)-LN9(Y) Mean Std.Deviation Z Score Trades Buy Price Sell Price
950.08 191.42 6.856546192 5.254469967 1.602076225 0.018153642 -0.001512551 0.022659005 0.867919525
1005.46 190.04 6.913200427 5.247234576 1.665965851 0.063889626 -0.000596494 0.022966553 2.807827593 SELL 190.04 1005.46
1041.65 189.65 6.948561273 5.245180268 1.703381005 0.037415154 0.000289288 0.025828799 1.437382621 SELL 189.65 1041.65
1016.59 192.06 6.924209168 5.257807823 1.666401345 -0.03697966 0.002458505 0.026745595 -1.474566733 BUY 1016.59 192.06
1035.5 185.37 6.942639681 5.222353828 1.720285853 0.053884508 0.001226811 0.02773885 1.89833743 SELL 185.37 1035.5
1011.55 187.56 6.919239087 5.234098794 1.685140293 -0.03514556 0.002420558 0.029107401 -1.290603641 BUY 1011.55 187.56
1032.89 185.72 6.940115977 5.224240163 1.715875814 0.030735522 0.001176025 0.029713258 0.994825161
1032.85 188.94 6.94007725 5.241429504 1.698647746 -0.017228068 0.002234233 0.030193529 -0.644585182
1028.22 196.65 6.935584431 5.281425499 1.654158932 -0.044488814 0.000751921 0.029853684 -1.515415459 BUY 1028.22 196.65
1035.41 198.41 6.942552763 5.290335597 1.652217166 -0.001941766 -0.000136097 0.031037957 -0.058176158
1062.27 199.95 6.968163407 5.298067335 1.670096071 0.017878906 1.59366E-05 0.03082218 0.579549186
1054.16 199.7 6.96049952 5.29681624 1.66368328 -0.006412792 -0.000437613 0.031004862 -0.192717475
1079.79 195.64 6.984521857 5.276276236 1.708245621 0.044562341 -0.000508898 0.031030248 1.452493666 SELL 195.64 1079.79
1089.28 195.35 6.993272207 5.274792822 1.718479385 0.010233764 0.00163061 0.031782763 0.270686154