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[HELP] Does anyone know the syntax of Force Index?

I need help with that

1 response


Try this:

# Force index indicator

# http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:force_index  
# Force Index(1) = {Close (current period)  -  Close (prior period)} x Volume  
# Force Index(13) = 13-period EMA of Force Index(1)

import talib

def initialize(context):  
    schedule_function(Force_index_indicator,date_rules.every_day(),time_rules.market_close(minutes = 1))  
def Force_index_indicator(context,data):  
    asset = symbol('SPY')  
    period = 13  
    C = data.history(asset, 'price', period + 1, '1d').dropna(axis = 1)  
    V = data.history(asset, 'volume', period , '1d').dropna(axis = 1)  
    changes = C.apply(talib.MOM, timeperiod = 1).dropna()  
    force_1 = changes*V  
    force = force_1.apply(talib.EMA, timeperiod = period).iloc[-1].dropna()  
    record(force_index = force)