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How do I get the stop order to work?

I followed the syntax on the docs for the stop-order but its still not working, don't know if its because how implemented it or my syntax?

def initialize(context):  
    context.stock = sid(35260)  
    # Algorithm will call myfunc once per week, on the second day of the week,  
    # 1 hours and 5 minutes after the market opens  
    time_rules.market_open(hours=1, minutes=5)  
     #Set execution cost assumptions. For live trading with Interactive Brokers we        #will assume a $1.00 minimum  
     # per trade fee, with a per share cost of $0.0075.  
    #set_commission(commission.PerShare(cost=0.0075, min_trade_cost=1.00))  
     #Set market impact assumptions. We will limit our simulation to allow us to be      #up to 2.5% of  
     # the traded volume for any one minute, and that our price impact constant is        #0.1.  
    set_slippage(slippage.VolumeShareSlippage(volume_limit=0.025,                       price_impact=0.10))  
    set_max_order_size(sid(35260), max_notional=3000.0)  
# Will be called on every trade event for the securities you specify.  
def handle_data(context, data):  
    # Implement your algorithm logic here.  
    # data[sid(X)] holds the trade event data for that security.  
    # context.portfolio holds the current portfolio state.

    # TODO: implement your own logic here.  
def trade(context, data):  
   ma_long = data[context.stock].mavg(9)  
   ma_short = data[context.stock].mavg(4)  
   current_price = data[context.stock].price  
   current_positions = context.portfolio.positions[sid(35260)].amount  
   cash = context.portfolio.cash  

   if (ma_long > (ma_short*1.02)) and ma_long > ma_short and current_positions == 0:  

        order_target_percent(context.stock,.50, style=StopOrder(stop_price = current_price*0.95))  
        #print get_order(order_id)  
        log.info("Buying shares at price %s" %(current_price))  

   elif (ma_short > ma_long) and (current_price > context.portfolio.positions[sid(35260)].cost_basis) and current_positions != 0:  
          order_target_percent(context.stock, 0)  
          log.info("Selling shares at price %s" %(current_price))  

   record(MAShort = ma_short, MALong = ma_long, Price = current_price)