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How do I get an absolute value in a pipeline?

I am trying to get an absolute value of the difference in 2 moving averages. You can kind of see what I am trying to do here below.

def make_pipeline():  
    mean_close_10 = SimpleMovingAverage(  
    mean_close_20 = SimpleMovingAverage(  
    latest_close = USEquityPricing.close.latest  
    vwap = VWAP(window_length=10)  
    mean_diff = abs(mean_close_20 - mean_close_10)  
    return Pipeline(  
            '10_day_mean_close': mean_close_10,  
            'VWAP 10': vwap,  
            '20_day_mean_close': mean_close_20,  
            'Mean Diff': mean_diff,  
            'latest_close_price': latest_close  


This produces an error of:

<ipython-input-141-93b21dc74260> in make_pipeline()  
---> 15     mean_diff = abs(mean_close_20 - mean_close_10)

TypeError: bad operand type for abs(): 'NumExprFactor'  

I am guessing I am trying to get an absolute value for an array or something with a function meant for an individual number but that said I am not sure how I am supposed to get the result (the number displayed as an absolute value)

6 responses

Hi Joseph -

The simplest thing to do would be to take the absolute value of mean_diff of the output of the Pipeline (which is a Pandas series). The other approach would be to write a Pipeline Custom Factor that does the entire mean_diff computation within the factor. There, you could use numpy.absolute.

Thank you for the answer. Being a bit of a rookie with ipython I am getting hung up on the syntax.

I'm not sure where to place the line of code to calculate the absolute value from the pipeline or how it should be formed. I tried wrapping the column result in abs but got the same error.

Hi Joseph,

Your example was very close. I just changed it a bit to use the Factor.abs() function. See the attached notebook.

General Tip: If you're looking for code help in the forums, it's best to attach a notebook or backtest to your post. It makes it easier for someone to clone the code artifact.


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The approach that @Jamie M provided is elegant. There are a small number of built in methods which can be applied to factors. You got lucky with absolute value as one of them. Take a look at this post https://www.quantopian.com/posts/log-normal-return-built-in-factor . The notebook has a complete list of methods one can apply to factors. The 'log1p' method is one I use a lot for log returns. These aren't listed in the documentation btw.

Awesome guys, thank you for all the help and tips

Hi Jamie -

I did a search on the help page on "abs" and did not find the one you used.

I'd recommend putting a few of the more useful ones on the help page, if not all of them:
