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Language problem (very newbie)

Hello, im Jesús from Spain. Im very noob on quantopian and python in general,
i need help with my first steps in this world

    roc1 = talib.ROC(prices[stock], timeperiod=11)[-1]  
    log.info("Roc1 - %.2f" %roc1 )  
    roc2 = talib.ROC(prices[stock],timeperiod=14)[-1]  
    log.info("Roc2 - %.2f" %roc2)  
    roc = roc1 + roc2  
    log.info("Suma de ROCs - %.2f" %roc)  
    cop = talib.WMA(roc, timeperiod=10)  
    log.info("Coppock - %.2f" %cop)  
    cops[stock] = cop  
    current = curr[stock]  
    closes = close[stock]

Im want to create a coppock curve in python, all code its ok but...

    cop = talib.WMA(roc, timeperiod=10)

this line is wrong... why ?

TypeError: Argument 'real' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got numpy.float64)
There was a runtime error on line 39.

Thanks for all, and sorry for my english.

2 responses

Jesús from Spain,

Try this:

# Coppock Curve Indicator

import talib  
# ---------------------------------  
stock = symbol('SPY')  
roc_1, roc_2, cop_wma = 11, 14, 10  
# ---------------------------------  
def initialize(context):  
    schedule_function(Coppock_Curve, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_close(minutes = 1)) 

def Coppock_Curve(context,data):  
    bars = roc_1 + roc_2 + cop_wma + 1 

    prices = data.history(stock, 'price', bars, '1d').dropna()   

    roc1 = talib.ROC(prices, roc_1)  
    roc2 = talib.ROC(prices, roc_2)  
    roc = roc1[-cop_wma:] + roc2[-cop_wma:]  
    Coppock = talib.WMA(roc, cop_wma) 

    log.info("Roc1 - %.2f" %roc1[-1] )  
    log.info("Roc2 - %.2f" %roc2[-1])  
    log.info("Suma de ROCs - %.2f" %roc[-1])  
    log.info("Coppock - %.2f" %Coppock[-1]) 

    record(Coppock = Coppock[-1])  

Thanks Vladimir, your solution its perfect!!