In working on implementing the algorithm On-Line Portfolio Selection with Moving Average Reversion, I've encountered a smoothing problem that should lend itself to the new batch transforms (I hope). The idea is to run an algorithm (described in the paper above) to determine the weightings of the securities in a portfolio. The basic algorithm involves computing the moving average over a window of W days. Rather than fixing W, the paper claims that there is a smoothing benefit to computing the individual optimized portfolios for W = 3,4,5,...30 days and the historical performance of each, and then, computing the smoothed portfolio by weighting the individual portfolios based on their historical performance.
So, basically I think that I need to write a loop over W, with mavg(W) in the loop. Is this now feasible? If so, a brief outline of how to do it would be helpful. Once we get code running, we'll share it in this forum.