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how is revenue_growth calculated?


I try to see if I could mimic the calculation of revenue_growth from total_revenue. I try to directly do the calculation from quarter change also 1 year trailing revenue change. None of them actually align with the number that MorningStar gives directly.
Does anyone know how this revenue_growth calculated?


1 response

Thanks for the notebook, and highlighting this issue. It appears to be taking the quarter on quarter growth, except for every fourth quarter, when it uses quarter on same quarter prior year. This behaviour changed in 2014 when it changed to the latter every quarter. I think we must decide to use one of the following:

  1. Quarter on quarter
  2. Quarter on same quarter last year
  3. Trailing 4 quarters on same figure for previous quarter

I recommend 2.

apple = data.groupby('revenue_growth_asof_date').first()  
apple['qoq_change_in_total_revenue'] = apple.total_revenue.pct_change()  
apple['yoy_change_in_total_revenue'] = apple.total_revenue.pct_change(4)  