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help with etf pairs trading algorithm

Hello forum,
I created this horribly simple algo since i am still fairly new to trading and programming, my english might aswell not be flawless since i'm not a native speaker :/
This algorithm is supposed to enter a dollar neutral position as soon as the discrepancy of the two etfs exceeds the discrepancy of the 30 day moving averages multiplied by two and sell when the discrepancy has decreased to less than 1,2 times of the 30 day moving average discrepancy! Also trades should not be executed when the cash supply is zero.
According to the backtest something went terribly wrong, help would be much appreciated!
thaks in advance

4 responses

here's the algo

Hi Jakob (and anyone else viewing this thread):

I was investigating why the backtest widget wasn't loading, and it turns out that this backtest is still running. Turns out that when you click "Add Backtest" when replying to a thread, we erroneously let you attach a backtest that's still running.

Sorry about that, and we'll fix that bug soon.

Once the backtest is done, it'll start loading in the thread here.



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Thank you Jean, I appreciate it!

Hi Jakob,

Would you mind posting your backtest again? It seems you ran into a bug and it didn't get posted properly the first time. Then we'd be happy to help out!



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