The easiest way to do that would be to run a full backtest and then look at the Transactions tab.
If you really need to see it in the logs instead that seems a little trickier as it doesn't appear this value is stored anywhere explicitly. You can calculate it but you need to save a lot of state variables. It seems like you would have to:
1) Save the Order object that is returned by any of the order methods in an array stored in the context object
2) In handle_data, query your array of orders to see if any are now filled which were not previously filled (so you'll also have to track previous and current states)
3) Then in context.portfolio.positions, look up the corresponding security and back out the clearing price from the weighted average cost basis (which means you will also have to know the number of shares and cost basis from the previous period for each security).
You could shortcut some of that if you knew without doubt that your algorithm was entering/exiting positions entirely (as opposed to accumulating/divesting positions partially over time) by just querying context.portfolio.positions and looking at cost basis / number of shares. But if you are going to add/exit positions partially over multiple time periods that won't work since cost basis is an average (Quantopian doesn't store individual lots right now).
Unless you have an operational need to know the clearing price in real time, using the transaction log from the full backtest seems a lot easier.