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Loading a large number of fundamental data columns from a list or numpy array through the pipeline function

Is there a way to loop through a large list of variables in order to add columns to a pipeline processed dataframe?

In other words, I'd like to avoid adding 1540 financial statement items manually with lines like

Acctg_pipe.add(balance_sheet.accounts_payable_as_of.latest, 'accounts_payable_as_of')  
Acctg_pipe.add(balance_sheet.accounts_receivable_as_of.latest, 'accounts_receivable_as_of')  
Acctg_pipe.add(balance_sheet.accrued_interest_receivable_as_of.latest, 'accrued_interest_receivable_as_of')  

Is there some way to feed the following numpy arrays into a custom function to achieve the same outcome?

CFS_items = np.array(dir(morningstar.balance_sheet))  
IS_items = np.array(dir(morningstar.income_statement))  
BS_items = np.array(dir(morningstar.cash_flow_statement))  

I've tried writing custom functions with python's (*) splat operator; e.g.
function(*CFS_items). But, I get an error with everything I've tried so far.

Another thing I tried was to create lists of strings containing python code that I was planning to execute with eval() or exec(), but the system won't let me use these functions due to security concerns.

creates list of strings containing python code  
BS = morningstar.balance_sheet  
IS = morningstar.income_statement  
CFS = morningstar.cash_flow_statement

CFS_items = np.array(dir(CFS))  
IS_items = np.array(dir(IS))  
BS_items = np.array(dir(BS))  

# retrieve list of accounting items by financial statement  
BS_asof_idx = np.array([item.endswith('_as_of') for item in BS_items])  
IS_asof_idx = np.array([item.endswith('_as_of') for item in IS_items])  
CFS_asof_idx = np.array([item.endswith('_as_of') for item in CFS_items])

# retrieve financial statement items "as of" dates  
BS_asof_items = BS_items[BS_asofDates]  
IS_asof_items = IS_items[IS_asofDates]  
CFS_asof_items = CFS_items[CFS_asofDates]

BS_f_items = [] # financial statement items  
IS_f_items = []  
CFS_f_items = []

BS_asof_pipes = [] # pipelines to create dataframe columns of as_of dates  
IS_asof_pipes = []  
CFS_asof_pipes = []

BS_f_pipes = [] # pipelines to create dataframe columns of financial statement items  
IS_f_pipes = [] # corresponding to as_of date pipeline above  
CFS_f_pipes = []

for idx, item in enumerate(BS_asof_items):  
    BS_asof_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(BS.', item,".latest, '", item,"')" ]))  
    BS_f_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(BS.', BS_f_items[idx],".latest, '", BS_f_items[idx],"')" ]))  
for idx, item in enumerate(IS_asof_items):  
    IS_asof_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(IS.', item,".latest, '", item,"')" ]))  
    IS_f_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(IS.', IS_f_items[idx],".latest, '", IS_f_items[idx],"')" ]))  
for idx, item in enumerate(CFS_asof_items):  
    CFS_asof_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(CFS.', item,".latest, '", item,"')" ]))  
    CFS_f_pipes.append(''.join(['pipe.add(CFS.', CFS_f_items[idx],".latest, '", CFS_f_items[idx],"')" ]))  

Sample output of one of the lists created above:

["pipe.add(BS.accounts_payable_as_of.latest, 'accounts_payable_as_of')",
 "pipe.add(BS.accounts_receivable_as_of.latest, 'accounts_receivable_as_of')",  
 "pipe.add(BS.accrued_interest_receivable_as_of.latest, 'accrued_interest_receivable_as_of')",  
 "pipe.add(BS.accrued_investment_income_as_of.latest, 'accrued_investment_income_as_of')"]