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Holding Spy Overnight

I read this: https://www.quantopian.com/posts/holding-spy-overnight-equals-most-returns-with-half-the-drawdown
these days in which apparently the overnight returns on the spy are better than intraday returns, therefore I tried it out myself with this simple backtest. However, for me, the overnight SPY didn't even get close to the regular SPY. Any idea on what I might be doing wrong?

3 responses

In addition, from this paper: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1059056016301563
It is shown evidence of higher overnight returns int ETFs, but with lower volatility. Moreover, it appears to be possible to forecast the direction of the first 30 minutes of trading (with a negative relation) and the last 30 minutes of trading (with a positive correlation). However when I modify the previous algorithm (to add the last 30 minutes of trading to the overnight holding for example), the result is even worse. Any suggestion on how to improve my strategy?

Few changes

If you know of an OCD competition, here's my application obsessing over orders, but for those ready, kidding aside, there's some actual useful stuff.
I would wager that everyone can benefit from trying cls_opn_crs() in their own algo to do one thing when an order is opening a position (partially filled) and something different if it is a closing order. Handles both long and short. Took a lot of effort to figure out that complex puzzle. In the bigger picture, probably everyone already knows this is classic overfitting. Incidentally, most of my code is off here using the break, I wanted to beat Luca's result heh.