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History function

Hey everyone. If I try to call history with a variable passed to the argument label I get an error telling me bar_count only takes ints. I'm even casting the integers I'm passing to history as ints and it still throws the same error. Any ideas? Have you guys seen that before?

big_wnd = int(1080)  
close = history(bar_count = big_wnd, frequency='1m', field='price')[context.stock]  
Error : history() parameter "bar_count" must be an int.  
3 responses

Hi Jason,

In its current implementation, the history function requires that its arguments be passed as literals. In this sense, it works a bit more like a C-macro than a proper Python function, which is something we could probably do a better job of conveying in our docs.

If you amend your example to

close = history(bar_count=1080, frequency='1m', field='price')[context.stock]  

you should see this error go away.

The reason for the odd limitation of requiring literals is that we need to know at the start of your algorithm what history containers we should maintain behind the scenes.

Hope that helps,


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is there any way to give it a name or alias that can be defined at the top of code?

The history dataframe is maintained behind the scenes because dynamically creating new ones on each bar would make backtesting brutally slow. The standard suggestion is to use the largest window you will need, and then downsample that dataframe in your algo.

def initialize(context):  
    context.window = 100

def handle_data(context, data):  
    prices = history(bar_count=1000, frequency='1d', field='price').iloc[-context.window:]