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Improved Search Features

Love the community here, and cant wait to get more involved,
but at present, your forum style makes that difficult.

Consider adding sorting options, advanced search, and perhaps the ability to search by code...
...Id love to be able to see if there are people struggling with similar issues as me, and if they've worked through them as of yet.

At least, Id like to have these options,

Contains: "Example" text
Has: > "x" reply's
Contains attached algo: "True/False"
Contains: "example" in script of attached algo

Also, the ability to search and sort algos might be beneficial. If you want a true crowd sourced hedge fund, I think open collaboration is key. The key that takes a run of the mill model to an outstanding one, could be hidden away on page 75 of your forum in a post with 0 responses and we'd never know.

A satisfied user who realizes he doesnt come off as such, and is sorry about that.

2 responses

Dear satisfied user,

As someone who regularly uses the forums, I agree with you :) We want to improve the forums and make it easier to find content based on your query. This upgrade is inching closer to the top of our priority queue and your feedback helps us figure out which criteria to add.

In the meantime, I'd suggest using Google (who can beat the king?). If you do "site:quantopian.com your_query" then you'll find all Quantopian content based on that query.



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Thanks Alisa !