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Pair Trade with Cointegration and Mean-Reversion Tests

Attached is a pair trading algo that allows the user to toggle on/off different tests for cointegration/mean-reversion of the pair's spread prior to taking any trades. If you choose to turn on one of the tests, the value from the test is recorded as a timeseries viewable from the backtest results page.

The pair being traded in this algo is the oil and gold ETFs (USO and GLD), but you can modify these as you wish.

The 3 different tests are:

  • Augmented Dickey-Fuller test p-value
    -- Effectively, this is a unit-root test for determining whether the spread is cointegrated
    -- As well, a function is included showing how to use the critical-values from the ADF-test instead of p-value
  • Half-life of mean-reversion, computed from an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process
    -- This is the theoretically computed time, based on a historical window of data, that it will take for the spread to mean-revert half of its distance after having diverged from the mean of the spread
  • Hurst exponent
    -- Effectively this returns a value between 0 and 1 that tells you whether a time-series is trending or mean-reverting. The closer the value is to 0.5 means the more "random" the time-series has behaved historically. Values below 0.5 imply the time-series is mean-reverting, and above 0.5 imply trending. The closer the value is to 0 implies greater levels of mean-reversion.
    -- Trading literature is conflicted as to the usefulness of Hurst exponent, but I included it nonetheless, and have set the default switch to False in the algo.

The backtest results below incorporate two of these tests:

  • ADF-test p-value, computed over a 63-day (e.g. 3-months) lookback window, with a required minimum p-value of 0.20
  • Half-life days, computed over 126-day (6-month) lookback window, with a requirement of the half-life being between 1 and 42-days (2-months)

To modify the parameter values of the tests just look in the initialize function, for blocks of code that look like this. Here is how the ADF-test p-value parameters are defined:

context.stat_filter = {}  
context.stat_filter['adf_p_value'] = {}

context.stat_filter['adf_p_value']['use'] = True  
context.stat_filter['adf_p_value']['lookback'] = 63  
context.stat_filter['adf_p_value']['function'] = adf_p_value  
context.stat_filter['adf_p_value']['test_condition_min'] = 0.0  
context.stat_filter['adf_p_value']['test_condition_max'] = 0.20  

Here you see how there is a dictionary defined called 'stat_filter' which you can use to store the parameters of each test. First I create another dictionary inside of 'stat_filter' named 'adf_p_value' and then I load in all of the parameter values relevent to the ADF-test that I want to define when it is acceptable to enter a trade. These exact 5 parameters (e.g. keys of the dictionary) will be defined for all of the tests, as you'll see if you look at the algo code, and notice the adf_critical_value, half_life, hurst_exponent ones are defined following it. The 5 parameters are:

  • 'use': Boolean, True if you want the algo to use this test
  • 'lookback': Integer, value of how many lookback periods of the timeseries to be used in running the computation
  • 'function': Function, this is the name of the function that will be called and return a value back to be compared to the _min and _max conditions below
  • 'test_condition_min': Integer or Float, the minimum value returned by 'function' to determine if a trade can be triggered
  • 'test_condition_max': Integer or Float, the maximum returned by 'function' to determine if a trade can be triggered

Support for Intraday Frequency
(Let me know if you run into issues with this, as I haven't done as much testing with it as I have with just daily freq)

You can configure this algo to be run on intraday minutely data as well. E.g. construct a pair spread using 15-min bar closing prices.
First, change the variable 'context.trade_freq' from 'daily' to 'intraday':
context.trade_freq = 'daily' # 'daily' or 'intraday'

Then, look for this code block below in the initialize() function, and specify the 'intraday_freq' value for the frequency of closing prices to use (E.g. 15 minute bars). Then, set 'run_trading_logic' to be how frequently you want the logic to be applied to market data. I chose 60 which means, run this logic every 60-minutes, but if you wish, change it to 1, and the logic will be run every single minute (beware though, as this will result in really long backtest times).
The variable 'check_exit_every_minute' can be set to True if you want the logic to be run every minute if-and-only-if you are currently in a trade. E.g. it checks to see whether you need to exit the trade every minute rather than waiting to the next N periods (e.g. 60 minutes, as specified in the 'run_trading_logic_freq' variable)

    context.intraday_freq = 15                   # only used if context.trade_freq='intraday'  
    context.run_trading_logic_freq = 60    # only used if context.trade_freq='intraday'  
    context.check_exit_every_minute = False    # if True, and if in a trade, will check every minute whether to exit  

The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation or endorsement for any security or strategy, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services by Quantopian. In addition, the material offers no opinion with respect to the suitability of any security or specific investment. No information contained herein should be regarded as a suggestion to engage in or refrain from any investment-related course of action as none of Quantopian nor any of its affiliates is undertaking to provide investment advice, act as an adviser to any plan or entity subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity, or give advice in a fiduciary capacity with respect to the materials presented herein. If you are an individual retirement or other investor, contact your financial advisor or other fiduciary unrelated to Quantopian about whether any given investment idea, strategy, product or service described herein may be appropriate for your circumstances. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. Quantopian makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the views expressed in the website. The views are subject to change, and may have become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.

30 responses

Same algo just start 9 month earlier.

Hey Justin,

Thanks for the share. I've noticed that there is a coint function in statsmodels.tsa.stattools. Is there a significant difference between the coint function and the ADF test? Any sense in using both?

I've attached a backtest below that attempts to find the pvalue of both tests for each pair, every day. Disclaimer: what I often think is happening in python is actually not.

I haven't tried the coint function in stattools yet, though I imagine it's very similar. I just took a quick glimpse at the code, and it's effectively running a regression of the lagged version of the input timeseries versus the unlagged version which is quite similar to ADF. The difference may lie in how the critical values are computed.

The Engle-Granger test is also sometimes used to test for co-integration, but I haven't looked at that implementation yet.

Thumbs up (y)

Great Algo. Its amazing. Very Helpful

Hello Justin / All
Could you suggest how I can run this algo on multiple pairs, rather than just one pair?


Try making a pairs trading class that keeps track of all the bookkeeping for each given pair. See David's generalized Kalman filters pair trading algo for a great example of class based pairs trading


The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation or endorsement for any security or strategy, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services by Quantopian. In addition, the material offers no opinion with respect to the suitability of any security or specific investment. No information contained herein should be regarded as a suggestion to engage in or refrain from any investment-related course of action as none of Quantopian nor any of its affiliates is undertaking to provide investment advice, act as an adviser to any plan or entity subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity, or give advice in a fiduciary capacity with respect to the materials presented herein. If you are an individual retirement or other investor, contact your financial advisor or other fiduciary unrelated to Quantopian about whether any given investment idea, strategy, product or service described herein may be appropriate for your circumstances. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. Quantopian makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the views expressed in the website. The views are subject to change, and may have become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.

Thanks for sharing info

Hi all,
I cloned Justin's algo, however when I run a backtest, the performance remains at 0% for the entirety of the backtest window.
I made no changes to the original source code.

Any ideas why this would be occurring?



You probably run algo in daily mode and it only work in minute mode.
Here is my latest backtest of original Justin's Lent algo started just 9 month earlier.

It's worth noting that when I post backtests, code, and research notebooks, the intent is to illustrate a methodology, and provide some code templates to spur the creative thought process of the community and save folks some time by providing cut-and-paste code fragments that can be integrated into their own code. By no means am I posting something that has been fully vetted, and immediately investable in it's exact form, by any stretch of the imagination. I often bias for simpler, rather than overly complex, examples as well, so as to benefit a broader spectrum of readers.

I see you've recognized that the backtest I posted above seems to fail pretty badly over a different timeframe. We see this a lot with strategies we look at, many of which are overfit to just the 2 year period in the contests we run. We try to work with the algo owner and provide advice as to why it may have broken down over the different timeframes. Perhaps you can extend your analysis to provide me some advice as to improving this strategy? Maybe you have some recommendations as to how to incorporate a regime switching model which is very likely to help a strategy such as this given the time frame it seems to fail (the financial/commodity futures crises that occurred in late 2008). Perhaps a stochastic volatility regime switching model might help significantly. If you have experience in this area I'm sure the community would find it a solid addition to incorporate into strategies such as these to make them more robust. I know I would.

Why did you choose the pair USO and GLD? I guess a broader question is can you suggest a process for scanning through a basket of stocks and determining if there are tradable pairs? I'm assuming tests for cointegration would be one method such as ADF as you used. It would be nice if there could be an algo to run through a basket of stocks and auto determine which would make "good" pairs.

Just a thought.

Hey Adam,
I just chose USO/GLD in order to replicate this example that uses those same tickers, from this book: http://www.amazon.com/Quantitative-Trading-Build-Algorithmic-Business/dp/0470284889/

That book is a really good intro to stat arb pair trading (as well as his other books). All the code in the book is in Matlab, so my algo was an attempt to implement it in Python, in our backtester, and incorporate some of the other statistical techniques described throughout the book.

You are correct, that screening a bunch of potential pairs is a reasonable research idea, but you should be cognizant of simply datamining. You first want to determine a sensible economic basis for which the pairs of stocks should be tied (e.g. pairs of stocks in the same sector would be reasonable pairs of stocks to search across). Writing an algo in our backtester to accomplish this would be fairly straightforward: First you can use our Morningstar fundamentals database to grab all stocks in the Energy sector, perhaps even filtering down to stocks of companies of a certain band of marketcap (e.g. only mid-cap energy stocks), then in before_trading_starts(), you loop over each stock pair computing the ADF p-value (or other cointegration stat), keep all the stock pairs that meet your criteria, and then in handle_data() you just run the ones that meet the criteria through an algo similar to the one I shared to enter/exit the trades.

Myself or someone on our team here at Q can try to develop a template for this and share it.

As well you can look at this forum post that shows how to develop a single algo that trades a portfolio of multiple pairs:
It's the algo backtest in the first comment from David Edwards, here:

I noticed in the blog section you have a notebook on using a Bayesian optimizer...would you know how i can pull it into Q? its currently on github..thanks!

@Adam, At present it's not possible to use the Bayesian optimizer from the blog post in the Q environment. It was more of a proof of concept implementation idea. As you mentioned, the code I used for the blog post is on github and you can sign up for a trial with SigOpt to get a username/API key to work with it in your own python/zipline environment locally. Offering some of these alternative methods of optimization as a service is an interesting concept which we will have to think about as we develop our Q platform in the future. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks Justin! Would be neat to be able to do that type of optimization and / or a particle swarm technique in Q. :)

Hello Justin,
I believe I found a gap in the trading logic. In the statistic filtering section (lines ~155-176) the algorithm immediately exits if a test fails. That prevents new trades from being opened but does nothing to handle existing trades. Open trades stay open until all of the statistical tests pass again and the algorithm reaches its standard exit logic.
By design we should also have a high likelihood of being in a trade when this happens so the impact could be quite high. The problem in detecting this is that if the relationship re-establishes quickly the performance won't suffer. But if we include a time period in which the relationship doesn't return quickly, as Vladimir did, the results are noticeable.
I added a few lines to close any positions that are open when the statistical tests break down. There are probably better ways of handling the exit logic, but this simple change shows the benefit of having it there. The algorithm doesn't do as well during the original test period but the performance improves over the extended period.

(I also made minor change on lines 20 and 21 to use sid() function to set x and y assets rather than symbol(). The rest of the algorithm is unchanged.)

Pair trading using Copula methods instead of cointegration is the new rage. Anyone tried it?

Pair trading using Copula methods instead of cointegration is the new
rage. Anyone tried it?

This paper offers a systematic comparison of copula methods and cointegration methods when applied to US goldmine stocks. Also, the paper contrasts the pair selection criteria based on the ADF statistic, Kendall's tau, Spearman's rho and distance metric... One note: I'm not the author.

Thanks Julian. I had a go at it and results are looking very good.

Anything you can share Aqua, to play with?

I put in lot of resources (time and money) to get copulas working on Q. But you can use this for a start:


Thanks, I was more looking for Q code to play with ....the spirit of sharing ;)

I put a lot of time (and money) in zipline-live and the algos's I developed and I still share ... One day karma will come and pay graciously

Peter, I will try to put up something and post it without disclosing my secret sauce :)

Hi Peter,

Here is the Gaussian Copula class. You can use it to trade a pair or a basket. Let me know if you have any questions:

def cov2corr( A ):  
    d = np.sqrt(A.diagonal())  
    A = ((A.T/d).T)/d  
    return A

from sklearn.svm import SVR  
from scipy.stats import mvn  
#from statsmodels.sandbox.distributions.extras import mvnormcdf

# avioding boundary trouble  
loc_eps = 0.0000001

# ================================================================  
# copula classes  
# ================================================================

class GaussianCopulaConditional:  
    """ """

    def __init__(self, corr_matrix=np.eye(2), conditionals=None):  
        Gaussian covariance matrix and variables variables list;  
        target variables will be kept in 'targets' list  
        self.cr = pd.DataFrame(corr_matrix)  
        cls = self.cr.columns.values

        # by default conditionals contains everything except the last component  
        if conditionals is None:  
            conditionals = cls[:-1]

        # the rest of components are targets  
        targets = [s for s in cls if s not in conditionals]

        # keep the variables lists  
        self.targets = targets  
        self.conditionals = conditionals

        # covariance submatrices  
        sII = np.array(self.cr.loc[conditionals, conditionals])  
        sIJ = np.array(self.cr.loc[conditionals, targets])  
        sJI = np.array(self.cr.loc[targets, conditionals])  
        sJJ = np.array(self.cr.loc[targets, targets])

        # conditional mean and covariance  
        pr = np.linalg.solve(sII, sIJ)  
        self.cond_cov = sJJ - sJI.dot(pr)  
        self.mupr = np.linalg.solve(sII, sIJ).T

    def make_input(self, u, u_cond):  
        """ """  
        if u is None:  
            u = 0.5 * np.ones((1, len(self.targets)))  
        if u_cond is None:  
            u_cond = 0.5 * np.ones((1, len(self.conditionals)))  
        u[u == 0] = loc_eps  
        u[u == 1] = 1 - loc_eps  
        return u, u_cond

    def pdf(self, u=None, u_cond=None):  
        u is 2-dim array n_obs x n_targets  
        u_cond is 2-dim array 1 x n_conditionals  
        u, u_cond = self.make_input(u, u_cond)  
        x_cond = ss.norm.ppf(u_cond)  
        x = ss.norm.ppf(u)  
        mn = self.mupr.dot(x_cond.T).T[0]  
        if len(self.targets) <= 1:  
            res = ss.norm.pdf(x, mn[0], self.cond_cov[0, 0])  
            fx = ss.norm.pdf(x)  
            res = pd.Series((res / fx)[:, 0], index=u[:, 0])  
            res = ss.multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=mn, cov=self.cond_cov)  
            fx = ss.norm.pdf(x).prod(axis=1)  
            res = pd.Series(res / fx, index=range(x.shape[0]))  
        res.name = 'Cond PDF of ' + ', '.join(self.targets)  
        return res

    def cdf(self, u=None, u_cond=None):  
        u is 2-dim array n_obs x n_targets  
        u_cond is 2-dim array 1 x n_conditionals  
        u, u_cond = self.make_input(u, u_cond)  
        x_cond = ss.norm.ppf(u_cond)  
        x = ss.norm.ppf(u)  
        mn = self.mupr.dot(x_cond.T).T[0]  
        if len(self.targets) <= 1:  
            # univariate normal  
            res = ss.norm.cdf(x, mn[0], self.cond_cov[0, 0])[0,0]  
            # mvnormcdf does not accept multiple input points  
            res = np.zeros(x.shape[0])  
            for i in range(x.shape[0]):  
                res[i] = mvnormcdf(x[i, :], mn, self.cond_cov)  
        return res

class GaussianCopula:  
    """ """

    def __init__(self, corr_matr=pd.DataFrame(np.eye(2))):  
        initialize copula (as two dimensional indipendent one by default)  

    def set_corr(self, cr):  
        """ set correlation matrix parameter and compute its inverse """  
        self.cr = pd.DataFrame(cr)  
        self.dim = self.cr.shape[0]  
        cls = self.cr.columns  
        self.cri = pd.DataFrame(np.linalg.inv(self.cr), columns=cls, index=cls)

    def fit(self, data):  
        fit the copula from data  
        the data should be 'm times n' Numpy array or Pandas DataFrame,  
        m = number of samples (observations), n = number of components  
        cr = pd.DataFrame(data).corr(method='spearman')  

    def rvs(self, size=100000):  
        simulate sample for Monte Carlo method  
        size = sample volume, 100,000 by default  
        sam = ss.multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=self.cr, size=size)  
        return pd.DataFrame(ss.norm.cdf(sam), columns=self.cr.columns)

    def pdf(self, u):  
        """ probability density function of the copula """  
        x = ss.norm.ppf(u)  
        mat = self.cri - np.eye(self.dim)  
        pok = -0.5 * x.dot(mat).dot(x)  
        mult = 1 / np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.cri))  
        return mult * np.exp(pok)

    def probability(self, event_func, n_obs=100000):  
        calculates probability of an event A, which is defined via its  
        indicator function "event_func"  
        u = self.rvs(size=n_obs)  
        return event_func(u).mean()

    def conditional_probability(self, event_func, cond_func, n_obs=100000):  
        calculates conditional probability of an event A, given event B,  
        which are defined via there indicator functions "event_func" and  
        "cond_func", respectively  
        u = self.rvs(size=n_obs)  
        prob_of_cond = cond_func(u).mean()  
        prob_of_event_and_cond = (event_func(u) & cond_func(u)).mean()  
        if prob_of_cond > 0:  
            res = prob_of_event_and_cond / prob_of_cond  
            res = 0  
        return res

    def conditional_mean_variance_event(self, y_func, cond_func, n_obs=100000):  
        calculates conditional mean and variance of a random variable Y = f(U),  
        given condition A, with function f defined by "y_func", and  
        condition A defined by its indicator function "cond_func"  
        u = self.rvs(size=n_obs)  
        cond_ser = cond_func(u).astype('float')  
        prob_of_cond = cond_ser.mean()  
        event_and_cond = (y_func(u) * cond_ser).mean()  
        event2_and_cond = (y_func(u) ** 2 * cond_ser).mean()  
        if prob_of_cond > 0:  
            me = event_and_cond / prob_of_cond  
            va = event2_and_cond / prob_of_cond - me ** 2  
            me, va = 0, 0  
        return me, va

    def conditional_mean_variance_vector(self, y_func, x_func, n_obs=5000):  
        creates an SVR model for computing expected mean of Y given X,  
        where X, Y are functions of U;  
        returns the model 'mod';  
        to predict value of Y in a new point X, call mod.predict(X), as usual  
        u = self.rvs(size=n_obs)

        # expected value portion  
        y = y_func(u)  
        x = x_func(u)  
        mod_ev = SVR()  
        mod_ev.fit(x, y)  
        ym = mod_ev.predict(x)

        # variance portion  
        yv = (y - ym) ** 2  
        mod_va = SVR()  
        mod_va.fit(x, yv)

        return mod_ev, mod_va

# =================================================================  
# conversion from Pearson correlations to Spearman correlations  
# and vice versa  
# =================================================================

def spearman_from_pearson(r):  
    """ convertion for normal multivariate """  
    s = 6 / np.pi * np.arcsin(0.5 * r)  
    return s

def pearson_from_spearman(s):  
    """ conversion for normal multivariate """  
    r = 2 * np.sin(s * np.pi / 6)  
    return r

# =====================================================================  
# Gaussian multivariate normal cdf  
# =====================================================================

informcode = {0: 'normal completion with ERROR < EPS',  
              1: '''completion with ERROR > EPS and MAXPTS function values used;  
                    increase MAXPTS to decrease ERROR;''',  
              2: 'N > 500 or N < 1'}

def mvstdnormcdf(lower, upper, corrcoef, **kwds):  
    n = len(lower)  
    lower = np.array(lower)  
    upper = np.array(upper)  
    corrcoef = np.array(corrcoef)

    correl = np.zeros(int(n*(n-1)/2.0))  #dtype necessary?

    if (lower.ndim != 1) or (upper.ndim != 1):  
        raise ValueError('can handle only 1D bounds')  
    if len(upper) != n:  
        raise ValueError('bounds have different lengths')  
    if n==2 and corrcoef.size==1:  
        correl = corrcoef  
    elif corrcoef.ndim == 1 and len(corrcoef) == n*(n-1)/2.0:  
        correl = corrcoef  
    elif corrcoef.shape == (n,n):  
        correl = corrcoef[np.tril_indices(n, -1)]  
        raise ValueError('corrcoef has incorrect dimension')

    if not 'maxpts' in kwds:  
        if n >2:  
            kwds['maxpts'] = 10000*n

    lowinf = np.isneginf(lower)  
    uppinf = np.isposinf(upper)  
    infin = 2.0*np.ones(n)

    np.putmask(infin,lowinf,0)# infin.putmask(0,lowinf)  
    np.putmask(infin,uppinf,1) #infin.putmask(1,uppinf)  
    #this has to be last  

    error, cdfvalue, inform = sp.stats.mvn.mvndst(lower,upper,infin,correl,**kwds)  
    if inform:  
        print('something wrong', informcode[inform], error)  
    return cdfvalue

def mvnormcdf(upper, mu, cov, lower=None,  **kwds):  
    upper = np.array(upper)  
    if lower is None:  
        lower = -np.ones(upper.shape) * np.inf  
        lower = np.array(lower)  
    cov = np.array(cov)  
    stdev = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) # standard deviation vector  
    #do I need to make sure stdev is float and not int?  
    #is this correct to normalize to corr?  
    lower = (lower - mu)/stdev  
    upper = (upper - mu)/stdev  
    divrow = np.atleast_2d(stdev)  
    corr = cov/divrow/divrow.T  

    return mvstdnormcdf(lower, upper, corr, **kwds)  

Attached notebook on usage.

Thanks Aqua Rooster, really interesting information, I came to it while reading "Algoritmic trading" by Ernie Chan. How much improvement do you see in copula compared with the Cointegration CADF and Johansen referred by Mr Chan?

@Jose, Not much improvement because the underlying principles of pair trading are the same. Only advantage is that you can trade baskets instead of pairs.

So how are the baskets identified? Or is that what the Gaussian copula thingy does?

@Grant, the copula gives you the conditional expectation of a stock's return given the return of other stocks in the basket. You can base on this decision the weights to use in the basket.