Today we made a few changes that you might like to know about. The first one is the biggest change; I wanted to point out the change in behavior of the IDE.
- When you're editing code in the IDE, we added a number of typing scenarios where the auto-complete and tooltips appear. In particular, if you're backspacing through an already-typed command, the tooltip appears in more situations. That means if you start with sid(24) and you backspace to sid(, you will get the sid autocomplete - before this change, you had to also delete the (.
- Minor improvements to the help documentation
- When running backtests in the IDE, we had a bug where logs weren't always cleared, and it would get confusing. That is fixed.
- There is a much, much better error if you try to do papertrading or live trading with a warmup period that is too long.
- Reading the forums should be faster because of a change in caching of forum threads.
As always, feedback is welcome.