Actually at heart it is very simple to understand the concepts involved in the efficient frontier and you can demonstrate this to yourself using say 3 made up returns and volatilities. Stock 1: return 4% vol 8%, stock 2 return 6% vol 10 % and so on. Then generate 10 or 15 thousand portfolios with random weights and plot the resulting cagr and Vol for the portfolio. Vol calcs are a little more complicated but you can easily enough Google the formula.
Graph the resulting cagr and Vol generated for each of the 15,000 portfolio and you will see the efficient portfolio line.
The you either pick your target vol and choose the portfolio weighting with the highest return for that vol or vice versa.
Repeat each rebalance period.
Of course in practice you would want to automate this but as I say there are plenty of examples on the forum.
I like Ilya's paper very much but don't get too carried away by the results quoted. There are lots of hidden factors to consider.
Anyway I found the spreadsheet route a very simple way to get my head around a basically simple concept which is all too often wrapped in useless jargon and maths speak.