Hi all,
Would appreciate some help on this. I am trying to plot the surface for an objective function I am trying to minimize given two input variables. Normally, offline I would make use of matplotlib's 3d library by importing: "from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D " and making use of the magic function: "%matplotlib notebook" so that I can rotate my plots and look at the surface from different angles. However, when I try to import this module I get the error: "InputRejected: Importing Axes3D from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d raised an ImportError. No modules or attributes with a similar name were found". Is there an alternative method?
P.S. If the Quantopian Dev team is reading this, please include this library! This is a very fundamental tool for understanding the quality (or lack of) your fitted parameters given your objective function.