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Importing data set into backtester?

I'm trying to import the free clinical trials database from eventvestor.

I've followed the notebook on how to use the data set (here: notebook)

But when I go to build the algorithm with:

from quantopian.interactive.data.eventvestor import clinical_trials_free  

I get this error:

Error Runtime exception: ImportError: No module named interactive.data.eventvestor
The interactive namespace is not available in the backtester, but can be used in research. Try importing from quantopian.pipeline.data instead.

If I try importing from pipeline.data:
from quantopian.pipeline.data.eventvestor import clinical_trials_free

I get:
Error Runtime exception: NotPipelineCompatible: eventvestor.clinical_trials_free is not currently available in the Pipeline API

How can I use this data in the backtester?