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Need Help Making a Pipeline for the Golden Cross

Hello. I am trying to develop a pipeline for my golden cross algo that takes the most profitable securities from the q500. Is there anyone that could possibly lend me a hand wit that?

def initialize(context):  
    context.ETFs = [sid(26807), # gld  
    sid(19920), # qqq  
    sid(23921), # tlt  
    sid(25902), # VCR (Vanguard Consumer Discretionary ETF)  
    sid(25906), # VHT (Vanguard Health Care ETF)  
    sid(25905)] # VGT (Vanguard Information Technology ETF)  
    context.QUICK = 50  
    context.SLOW = 200  
    #parameters for short and long moving average  
    context.fixed_frac = 1.0/len(context.ETFs)

def handle_data(context, data):  
    closes = data.history(context.ETFs, 'price', 200, '1d')  
    #gets price data for our etfs  
    for etf in context.ETFs:  
        faster = closes[etf].iloc[-context.FASTER:].mean()  
        quick = closes[etf].iloc[-context.QUICK:].mean()  
        slow = closes[etf].iloc[-context.SLOW:].mean()  
        record(short_mavg = quick,  long_mavg = slow)  
        if quick>slow:  
            if not get_open_orders(etf):  
                order_target_percent(etf, -context.fixed_frac)  
            if not get_open_orders(etf):  
                order_target_percent(etf, context.fixed_frac)