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get_fundamentals range_specifier working?

is range_specifier working in get_fundamentals in research? See below.
any time I set range_specifier larger than 1 I get this error. What am I doing wrong?

import datetime
​ today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
fundamentals = init_fundamentals()
​ fund_df = get_fundamentals(query(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.pe_ratio)
.filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap > 10e9)
.filter(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.pe_ratio > 5)
today, '5y')
​ fund_df

HTTPError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
10 .order_by(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap)
11 .limit(500),
---> 12 today, '5y')
14 # OK, let's check out what we get back.

/build/src/qexec_repo/qexec/research/api.py in get_fundamentals(query, base_date, range_specifier, filter_ordered_nulls) 103 base_date,
104 range_specifier,
--> 105 filter_ordered_nulls,
106 )

/build/src/qexec_repo/qexec/research/api.py in get_fundamentals_with_namespace(ns, available_date_tbl, query, base_date, range_specifier, filter_ordered_nulls) 125 filter_ordered_nulls,
126 )
--> 127 return client.get_fundamentals(query_dict)

/build/src/qexec_repo/qexec/research/web/client.pyc in get_fundamentals(self, query_dict) 291 query_dict['columns'],
292 query_dict['dates'],
--> 293 query_dict['return_panel'],
294 )

/build/src/qexec_repo/qexec/research/web/helpers.pyc in method(args, **kwargs) 128 def _method(*args, **kwargs):
129 response = f(
args, **kwargs)
--> 130 response.raise
132 # If we make it to here, that means we have a 200. It still might

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.pyc in raise_for_status(self) 838
839 if http_error_msg:
--> 840 raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
842 def close(self):

HTTPError: 500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR for url: http://localhost:8080/api/fundamentals

1 response

I have the same issue.