Hi Eray,
Like Ryan mentioned, Quandl provides data at the daily level in this instance which you can load into your algorithm by using the 'fetch_csv' method. Here's an example of how to use it:
This algorithm uses the new universe_func callback inside of fetch_csv to define an investible
universe of sids based on an externally sourced list of index constituents.
In this example we are using a csv file containing the list of SP500 constituents and GICS
sector codes from Quandl. This file is a static snapshot -- but you can point to a csv file
with varying universe composition over time and fetcher will correctly update the universe
with the current constituents.
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def preview(df):
log.info(' \n %s ' % df.head())
df['date'] = '2011-01-04'
df = df.rename(columns={'Ticker': 'symbol'})
return df
# Function for returning a set of SIDs from fetcher_data
def my_universe(context, fetcher_data):
# Grab just the SIDs for the Financials sector w/in the SP500:
financials = fetcher_data[fetcher_data['GICS Sector'] == 'Financials']
sids = set(financials['sid'])
symbols = [s.symbol for s in sids]
context.count = len(symbols)
print "total universe size: {c}".format(c=context.count)
# Compute target equal-weight for each stock in the SP500 Financials universe
context.target_weight = 1.0/context.count
return sids
def initialize(context):
# Fetch the SP500 constituents -- sourced from Quandl
# https://s3.amazonaws.com/quandl-static-content/Ticker+CSV%27s/Indicies/SP500.csv
# static snapshot of the SP500 constituents as of 10/2013, along with GICS sectors
# I'm grabbing the data from a file on my dropbox folder which I modified by adding
# a date column, alternatively you could add the date inside of a more complicated
# pre_func and use the csv file as is.
context.target_weight = 0.01
def handle_data(context,data):
# Loop over every stock in the Financials sector and make sure we have an equal-weight
# exposure using the order_target_percent() method.
for stock in data:
# Guard for missing stock data
if 'price' in data[stock]:
log.warn("No price for {s}".format(s=stock))
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