Here is my stats from live trading:
Positions SPY 54 $168.97 $9,104.40 ($20.09)
Orders and Fills
2013-08-13 09:34:00 SPY Limit 14 $168.62 Filled
2013-08-13 09:03:00 SPY Limit 14 $168.95 Filled
2013-08-13 08:32:00 SPY Limit 10 $169.35 Filled
2013-08-12 09:02:00 SPY Limit 16 $169.09 Filled
2013-08-12 08:31:00 SPY Limit 26 $168.40 Open
My question is why the first order placed (on 8-12 8:31 US Central) is still open? Default order on brokers expire at End of Day (but you have to override this, if you want the order to be open beyond the DAY).
What is the default expiry for Quantopian live trading/back testing orders? I would argue the algorithmic order placed today would be stale on the next trading day, because the information of algo generating the decision for the order may have changed and therefore you may not place this order on the next trading day.
Alternatively, there could be a duration parameter for orders, where you could have options of DAY (default) or Good Until Cancelled(with certain time limit) like most brokers offer.