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Log formatting


Please consider allowing some formatting in the log.info message and multiple items, like this:

log.info(stock, value, price, context.portfolio.cash)


log.info('Stk: %2d Value: %3d Price: %4d' % (stock, value, price))



4 responses

I've been using the Python string format method:

log.info( 'Stk: {:.2f} Value: {:.3f} Price: {:.4f}'.format(stock, value, price))  


Great, thanks.

Can I suggest adding some examples to the documentation, so that newbies like myself pick up on that quickly?

Here are some examples:

In the initialize function

log.info(' SID-- Price-- Shares Value------- Order')  

In handle_data fuction
log.info('{:>5} {:>7.3f} {:>6} {:> 12.3f} SELL'.format(stock, price, shares, value)) or
log.info('{:>5} {:>7.3f} {:>6} {:> 12.3f} BUY'.format(stock, price, shares, value))

Best regards,


Seems like an easy job for Python. Here is a quick make_message() idea for you, but I'm hoping somebody else has a better one to share, with maybe some kwargs like delim, float_format...

For those looking to format currency values for the log, I found this worked well:

     log.info('PNL: %.2f' % (context.portfolio.pnl))