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interactive vs pipeline ?

I'm coming back to quantopian after a long period of inactivity and so much has been added and improved upon. Really impressive.

In going through some of the tutorials and notebooks (love the research ipython notebook area), I noticed sometimes quantopian.pipeline is used and sometimes quantopian.interactive is used...

# For use in your algorithms via the pipeline API  
from quantopian.pipeline.data.quandl import yahoo_index_vix

# For use in Quantopian Research, exploring interactively  
from quantopian.interactive.data.quandl import yahoo_index_vix  

I don't really understand what the differences are between the two, or why one would be more appropriate for a particular environment, though (at least in research) both appear to work.

1 response

Hi Pumplerod,

Good question.

To use partner data from quantopian.com/data, you have multiple options right now.

The interactive namespace is designed for use inside Quantopian Research. It is only available inside Research right now. You can use it to explore all the data for each data set, in an ad hoc manner. Interactive is available for any partner data set.

For the data sets integrated to the pipeline API are available through the pipeline namespace. We just announced the first batch of data sets available in this manner. This method of access also works in Quantopian Research. But more importantly, this is the only method of accessing these data sets in an algorithm for use in the backtester, paper trading and (in the future) real money trading.

Let me know if that makes sense.

All the best,


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