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How do I use schedule_function to do initial orders now?

My algo does re-balancing monthly, but I want the initial orders to be done now, not waiting for the next month.
Can I do this with schedule_function?

2 responses

Hello Valery,

Let's say your re-balancing function is rebalance(context,data). To call it monthly, perhaps you'd use:


To handle the initialization (without waiting up to a month to re-balance), you could set a flag in initialize as context.init = True and schedule a daily initialization function:


The daily call would run rebalance once:

def rebalance_init(context,data):  
    # run rebalance once  
    if context.init:  
    context.init = False  

Something along these lines should do the trick. If not, just let me know.

Thank you!
It worked!